The smell of sea salt never left him as he traveled along the coast. He didn't go as far as last time, couldn't bring himself to see the Sound, but he still went a considerable distance. It seemed as though the earth told him he had gone too far. Suddenly there was a drop off from the rolling emerald fields.
He would have gone right off the edge had he not been looking at the ground anyway. Quickly he stumbled back from the edge of the bluff. Silver eyes briefly widened before they seemed to go back to normal size. A heavy sigh escaped him as he lazily collapsed to the earth. His belly up and legs tucked against his body.
He would have looked dead was it not for the obvious rise and fall of his chest.
He would have gone right off the edge had he not been looking at the ground anyway. Quickly he stumbled back from the edge of the bluff. Silver eyes briefly widened before they seemed to go back to normal size. A heavy sigh escaped him as he lazily collapsed to the earth. His belly up and legs tucked against his body.
He would have looked dead was it not for the obvious rise and fall of his chest.
September 13, 2018, 03:15 PM
With time, the ache has dulled, spiraling into the background with the yearling's myriad of faded bruises — places still too sore to touch, yet healed enough to tuck away. She knows she will survive this.
But it is a strange, sad existence. All that she loves has gone with the wind and rain, and she is alone; IkKanattuk remains a home filled with strangers, and the man who had recruited her seems a ghost within the territory. Or at least, he eludes her, and perhaps she is not as wanted as she'd thought.
It's these things that drive her to the coast again, endlessly chasing this desire she cannot (will not?) put to words. She passes the beach, finds herself drifting along the seaside cliffs — it's beautiful here, and desolate and foreign in a way too familiar for comfort. But there's a scent on the breeze; one she knows, though it takes her a moment to realize it. Rokig.
Finding him isn't difficult, lying prone near the edge of the cliff as if he has joined Lainie in her fate. The steady rise and fall of his chest tells her otherwise, but for a moment her heart jumps to her throat.
But it is a strange, sad existence. All that she loves has gone with the wind and rain, and she is alone; IkKanattuk remains a home filled with strangers, and the man who had recruited her seems a ghost within the territory. Or at least, he eludes her, and perhaps she is not as wanted as she'd thought.
It's these things that drive her to the coast again, endlessly chasing this desire she cannot (will not?) put to words. She passes the beach, finds herself drifting along the seaside cliffs — it's beautiful here, and desolate and foreign in a way too familiar for comfort. But there's a scent on the breeze; one she knows, though it takes her a moment to realize it. Rokig.
Finding him isn't difficult, lying prone near the edge of the cliff as if he has joined Lainie in her fate. The steady rise and fall of his chest tells her otherwise, but for a moment her heart jumps to her throat.
Are you alright?The inkstain calls softly as she nears him; unexpectedly, she cares. Perhaps it's the resemblance he bears to the sister she'd lost — perhaps it's his role in the final days of her life. She doesn't know, but she thinks maybe it doesn't matter.
"Common" | "French"
September 13, 2018, 03:54 PM
He rolls onto his stomach, silver eyes staring at a set of black paws. He recognizes them and the voice. The scent was just the icing on the cake.
Suddenly he felt guilty and selfish for having his own feelings.
I suppose I am.He replied blandly as his tail curled around one of his hind legs. Silver eyes seemed to struggle to look all the way up and his gaze could only find her chest.
Are you?He asked softly despite feeling like he already knew the answer. If he still wasn't feeling any better...well he couldn't even imagine how she felt.
Suddenly he felt guilty and selfish for having his own feelings.
September 13, 2018, 05:10 PM
The answer she receives is not a no, but it feels like one. She watches him quietly for a few moments, mulling her own response when he returns the question. Her tail flicks with each crash of the waves against the base of the cliff.
I will be,She tells him finally, gaze drifting toward the horizon. The ocean is beautiful from here. Her chest aches.
Little by little, the bird builds its' nest.She murmurs softly; her progress is slow, but she has hope. Perhaps that's enough.
"Common" | "French"
September 13, 2018, 07:40 PM
Her first string of words he understood but the next might as well have fell upon deaf ears. His head finally lifted on the ground as he looked up to her.
He had never heard such a language before. It was nothing like the broken tones of Seelie or the body language of most of the wolves of Undersea.
What was that?He asked softly as his ears pressed forward ever so slightly. It was obvious he was interested and didn't mean it harshly.
He had never heard such a language before. It was nothing like the broken tones of Seelie or the body language of most of the wolves of Undersea.
September 15, 2018, 07:42 PM
She glances to him as he lifts his head, the beginnings of a smile tugging at her lips as she hears his question.
French,The inkstain answers quietly, looking back out over the cliffs.
My father's native tongue — the language of love, he used to say.She laughs softly.
Do you like it?She wonders, resisting the urge to steal another glance at him. He is kind of cute, isn't he? Oh, but — what a thought! She dismisses it quickly, ears flushing a little, and chalks it up to her emotional state; she's vulnerable, she's needy, she's young and impulsive and this is another ill-advised way to cope. This grief will drive her mad, she thinks.
"Common" | "French"
September 16, 2018, 10:24 AM
It was not something he was familiar with but to his pleasure the ebony female went on to explain a bit more. Supposedly it was a language of love. No wonder Rokig didn't have a clue what she had spoken. Love had never been his forte — so why would he speak the language of it?
It was not something he was familiar with but to his pleasure the ebony female went on to explain a bit more. Supposedly it was a language of love. No wonder Rokig didn't have a clue what she had spoken. Love had never been his forte — so why would he speak the language of it?
I do.He answers slowly but honestly with an almost eager-child-like nod of his head soon following his words.
It's...unique, pretty.The Seawolf couldn't think of how else to describe it. Hopefully he was saying the right things though.
September 16, 2018, 12:26 PM
Her smile grows slightly, but she doesn't look at him again.
I could teach you,She offers without thinking, voice soft. She's reminded of Siarut, of the beginnings of their attempt to share their languages — Rokig may have none to offer, but she doesn't mind. At least, she thinks, he doesn't seem arrogant or hot-headed.
Love is meant to be shared, isn't it?She laughs slightly; if only the language itself could bring love. Sometimes she wonders what her father had meant by that — he'd always said it so teasingly. Perhaps because it isn't true at all. Love has no language but the murmured melody of loss.
"Common" | "French"
September 17, 2018, 06:51 PM
Just as quickly as she had offered, he responded.
Although he didn't know what the words meant, he smiled at her laughter. Silver eyes stayed trained on her, silently wondering if she would divulge him more.
I'd love that.Perhaps his voice was a bit too giddy or a smudge too high pitched. He was just so excited for something finally. Rokig was always aching to learn more and with his mind being consumed by...other things lately he was more than ready to think about something else. A new language was the perfect opportunity.
Although he didn't know what the words meant, he smiled at her laughter. Silver eyes stayed trained on her, silently wondering if she would divulge him more.
September 17, 2018, 09:42 PM
She's pleased to hear him agree, but she doesn't say it. Instead she's silent for several moments; not a cold silence, but comfortable. She glances back to his face a beat before she finally speaks, studying him intently.
Then she gestures out to the ocean.
I've heard it's more difficult to learn a second language later in life. It takes time and practice. Exposure.She repeats herself in the common tongue, and gives it a moment to sink in.
Then she gestures out to the ocean.
Ocean.Baby steps — but he will hear much of the language even from the beginning. If she sees him again, of course; she'd meant to teach Siarut her language, too, and many others before him. She'd even gotten somewhere with some of them — but it's never quite worked out. Perhaps this time it will.
"Common" | "French"
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