Set around midnight, couple hours after the birth of their kiddies!!!
Set around midnight, couple hours after the birth of their kiddies!!!
They were here, and even though it had only been a few weeks it felt like she had been waiting forever. Her excitement had progressed steadily, and she found it hard to remain a calm façade. Alessia was going to be —is— a mother! And she had asked Rosalie to join her, she was now a mother. Rosalie had not expected what the evening had brought, welcoming life into the world was always a unique experience. And this would be ingrained in Rosalie’s memory for the rest of her life.
The emotions that rolled through the woman were intense, and a trembling set in. She needed a breath of fresh air, the reality of the situation sinking in at the sound of quietly rumbling pups. Alessia had fallen asleep, understandably at the struggle she had to suffer to bring their children into the world. They could have lost her, a reality that Lie hadn’t thought about until the moment presented itself. Letting out a shaky breath, she quietly exited the den, and sat to the right of the entrance.

~ i haven't played that song since my wife died ~
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
"common", "french" 1/5 posts
The worst was over now, and his worries started to calm as he watched his four children nursing while their mother slept soundly. The delivery had taken its toll on her, and Kavik was relieved to see her finally sleeping. He was reclined near the den opening, keeping on eye on things while his family rested when movement caught his eye. He watched Rosalie walk from the den, and he was reminded of the promise he had made to himself to thank her for what she had done for him. He looked longingly towards his mate and children for a few seconds, hating to leave them even for a second, but finally quietly got to his feet and followed Rosalie. Once outside, he came to sit next to her. He didn't say anything for a few moments, unsure how to begin but soon deciding just to get to the point.
Thank you,he said, dipping his head towards her.
For taking care of the first two puppies,he finished. He looked to the moonlit forest in front of them and tried not to think about the two lives he would never get to know.
I'm no good without you
March 14, 2019, 05:57 PM
There was no mistaking the presence that came alongside her. She had not expected the man to approach her, since their first meeting Lie had been imagining an explosive encounter once they were both alone. However, now looking over the man in the dim lighting Rosalie could see no anger or frustration. His words only continued to confuse her, he was thankful… Raising a brow she contemplated her response.
She could feel a snarky remark on her tongue, but she refused to diminish the two young pups whom she had ultimately buried. Instead she relied on her genuine feelings on the matter, “There are some things in this world that parents should never have to do.” Pausing she tried to catch the man’s green gaze with her own, “Burying their own child is one of these things.” Turning her head she resumed her vigil of the area.
She realized that she too had something to be thankful for, as she looked at her paws. “Thank you, for letting me stay. That is, here at the creek.” The golden girl knew he didn’t have to let he stay. He could have run her off, forced her to leave Alessia. Not that Alessia would ever stay at the creek if he did. At least Rosalie hoped her lover would choose her. Suddenly, she wasn’t so sure. Unbeknownst to either one of them, Kavik and Rosalie shared the same insecurities regarding their dark haired partner.

~ i haven't played that song since my wife died ~
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
"common", "french" 1/5 posts
March 15, 2019, 04:56 PM
Her words caused a sudden, overwhelming sadness to take him over for a minute, flashes of the tiny lifeless bodies intruding into his thoughts. He swallowed against the feeling and nodded, unable to say anything else about it. When she thanked him, he shook his head.
There is no need to thank me,he offered first, the words coming a little easier now that he could change the subject.
Alessia needs you, and I just want her to be happy,he said next. It was really all he wanted for her. After everything that he had put her through, he felt like she deserved some kind of happiness in her life. What was a little frightening was how much he was willing to do to ensure she didn't suffer anymore than she already had; he would even go as far to let her be with someone else as well as agree to invite that someone else into their strange little family to help raise their children. But so far, it seemed he wouldn't regret that decision.
I'm no good without you
An awkwardness fell about the girl, a feeling she wasn’t used to. She was usually the bold one, saying what she meant and not caring about the consequences. Now however, she was afraid. Afraid of what would happen if she said the wrong thing. “Kavik…” She sighed, turning green eyes on the man beside her.
“I love her, enough to preserver through…whatever comes our way.” Lie was trying to be honest, she had trouble pushing her feelings aside. To stand alongside the man that had taken her place. “Are you sure you can?” She had to remain firm in the believe Alessia still loved her. “Can you do this now….” She left the — cuz im here — off the end of that sentence.

