Wow! This was supposed to happen a long time ago. I meant to put it up shortly after this thread began, but time got away from me.
After his unexpected reunion with Ezekiel, Grayday called for @Sunny, still hoping to see the boy before he headed home. His talk with the soon-to-be-father had made Grayday think about a few things he wasn't too happy about. Some of them, he couldn't change. If Sunny simply didn't like him, then he doubted there was much he could do about that. The possibility made his stomach churn, but Day still held out hope that it was something else - something that could be changed.As he waited, he thought back on the day that Sunny had left him, and all their encounters since then. He couldn't believe that his son hated him, he decided; he just loved those at Easthollow more. Though this was not a comforting thought, Grayday found that he couldn't fault his son's decision to return. He was nearly grown, now, after all. It seemed like he hadn't needed his father at all.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
August 07, 2017, 08:57 PM
Sunny's head shot up at his father's call. He didn't know whether he wanted to go this time or not, he was truly worried that grayday would have brought Dawn along with him. Giving a shaky sigh he stood up and padded to the borders, his eyes softening as he saw his father. Sunny had gotten a bit bigger, and all the hunting had given him some muscle mass that he hadn't had before. He looked like a true young man now, and secretely he wanted his father to see it and be proud and know he was doing alright. "Dad...Whats up?" he asked dipping his head in respect to his father.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
August 07, 2017, 09:07 PM
Grayday gaped at the young man before him, wondering if, once again, he was mistaking another for his son. But this time, Sunny's scent accompanied his image, and Grayday couldn't stop his tail from wagging even as an ever-present pain sharpened somewhere deep in his chest. "Sunny?" Day laughed, his voice cracking a bit. He cleared his throat and went on. "Look at you - what's in the water over here, huh?"
He couldn't stop marveling over his son who was a man, now - As big as Grayday was, even if he wasn't quite as filled out yet. That would come with age, though.
"You're all grown up," Day murmured, horrified to find that his eyes felt a little moist.
He couldn't stop marveling over his son who was a man, now - As big as Grayday was, even if he wasn't quite as filled out yet. That would come with age, though.
"You're all grown up," Day murmured, horrified to find that his eyes felt a little moist.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
August 08, 2017, 05:49 PM
Sunny watched his dad closely studyiing his reaction. it wasn't quite what he was hopiing for but it wasnt negative either, so sunny gave a small wag of his tail. When his dad spoke he gave a weak laugh and stepped closer "aw dad...i've just been hunting alot i guess." he shrugged it off modestly. He wanted to greet his father properly but wasn't sure if he should, or if he would be welcome to. He wasn't sure about anything anymore, anythhing that involved his family that is.
"Yeah i suppose so...almost a year now" he answered with a lopsided grin. He looked back over his shoulder and sighed "Im workin on my hunter trade da..I've learned how to catch pheasants and turkeys by myself." he continued proudly and then noticed the moisture in his dad's gaze. He stepped forward and stretched his neck forward, gently nuzzling his father "Aw dad...c'mon its still me" he muttered sheepishly his own eyes getting slightly teary. Stepping back he looked his father up and down before smiling again "How are things with you? and Dawn? How's Morningside?" he asked curiously.
"Yeah i suppose so...almost a year now" he answered with a lopsided grin. He looked back over his shoulder and sighed "Im workin on my hunter trade da..I've learned how to catch pheasants and turkeys by myself." he continued proudly and then noticed the moisture in his dad's gaze. He stepped forward and stretched his neck forward, gently nuzzling his father "Aw dad...c'mon its still me" he muttered sheepishly his own eyes getting slightly teary. Stepping back he looked his father up and down before smiling again "How are things with you? and Dawn? How's Morningside?" he asked curiously.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
August 14, 2017, 08:42 PM
Day couldn't hold himself back any longer; he surged forward to embrace his son, gnawing affectionately at his skull as he did. He was just so big and handsome, and damn - Grayday had never been so proud. It was hard to believe he'd sired such a fine young wolf. (Dawn, of course, was equally amazing - but he'd watched her grow, and her new size and stature seemed somewhat less alarming for that fact.)
"Of course it's you," he fretted, bumping his skull against the taller boy's and making a general nuisance of himself and he hopped and circled and wiggled excitedly, trying to take in every angle of his absent son. "You're just so much bigger - you're taller than me!"
Finally, he calmed down enough to address his son more sedately, and to stand in one place while he did it. "I'm so proud of you, Sunny. You made it this far all on your own. You've really come into your own, my boy - I'm not sorry I tried to stop you going, but... well, it looks like it worked out for the best."
He shot the boy a wan smile, bearing down on the wistfulness that threatened to rise up in his throat once more. There was no changing the past - but he could try to prepare for a better future.
