Wapun Meadow Gone as She came
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Quietly she moved, Taking in the look of the Meadow. She hadn’t been here long but it seemed nice enough. Her mind wandered as she went making her a bit spacey. It took her a moment to catch the scent of a wolf somewhere in the area and for a moment she stopped, debating on whether or not she should continue going this direction. Did she really want to have the chance of a run in with another wolf? Deciding to take her chances she continued on more alert now that she knew there was someone in the area.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

her heat was finally coming to an end; although the scent remained on her body, the hormones began to abate and with renewed fervor she swept out into the meadow.

it'd been some time since she had left the valley.  her scent-markers were beginning to fade, so she wove herself between the bushes that were not drenched in snow and urinated when she didn't feel like brushing up against the cold.

once she was satisfied with her markers, she looked out to the frozen meadow before her and picked out the movement of another.  unleashing a brief howl, she strode towards the stranger, nose probing forward to scent her.  

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Startled by the howl she stopped then backed away from the wolf as she got close, her ears flattening against her head. Looking at her warily she decided to keep a small distance and took a few steps further back. Though she seemed to be trying to shrink into herself her body was tense, ready to take off at a moments notice. “Ah..Hello..” What did this wolf want? She didn’t plan on sticking around long nor did she want to hold a conversation. Trying to start one anyways she hoped the wolf was friendly.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

reigi noticed the girl's hesitance and kept her distance, posture as friendly and neutral as she could maintain although her ears were still perked up, and her tail flagged out behind her body.

the girl greets her, and reigi remembers that this is the part where she is supposed to go hallo, and this time she is confident in the way it sounds as it passes her lips.

she then gestures to the other female (much like xan gestured to himself when she learned his name), trying to urge a name out of her.

15 Posts
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“I am Duana...if that’s what you’re curious about..” It came out quietly, something almost like fear edging it. “Who..are you..?” She knew no one around here and not wanting to interact didn’t help that matter.

Her gaze traveled away from the girl, looking around the area for a place to get away to. She wouldn’t be staying much longer if she could help it. She seemed friendly enough but that didn’t stop the fear Duana felt. 

Subconsciously she took on more a submissive posture, her tail lowers and tucking in between her legs slightly though her head was tilted ever so slightly at the girl in curiosity. She had grown used to being submissive towards other wolves and so it became a habit to take on the stance of it.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

duana, she repeated, solidifying the name in her mind.  she crept closer, tongue darting out from her parted lips to try to comfort the girl.  her question went over the girl's head, for she really did not have a name... and she didn't understand that much anyway.

15 Posts
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Staying still she kept an eye on the girl as She came closer. Seeming almost confused as she tried to comfort her she couldn’t help but wonder why. No one else had tried to calm her before. Not even as a child.

Relaxing slightly she allowed the girl to do this for a moment before stepping back a little. “Why..are you nice..?” The question escaped before she could think of the possible consequences and she mentally cursed at herself. Why was she questioning it when someone wasn’t trying to hurt her? Would they take it wrongly?

Taking on a friendly stance the fear was still there though it wasn’t as strong. Maybe the wolves around here weren’t so bad.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

thankfully for duana, reigi lacked the capability to understand her words.  she continued forward, and so long as the girl did not run away she would offer those licks across the girl's muzzle.  it's okay.

her tail began a soft, slow wag, and she arched into an easy play-bow before returning to her normal stature.  maybe if she could entice the girl to play a while, she'd calm her down.. and then she'd be able to take her home.
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Watching the girl she came to realize she didn’t understand her words. Maybe that was a good thing. At the girls play-bow she’s took a step back, an unreadable emotion passing through her dark eyes.

Playing never ended well for her. No, she would not play. The girl seemed nice but it was unclear if she could be trusted or not yet.

Fear welled up again as she took a few more steps back Mumbling “I’m sorry...I...can’t..” She hesitated at running off but again kept her distance, ready to run in a moment.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
thanks for the thread!

she wondered what she had done wrong to scare the girl from her.  resuming her normal standing position, she let the girl have her distance although she let out a soft, pining whine.

was she going to leave already?  

their pack had swelled so much as of late she wondered if it would be a good idea to bring her back anyway.  especially with everyone going into heat..

no.  okay.  she would leave this one be, but she wasn't happy about it.  she casts a glance back at the girl before turning and heading back towards home.
15 Posts
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Watching as the girl walked off it felt like a small weight settled on her. She had nearly made a friend and she had to go and ruin it. No, not her. She didn’t ruin it necessarily but her siblings did. For what they did to her.

For a moment darker thoughts clouded her mind and tried to tempt her to go after the girl. Trying her best to ignore them She forced herself to walk a different direction. Again she wandered, accustomed to the loneliness though it was heavier now.