~ i haven't played that song since my wife died ~
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
"common", "french" 1/5 posts
He listened quietly to her words, taking no offense when he sensed the doubt behind her statement.
She is my family now, just as much as the children, and I will do whatever is necessary to see her through this and any other hardships,he answered after a thoughtful silence. He didn't blame her for thinking otherwise; she came into the middle of this mess, and he could only imagine what it might look like from the outside. He thought she must be brave to stick around, that or completely in love with Alessia. But he had suffered many hardships, especially lately, and he had no intention of going anywhere either.
We are family now, as well,he added next, gaze resting on her face as he spoke. Just being a part of his pack made her family in Kavik's eyes, but it was deeper than that now that she was set on helping raise the children, or so he assumed by her words and the way she had so willingly jumped in to help during Alessia's labor. Whether or not she felt the same way, the alpha didn't know. He was inclined to think she'd rather he just leave and let them raise the children together like they had probably dreamed about but in time, he hoped she would grow to at least think of him as a friend.
I'm no good without you
There was a sliver of comfort to be taken from the alpha’s statement, at least Alessia wouldn’t have been alone had Lie not shown up when she did. Raising a stiff brow at the following words, the reddish woman sneered at the thought. “Alessia is my family, and as extensions of their mother as are those children. No one can take that from me, no one.” She could feel slight panic welling in her throat, threating to choke her, but there was firm resolution in her words.
“I don’t condone how they got here. Nor do I accept your relationship with my Alessia.” She huffed, still angry about the predicament that she had waltzed into. Frustrated that her life had fallen apart since her knock-on hells door. “But…” She conceded, hesitating, “For her sake, and the sake of our children, I don’t have a choice. Despite everything Alessia and I have been through, you have the greater claim on her life and the children.” It broke her heart to admit, and she dropped her gaze, her voice trailing to a whisper. And even though Rosalie had the greater claim on Alessia’s heart, she had to share her body with Kavik. “I can see —” Swallowing thickly she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, “I can see that she has feelings for you, and I don’t get why. But I’m willing to try.” There was a grudging tone to her meek voice, but at least the attempt was there.