"We're all good in Morningside," he replied, tail wagging. "Your sister's been gone a lot, but she's doing good, too. Not quite as big as you, yet, but she's turning into quite the young lady." This was said with a wry grin, as he hoped Sunny would see the humor in calling Dawn a lady. He loved his daughter, but without a motherly influence in her life, she'd turned into a bit of a tom boy. Nevertheless, Grayday adored her.
"I wish you'd come and visit us," he added. "You've got three new siblings, you know. Didn't Dawn tell you?" He was a bit nervous, now. He was sure Dawn would've told him - maybe he just didn't want to see them?
"Of course it's you," he fretted, bumping his skull against the taller boy's and making a general nuisance of himself and he hopped and circled and wiggled excitedly, trying to take in every angle of his absent son. "You're just so much bigger - you're taller than me!"
Finally, he calmed down enough to address his son more sedately, and to stand in one place while he did it. "I'm so proud of you, Sunny. You made it this far all on your own. You've really come into your own, my boy - I'm not sorry I tried to stop you going, but... well, it looks like it worked out for the best."
He shot the boy a wan smile, bearing down on the wistfulness that threatened to rise up in his throat once more. There was no changing the past - but he could try to prepare for a better future.
"We're all good in Morningside," he replied, tail wagging. "Your sister's been gone a lot, but she's doing good, too. Not quite as big as you, yet, but she's turning into quite the young lady." This was said with a wry grin, as he hoped Sunny would see the humor in calling Dawn a lady. He loved his daughter, but without a motherly influence in her life, she'd turned into a bit of a tom boy. Nevertheless, Grayday adored her.
"I wish you'd come and visit us," he added. "You've got three new siblings, you know. Didn't Dawn tell you?" He was a bit nervous, now. He was sure Dawn would've told him - maybe he just didn't want to see them?
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
August 19, 2017, 08:20 PM
Sunny leaned into his father's touch, growling affectionately as his dad gnawed on him causing his tail to wag a mmile a minute. He was relieved to have this reaction from his father, the tension between them finally seemed to have broken. He flicked his ears as his dad hopped around him, and puffed out his chest in a goofy way of trying to look more manly for his dad. When Grayday finally sat down and relaxed, Sunny gave a small sigh of happiness. The apology that came was unexpected and it made Sunny's chest give a small squeeze of guilt "No dad, I should have waited a bit and not forced your hand by running away like I did. It was stupid and childish" he said honestly, even though he was but a child when he did that.
The conversation turned to morningside which Sunny found hhimself grateful for, and Dawn was mentiioned. He listened intently as his dad said Dawn's thrist for exploring had apparently not gone down, and Sunny laughed softly. "She'll be a great wolf someday. I can see her being a leader, and a good one too." he said with a lopsided grin to show that he got the joke about her being a lady. His dad brought up a visit and he nodded eagerly, though his eyes darkened when the siblings were mentioned. How would he respond to this? Should he be honest? "I knew...Dawn told me. She said you all were leaving though, So i figured i would be too late to visit. I honestly felt jealous too, maybe hurt. I thought ya wanted to replace me already" he admitted sheepishly. He knew it wasn't true but that didn't stop the bitter feelings from rising.
The conversation turned to morningside which Sunny found hhimself grateful for, and Dawn was mentiioned. He listened intently as his dad said Dawn's thrist for exploring had apparently not gone down, and Sunny laughed softly. "She'll be a great wolf someday. I can see her being a leader, and a good one too." he said with a lopsided grin to show that he got the joke about her being a lady. His dad brought up a visit and he nodded eagerly, though his eyes darkened when the siblings were mentioned. How would he respond to this? Should he be honest? "I knew...Dawn told me. She said you all were leaving though, So i figured i would be too late to visit. I honestly felt jealous too, maybe hurt. I thought ya wanted to replace me already" he admitted sheepishly. He knew it wasn't true but that didn't stop the bitter feelings from rising.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
August 27, 2017, 03:39 AM
Grayday didn't want to let these old wounds ruin their reunion. He agreed that Sunny should've waited, but only for selfish reasons - he wished his son had wanted to stay with him instead of with Easthollow.
"It doesn't matter, now," he said firmly. "You're both good wolves already."
He let out a soft sigh when Sunny told him why he hadn't visited. "We are leaving. Our current territory isn't fit for the wintertime. I'll make sure to let you know where we end up," he explained. "I hope you'll visit us, then. I miss you, son. All the pups in the world won't change that." He had gone far greater lengths to assure Dawn of his unconditional love. He didn't think the same thing was required here, though. Sunny had left him, after all, and couldn't very well complain if he were to be replaced. Hadn't he replaced his father with the wolves of Easthollow?
