Bearclaw Valley i can't fight this time now
Bearclaw Valley
200 Posts
Ooc — metic
for a moment everything was still, silent. there was only him and her and their beating hearts, their touch upon one another driving her to hold their shared embrace for as long as she could.

but then —

he pulled away and she snapped her head downward, warmth to her cheeks as ears slicked back in fear she had done something wrong. the curse struck her like a harsh whip across the face and so she was left there motionless, thoughtless.

had she made a mistake?

more words came as he snaked an arm around her back. "hurt comes with the risk cole, one i'm willing to take."

she looked upon him with soft eyes, yet there was no pleading to be found in them. she would not beg it of him, would not force him.

all she could do was ask, and so she did.

"a risk we could take together, if you'd have me?"
Messages In This Thread
i can't fight this time now - by Nephele - Yesterday, 02:39 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Cole - Yesterday, 02:54 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Nephele - Yesterday, 03:12 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Cole - Yesterday, 03:25 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Nephele - Yesterday, 03:54 PM