Broken Boulder Allow Me To Mansplain "Puns" To You, Since Hillary Clinton Didn't
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delight doesn’t really say anything to affirm or validate what she’s saying. there’s no i’m so sorry or it’ll be okay or direction that she has to be nice at all. is he even listening?
instead, he asks about ma and she scrunches her face up. why bring her up? what does she have to do with anything at all? she shakes her head forcefully and, as if it weren’t enough, she reaffirms it with a stern “no.” which is, of course, a lie. all she does is miss her mama but she won’t say it or show, especially in front of pa or her littermates. they’re all doin’ fine without her, so is she.
i just want to find a god
and i hope she loves me too
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RE: Allow Me To Mansplain "Puns" To You, Since Hillary Clinton Didn't - by Brilliance - October 02, 2018, 09:16 PM