~ i haven't played that song since my wife died ~
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
"common", "french" 1/5 posts
His words only seemed to make her indignant; it was a confusing response considering his statement had only sought to assure her that she had a place here. He supposed it was hard for her to see her place right now, especially when all she seemed to be focused on was his relationship with Alessia. He hoped that as things settled, she would feel differently about things. The last thing the children needed was to grow up with their parents in conflict with each other.
Her disapproval was not surprising and although he understood where she was coming from, her words didn't hurt any less. His guilt swelled, squeezing his heart as it always did when he was reminded of his terrible mistake. He didn't say anything to disagree, feeling like she had every right to feel the way she did and honestly, he felt like he deserved the resurfacing of his guilt; it had been momentarily overshadowed by the relief and contentment that followed the end of his mate's grueling labor and the arrival of his four living children. Rosalie continued to speak, easing his worry a little that she wasn't set on trying to push him out.
She managed to slip in an insult in the midst of her promise to try and understand the bond he had with Alessia but again, he wasn't really surprised to hear it. It was becoming more and more evident that she wasn't a fan of the alpha, and he knew it would take time to work everything out between them.
Her disapproval was not surprising and although he understood where she was coming from, her words didn't hurt any less. His guilt swelled, squeezing his heart as it always did when he was reminded of his terrible mistake. He didn't say anything to disagree, feeling like she had every right to feel the way she did and honestly, he felt like he deserved the resurfacing of his guilt; it had been momentarily overshadowed by the relief and contentment that followed the end of his mate's grueling labor and the arrival of his four living children. Rosalie continued to speak, easing his worry a little that she wasn't set on trying to push him out.
No, you don't really have a choice,he started calmly, his tone matter-of-fact. It was the truth, after all; he wasn't going anywhere no matter how difficult she made things for him. Eventually, she would need to move past her contempt and find some way to accept his presence. His gaze searched for hers.
But, that doesn't mean we have to be at odds with each other,Kavik added. He had just as much of a right to be here; those were just as much his children behind them in the cave, and he wasn't going to let anyone make him feel like he didn't belong here with them or with his mate, nor did he want there to ever be any question regarding his loyalty to his family. He wasn't quite sure he agreed that he had more of a claim on Alessia's life than her lover, but he did have a claim, and he wouldn't let anyone doubt it.
She managed to slip in an insult in the midst of her promise to try and understand the bond he had with Alessia but again, he wasn't really surprised to hear it. It was becoming more and more evident that she wasn't a fan of the alpha, and he knew it would take time to work everything out between them.
My relationship with Alessia doesn't require your understanding, but I appreciate your willingness to try,he answered.
Children can sense discord between their parents, and I don't want our differences of opinion to upset them in any way.They were the most important lives here, and he would do whatever he could to protect them from all forms of harm, even those that came from their parents' issues. Kavik looked away, gaze searching the trees in front of them as he waited for her response and fearing his assertiveness would be met with more hostility from his new co-parent.
I'm no good without you
April 04, 2019, 09:29 PM
Any headway she thought she might have made with the man dissolved as he continued to speak. She wasn’t a fan of his matter of fact tone, nor his dismissal of her feelings. “Difference of opinion.” She scoffed. This was slightly more than a difference of opinion. “This wasn’t meant to be your future Kavik, it was meant to be ours. But you stole that from me, from us.” Standing she took a few steps away from the man, “If Alessia had believed for one second that I was still alive, we wouldn’t be here.”
Worry and exhaustion sapped what little common-sense Rosalie had to draw on, she was angry that her lover had been forced to endure such a difficult labor. Angry that she had to bury two small innocent babes. Angry that Kavik had to be part of any of it. She wanted to scream at him, and make him feel just as she did. But once again, those children stayed her rage. Thinking of them she settled for a silent brooding mood, “But as I’ve said, I can be civil. I only want what’s best for those children and Alessia.” She nodded to herself, if this was how it had to be, then this was how it was going to be.
Turning her sharp seafoam gaze on the man once more, she could leave him thinking he had won. “You will never understand the agony that you have placed upon both our shoulders. I hope you realize that.” She whispered her truth into the night, and hoped the words struck him. “ I am their mother too, Kavik. Alessia and I are one. Don’t forget that.” She could feel her insecurities blossoming, had Alessia even told Kavik what she had promised? She didn’t know, but Rosalie knew one thing. She couldn’t leave now. Her heart was already so deeply attached to the children sleeping alongside her lover.

~ i haven't played that song since my wife died ~
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
"common", "french" 1/5 posts
April 04, 2019, 10:47 PM
Her first words made him clench his jaw. His heart rate quickened as she spoke his fear like she had read his mind. Of course he already knew all of what she had said, he knew this all only happened because Alessia was a part of his pack in the first place and was with him when she went into heat. But now--now he cared for her more than just as the mother of his children, and he couldn't help the twinge of jealousy that burned in his chest. It wasn't even that he minded sharing her if that was what she wanted, it was more that he didn't want to share her with Rosalie, not when she looked at him like that, like he had no place here. He had no response that would help the situation, so he said nothing, turning away from her as she began to speak again. Her next words stoked his anger once more, though. He could feel his heart picking up speed. Did she not think he cared only for what was best for them as well? He was trying to be patient with her, but he couldn't help the malignant thought that flashed through his mind then simply out of hurt and anger, the thought that the children were more his than hers.
His head whipped to her with her last statement as the last of his patience crumbled away out of reach.
His head whipped to her with her last statement as the last of his patience crumbled away out of reach.
You don't think this is all just as painful for me?he asked, his words harsh and indignant.
Those children are half of me,he added.
Don't you forget that.The words were out before he could stop them, the weight of everything he had been carrying all this time finally breaking his stoic outer shell. Had he been thinking more rationally, he would have kept the venomous statement to himself. Later, he knew he would feel bad for saying it but now, anger clouded his judgement. He wasn't used to being so angry that he threw all empathy out and said whatever he wanted, but jealousy and the fear of losing his children made him act without thinking.
I'm no good without you
April 04, 2019, 10:59 PM
Cold rage settled in her stomach, and her chest heaved. Anger fueled tears welled in her gaze, but the woman blinked harshly to clear them. Not wanting to give this brute the satisfaction of making her cry. “How could I possibly forget that Kavik! It’s going to be staring me in the face for the rest of my life.” Her volume climb slightly, before she cut herself off, trying to keep quite to let Alessia and their children sleep.
“How could you possibly understand what it feels like. To stumble on your lover with another, expecting a dream that you had conjured together?” Without realizing she had stumbled upon the situation that had once belonged to Kavik and his previous mate. “I will forever be faced with the fact the I don’t belong here. I’ve been forgotten. How am I supposed to deal with that!?” Her chest still heaving, in her rant she had once more come face to face with the large man. Her petit size in stark contrast to his broad chest, her seafoam eyes didn’t waver in their fury.

