Ouroboros Spine I take my t-shirt off, swing it around my head
43 Posts
Ooc —

Perhaps it was fitting that the Queen of Serpents was drawn to such a place. 

Once, it might have served well for the home base of their secretive operation but it was little more than a ruin now - a heap of bog water and stinking mud. 

It oozed between her toes, coating each chestnut appendage in a mire that wrinkled her nose with disgust. The witch would be sure to wash the mess off before returning to Nikan's side - for their first encounter in sexuality was surely not the last, Pixie found it ever gratifying to find herself within his arms finally. 

She paused beneath the cloak of moonlight, ears pricking as her fiery crown turned towards the rustle of some unseen creature. Perhaps the unwitting prey would serve as a meal for the darkling upon her return.  
"This thing of darkness I Acknowledge mine."

683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Lurking in the shadows and keeping hidden behind the trees as she observed the brown hued female. The woman looked vaguely familiar to the girl. Then it hit her, it was the female who had accompanied Nikan. She then crept out of the shadowy chamber from which she hid. “Our paths cross again.”
”Common” "Spanish"
43 Posts
Ooc —
Fire auds rose to attention like autumn leaves caught in a gale, jade and amethyst gems rising to lock upon the svelte shape of the dark femme as she manifested from the brush. 

Recognition glimmered in the witch's gaze and a faint smirk twisted her lips. Chestnut plume swept like a pendulum once, twice, in pleasure. Even better than a meal was the dark woman who had once aspired to lead alongside the darkling. She had abandoned as well but if Nikan could be forgiven, then why not Serem?

"So they do," Pixie rasped softly in agreement, trailing a pace closer. 

"You will find some things have changed, however," Pixie informed her, fawn crown canting slightly to the side. "You see, it is now I who will be at Nikan's side, though you may find opportunity to aide in leadership as well."

Serem could very well rise to the role of Nirah amongst the Serpent horde but only if she could accept the shift in power presented. 
"This thing of darkness I Acknowledge mine."

683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her curiosity was peaked that’s for sure, the black shadows ears perked up with interesting as she spoke of leadership and with a swift bow of her head. She gave the woman a smile. “That’s fine.” Was as simply as she put it, yes she’d want a leadership position but she wasn’t gonna throw a fit about it.

“Perhaps I could.” She respondes to the last part of her statement. “Hopefully I can be of use to you all.” She dipped her muzzle out of respect this time.
”Common” "Spanish"
43 Posts
Ooc —
She had little reason to expect mutiny from the dark femme about the change in leadership and smiles genuinely, pleased when she is proved correct in her assumption.

Perhaps the lady of Mortem would no longer hold the title of leader but she could find herself ascending within the Serpents' ranks to a position equivalent to Beta in a traditional pack. Perhaps Nikan would choose to sire a litter on Serem shortly after Pixie in the next season and the two would become sisters not only in darkness but in motherhood as well. 

The witch's tail wagged in delight at such a notion - picturing the two of them preparing a large whelping den, piling their children between them and raising the siblings altogether, rearing a fleet of witches and Serpents within a supportive blended family with Nikan as the patriarch. 

"Come then, my dark sister," she wisped in rejoice, rubbing her scent over the spry blackbird in a dominant fashion. "Nikan awaits."

We can start a new one with Nikan if you'd like, where Pixie brings Serem back to the group? Otherwise, feel free to hop into any open threads and just pp that she's been accepted into the unofficial group :)
"This thing of darkness I Acknowledge mine."

683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Serem was welcomed with a smile this time and I turn showed one back. “Then lets go.” She said simply as she walked closer to the female. “So what have you guys been doing so far?” The female was curious as to see how far their pack had grown or shrank.
”Common” "Spanish"
43 Posts
Ooc —
A devilish smirk curled her lips despite the warmth that colored her cheeks, discolored orbs squinting in mirth as they lay upon the parting seas of grass. 

Fucking. Getting high. Speaking with the gods, divining the true path to our new home. 

"Forming plans for an empire," the witch answered diplomatically, "in which Nikan is ruler." 

"What have you been up to?" 
The chestnut bitch cast a bemused look to the side, in Serem's direction, as the casual question fell oddly from her bewitching tongue. 
"This thing of darkness I Acknowledge mine."

683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Forming an empire huh? Sounds like something that serem would be interested in. “Well of course.” She replied to her comment about Nikan being ruler. “I’ve been around causing mischief wherever I can. It’s quite fun.”
”Common” "Spanish"
43 Posts
Ooc —
Serem's response drew an expression of curiosity to the witch's fire-stroked features - oh? - which was only slightly exaggerated. It brought to mind questions of why exactly Serem had left Teekon to begin with, if she had no worthwhile connections to claim beyond its borders.

"Was that why you left before? To create mischief elsewhere?" The femme glanced to the raven searchingly, seeking a reaction of some sorts. 

The past didn't really matter anymore but still, the Serpent wanted to be sure she would be bringing no warlocks into their fold. 
"This thing of darkness I Acknowledge mine."

683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She asked why she left. “Well after everyone seemed to be parting ways I saw fit to travel, explore other areas. I normally kept on the move before I considered joining a pack. Had to deal with the voices in my head for a bit.” It had gotten worse since she left shadow mountain. Sometimes if provoked she’d act out I blind rage fueled by her thoughts
”Common” "Spanish"
43 Posts
Ooc —
"I see," she repeated, though of course she didn't. While rather mad, she could not fathom a separate entity living within her mind. There was room for only one demon there and it was Pixie. 

Still, her ideas of Serem helping to mother the Serpents' future generations died with a curdle of disappointment. She and Nikan had been in utter agreement about the strength of bloodlines - no weaknesses of the mind or body were to be passed along to the coven's precious Snakelets, which included disembodied voices in one's skull. 

A pity she will be barred from children, the witch mused inwardly with regret for Serem seemed a worthy candidate but there was always Pixie. Nikan might even find a second worthwhile Serpent to spawn a litter alongside her own by next season. 

"Are they under control now?" The sorceress purled in curiosity as she put aside her inner thoughts, eyeing the woman sidelong. 
"This thing of darkness I Acknowledge mine."

683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Serem sighed when she seen the females face dropped. “Yes I have. It’s no longer an issue and I believe it was the cause of malnutrition in my earlier days. I am a proficient hunter now. Winter was a harsh time.” It’s true the other seemed to disappear once she learned to keep herself well fed.
”Common” "Spanish"
43 Posts
Ooc —
"It joys me to hear it," the witch murmured, concealing any opinion by her detached mask. She'd never heard of another manifesting a voice out of hunger but the workings of various wolves' bodies differed - a herb that healed an infection in one might cause another to go into anaphyleptic shock. Still, Pixie would be keeping an eye on the dark femme to see for herself if the woman was as healed as she claimed. 

"We will need hunters most certainly and you were loyal to Nikan before - I see no reason he should deny you entry to our ranks." 
"This thing of darkness I Acknowledge mine."