Bearclaw Valley i can't fight this time now
Bearclaw Valley
200 Posts
Ooc — metic
she steeled her heart, ready for the burn of words she did not wish to hear. but they did not come, his hold on her calming the thrumming in her chest.

she did not fight against the pull, eyes softening as he asked her to look — and look she did, hopeful, expectantly, but with twinges of fearful anticipation for what would be spoken.

she sucked in a breath, holding it until those sweet words pushed the air from her lungs.

she did not fight his words of life and burdens, instead aiming to push her head into the middle of his chest and bury it there for as long as he would let her. "you—"

a beat, muffled words spoken into ruffled fur. "you owe me a date."
Messages In This Thread
i can't fight this time now - by Nephele - Yesterday, 02:39 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Cole - Yesterday, 02:54 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Nephele - Yesterday, 03:12 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Cole - Yesterday, 03:25 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Nephele - Yesterday, 03:54 PM
RE: i can't fight this time now - by Nephele - 5 hours ago