~ i haven't played that song since my wife died ~
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
"common", "french" 1/5 posts
April 08, 2019, 03:05 PM
He didn't even have to wait for later; he definitely regretted his words right now. He had only been thinking about how this all would affect him and the children, not even once stopping to consider what it might be like for her. And then her second statement seized his heart and lungs, his ability to breath gone for a few seconds as her words conjured memories of Liri at the borders the day she had found him and the way her face crumpled when he told her what he had done. He deflated some, unable to remain fierce in the face of his shameful mistakes. He closed his eyes and released a heavy exhale. When he opened them once more, it was to find Rosalie directly in front of him. Kavik pulled his head back a little, startled some by the closeness but face holding only an expression of utter remorse. He had taken his own insecurities out on her, and it was completely unfair.
He swallowed hard before speaking.
He swallowed hard before speaking.
I am sorry, Rosalie,he offered first, wanting to calm her just as much as he wanted to apologize for his insensitive words.
It was unfair of me to imply that you have no place here or that you're any less the children's parent than I am.His gaze sought hers, hoping to show how sincere he was in his words.
You do belong here. I just think we need some time to get used to being in each other's lives,the alpha explained next.
Again, I am sorry for what I said,he reiterated, his words quieter than any others he had spoken before and heavy with his guilt. Once more he had hurt someone with his mistakes, and he was beginning to wonder if it was something he could ever stop doing.
I'm no good without you
April 08, 2019, 07:31 PM
The crumbled at his apology, he anger rushing from her leaving her with a sense of loss and sadness ate away at her bones. How could you continued to be angry when there was such kindness presented. A defeated sob left her lips and she dropped her head.
“I am sorry too, I shouldn’t have been such a bitch.” She conceded, they had both been wrong, she could see that. “I guess we’re stuck with each other.” Lie gave a sad halfhearted laugh, she hadn’t intended for this conversation right now. They were both tired and anxious about Alessia. “Can’t help who you fall in love with right?” She shrugged, and gave a sigh.
Taking a step back, she glanced back the den entrance, thinking about the past and the dreams that weren’t meant to be. Refocusing on Kavik, she took a different perspective, thinking of the new dreams that had yet to happen. She wanted an adventure, and she got one.

~ i haven't played that song since my wife died ~
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
lie can be pp'd by anyone listed as family on her profile
"common", "french" 1/5 posts
April 12, 2019, 02:34 PM
It was hard to resist soothing her with a light touch of his nose to her face, but he restrained himself; he wasn't going to fool himself into thinking she would accept that from him just yet. He shook his head at her apology, eyebrows drawing together at her choice of word for herself. She had only been reacting to his aggression, and he didn't hold it against her at all.
I could think of many worse things,he replied, pausing for a few moments at her last statement. Love. It was like he was blind to it until she said it, and now it all came crashing down on him. But no, he couldn't feel that way--he didn't deserve to feel that way. His heart began beat in his ears, and he thought back to all the moments leading up to this. Alessia's face in his mind made his chest tighten, and he knew there was no way he could deny the way he felt. But he wasn't ready to fully admit it yet, nor tell any one, especially not Alessia; she didn't need that shit from him right now. Painfully, he pushed the feelings to the back of his mind where he knew they would only continue to grow and make their way into his thoughts without his permission. Kavik realized he hadn't said anything, and he looked at Rosalie.
No, I don't suppose you can,he said quietly, hiding his turmoil and getting back to the matter at hand.
Let's go check on them,he said next, motioning for her to lead the way. He was eager to change the subject, and he wanted to make sure they were all still doing okay.
I'm no good without you
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