Bearclaw Valley Safe and sound
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
All Welcome 
Anyone can join in really! Dakarai is just wandering.

The borders were easy enough to follow, the Valley had walls that were extremely steep and blocked them in. There were trees to one side as well. He was nearing the mouth of the Valley where a boulder lay and he sniffed around it, ears flicking as the rock seemed to hold a familiar scent upon it. He wracked his brain for a few minutes as he continued sniffing before realizing the scent belonged to the female he had met at the entrance to the valley. The one that Xan had said was his superior. Noting this he moved to continue on his way, ears swivelling to pick up various sounds around him.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she materialized behind him, ghosting forward towards her rock as if just thinking about her had summoned her from the shadows. 

so he had been allowed to stay after all.  to reigi, that meant that he was her kin now; she must get to know him, to protect him.

she did not falter in her approach.  as of now her heat-scent had faded, she worried not about needing to chase him away.  and there was something else about him.  that girl.  she doubted she'd have needed to spurn his interest, even with the pull of hormones.

her nostrils move rythmically as she breathes in his scent and, seemingly satisfied, she climbs atop her perch and focuses her gaze on the newcomer.

447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Just as he began to head away the sound of claws upon stone made him pause. He breathed in the air again and found that the she wolf's scent was stronger now. Turning his head he looked up and spotted her, perched upon the boulder. Xan's warning ran through his head and he immediately ducked his head, offering a slow and friendly wag of his tail to show he wasn't a threat. Of course Dakarai would never harm a female who hadn't attacked him first and this she wolf seemed to hold no ill intentions. "Hello ma'am, I didn't realize you were around." he spoke gently head still bowed in respect.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she studies the way his posture moves in immediate deference to her arrival and although she likes it she finds it unnecessary and a bit theatric.  her tail returns his soft wagging, and a twinkle appears in her two-toned eyes.

hallo, she responds almost mechanically, finally grasping that it was something she was just supposed to do (although she still didn't really understand why).

447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He notes the friendly reaction to his presence and slowly straightens up, ears flicking at her greeting. He noticed something off about the way she spoke but said nothing, instead offering a friendly wag of his tail and a smile. "We met at the name is Dakarai." he sat down upon the ground, looking up at where she perched. He wasn't sure what else to say. "Would you like to show me around?" he asked hopefully. That way they wouldn't just be sitting here awkwardly.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

oh no, he thought she could understand him.

she took the parts she knew, that he was addressing her and that he offered his name, and slowly repeated it back to him.  daa-rai.  close enough.  it'd work.

she hopped from her boulder, unsure of what he wanted.  if he led, she'd gladly follow, but otherwise?  she was as dumb as a doorknob.  there was no getting through to her.

447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Oh boy. Talk about Awkwardness. It was when she almost hesitantly repeated his name back to him in a not so perfect way that he realized she couldn't understand him. He felt horrible and sucked in a breathe, hoping that he didn't offend her or make things weird. 

Still though, she intrigued him and he gave a nod and a quick smile, his tail wagging behind him to show she'd gotten it right. As she hopped off the boulder he smiled again and moved toward the borderline, looking over his shoulder and perking his ears. His tail gave a slow sway and he pawed at the ground with his forepaw, inviting her to join.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
since we decided to turn this into a trade thread, here is some light pp.  let me know if i need to change it!

she was not afraid of the valley yet, nor of large dark men.  that would come later.  so instead she greeted him warmly, understanding his gesture and prancing in front of him.  

they traveled through the valley together, occasionally side by side but also occasionally one leading the other, and when it was reigi in front she caught the scent of a rabbit who had unfortunately strayed into the borders.

she cast dakarai a glance before settling off after the thing, beckoning him to follow.
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
They moved quickly and in silence which he found refreshing. He didnt mind when she took the lead nor did she seem to care when he stepped ahead. It was a pleasant sort of comraderie. Then the rich meaty scent of rabbit made him pause and he turned to her, seeing if she smelt it too.

Indeed she had and he nodded,loping off behind her. He wasnt built for speed and wasnt too sure how good he would be at a chase, but he would definitely give it his all.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she sought after it quick, and did not expect to catch it so fast.  her poor friend hadn't even had the chance to give chase.  she launched at the rabbit and with one quick snap of her jaws, it was hanging lifeless.

she offered it to him, before craning her head deliberately.  if he wasn't hungry, she could show him the cache and they could separate it out together.

447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Sweet mother of....before he could even set chase and join in the girl was off like a rocket and the poor rabbit hadn't a chance. He laughed softly and shook his head, slowly losing after her and pausing when she offered him some.  He hesitated and then nodded once, deciding he'd bring some to Onyx and share with her. He gave a grateful whuff and wagged his tail, grinning brightly as he took the rabbit from her. He tapped the ground with his paw a few times and then turned to head back to his and Onyx's den, looking over his shoulder and then patting the ground again. He hoped she got the message, stay put and he'd be right back, If not he could easily track her scent again. With that he hurried off to deliver the meal to Onyx.