"It doesn't matter, now," he said firmly. "You're both good wolves already."
He let out a soft sigh when Sunny told him why he hadn't visited. "We are leaving. Our current territory isn't fit for the wintertime. I'll make sure to let you know where we end up," he explained. "I hope you'll visit us, then. I miss you, son. All the pups in the world won't change that." He had gone far greater lengths to assure Dawn of his unconditional love. He didn't think the same thing was required here, though. Sunny had left him, after all, and couldn't very well complain if he were to be replaced. Hadn't he replaced his father with the wolves of Easthollow?
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
August 27, 2017, 03:04 PM
Sunny felt a stab of sharp emotion, but not a bad one. Maybe it was joy or love that filled him when his father said he was a good wolf. Whatever it was he felt his eyes moistening again though he blinked quickly to erase the possibility of a tear slipping free.
Grayday confirmed that morningside was indeed leaving, and he recalled vaguely that there was mention of the pack being seasonally nomadic. He must have forgotten that in the midst of feeling hurt and betrayed. His father continued on about the pups and said nothing could change the fact that he was missed and Sunny hung his head. "I'll never stop missing you guys either. I wanted to come here because of some twisted sense of loyalty, or maybe I was bitter that Dawn seemed to be growing more then me, but whatever it is I never stopped missing you both." He said honestly and shuffled his paws against the dirt.
"Y'all are still my family, and that will never ever change. I love you and Dawn with all my heart, just as I love Easthollow" he said and then thought about it. "It's..a different kind of love though. I love you and Dawn in a complete way, I would do anything for you both. I love Easthollow in more of a loyalty way, it's always been my home and I wish to protect it too" he said thoughtfully.
Grayday confirmed that morningside was indeed leaving, and he recalled vaguely that there was mention of the pack being seasonally nomadic. He must have forgotten that in the midst of feeling hurt and betrayed. His father continued on about the pups and said nothing could change the fact that he was missed and Sunny hung his head. "I'll never stop missing you guys either. I wanted to come here because of some twisted sense of loyalty, or maybe I was bitter that Dawn seemed to be growing more then me, but whatever it is I never stopped missing you both." He said honestly and shuffled his paws against the dirt.
"Y'all are still my family, and that will never ever change. I love you and Dawn with all my heart, just as I love Easthollow" he said and then thought about it. "It's..a different kind of love though. I love you and Dawn in a complete way, I would do anything for you both. I love Easthollow in more of a loyalty way, it's always been my home and I wish to protect it too" he said thoughtfully.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
August 27, 2017, 06:21 PM
Grayday smiled back at his son, finding it easier to do so than it had been in months. "I'm proud of you, Sunny. Easthollow is lucky to have you. I'm sure Valette and Ezekiel are glad you're here to help raise their pups."
It hurt a little that Sunny wouldn't be there to help raise his own siblings, but Grayday supposed it was only fair. Hadn't he left his own parents behind? Hadn't he helped to rear Adeline instead of his own young siblings? Supposing his parents had had more after Grayday, of course. The male made a mental note to ask Sunspot about that.
It hurt a little that Sunny wouldn't be there to help raise his own siblings, but Grayday supposed it was only fair. Hadn't he left his own parents behind? Hadn't he helped to rear Adeline instead of his own young siblings? Supposing his parents had had more after Grayday, of course. The male made a mental note to ask Sunspot about that.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
August 27, 2017, 08:54 PM
Sunny smiled back and nuzzled his father one more time before giving a hesitant look back over his shoulder "I...I should be going back. I will definitely come visit before winter hits, I just have to speak with Valette" he said softly. He thought about Dawn and his heart gave a squeeze of sadness "Tell Dawn I miss her, and I really want to see her too" he requested in a soft voice. He hoped Dawn didn't hate him, because it would honestly break his heart.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
August 27, 2017, 09:29 PM
Day leaned in to give his son a parting nuzzle and a lick on the cheek. "I'll make sure she knows," he promised, giving a reassuring wag of his tail. He hoped that Dawn would tkae this olivebranch for what it was, but he had his doubts. Dawn was his daughter, after all, and Day knew how hard these hearts could get.
"Take care of yourself, Sunny," he said.
"Take care of yourself, Sunny," he said.
![[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]](
What's Mine is Ours
August 28, 2017, 09:03 PM
Sunny leaned into his father's touch, enjoying the contact while he could before he pulled away. He stepped back over the borders and smiled "I will Dad. i'll come visit you and the pups i promise." he said and dipped his head before turning and walking into the trees, stopping to rub his sides against the bark. He loped back to the den site, his spirits lifted higher than they had been in a while.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
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