Silver Creek Stream of Lullabies
186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
*All Welcome. Open to continue in the night setting or the following morning*
The light of day had fallen and the night sky just became illuminated with the moon's glow and shimmer of the stars. Paeon's legs were heavy as they carried her over the soft mossy floor. Having traveled for days with heaps of determination the only thing slowing her down was her physical exhaustion. The sound of the flowing streams and creeks were like a melodious lullaby as Paeon struggled to keep her eyes open.

With a small trip over her own feet she fell and with a mild thud hit her shoulder into a silver maple tree. Nothing worthy of being called an injury but enough for Paeon to admit defeat and make the decision to rest for the evening. She looked around and did a quick scan of the area to see where she might decide to spend the night. But that was too much energy. With a shrug of her shoulders, she decided that right here was enough. Sliding down the side of the tree she placed herself between two large roots that spooned her back. The whistling sounds of the wind through the trees and the smell of damp moss created a mental stage for her mind to dream.
175 Posts
Ooc — The System
Setting for the following morning!

Vex limped lightly through the trees, her shoulder giving minor complaints. She trailed further and further from the Dominion, orange eyes of fire searching the immediate area. Something was off. It was quiet — too quiet.

She picked up her pace, lifting her nose to the air and taking in a deep breath. She caught wind of a stranger. Her eyes narrowed, and she continued toward the scent. Eventually, she came upon a sleeping wolf. Vex barked loudly, then rasped, Up! Get up! Her tail rose over her back, and she glared down at the intruder.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vex is currently healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vex is currently doing well mentally... or, as well as Vex can be.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon was deep in sleep and likely had a few snores escape from her now and again. Getting a sold sleep after the long distance she had traveled. She likely could have slept for several more hours but she was woken by a loud bark. 'Up! Get up!'

Her eyes darted open and she frantically looked around her. It was morning and the trees and forest floor were still a vibrant green. She half expected the forest to be set ablaze and the stranger voice to be saving her from scorching her pelt. But as the immediate shock wore off and her eye and head had a chance to stop moving about they landed on a cream and colored female similar in build though larger in size.

Her erected tail and body language communicated clearly to Paeon that this female wasn't pleased with her presence. Paeon wasn't immediately sure why this wolf was taking such an active stance toward her. As far as she knew she had done things wrong.

Paeon responded with a neutral stance, not challenging back with dominance, but not quite ready to keel over in submission without knowing a cause. "Ok... I'm up... Morning... Is there something I can do for you?" Paeon asked in a neutral and slightly confused tone of voice. Paeon could smell the presence of other wolves with the female's scent, but it rang no alarm bells as most wolves resided in packs in Paeon's mind.
175 Posts
Ooc — The System
There is something you can do for me, Vex growled, scowling. She was in a foul mood, and the stranger's scenthung heavy. How long had she been staying here? Had she hunted the land? Her scowl deepening, eyes narrowing, she continued coldly, You can leave. This is my land, and I don't take kindly to strangers.

Sorry for the delay, I'm actually trying to close all current threads so I can restart, if we could wrap this up I'd appreciate it <3 So sorry for the shortness of the thread!
Physical Health (100/100)

Vex is currently healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vex is currently doing well mentally... or, as well as Vex can be.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
No problem. Hope things go well with the restart.

This female was clearly agitated. Snarling and growling with seemingly no reason or purpose. She claimed that the land they stood on was hers and that she wanted Paeon to leave.

Paeon took a more defensive stance. She was hoping to avoid a physical altercation but this female seemed unnaturally upset. If the female were to fly off the handle and start something Paeon wanted to be ready. 

"Last I checked land needed to be marked for it to be claimed. While you might come a lot and like it here, it's not posted as yours. So you either have a possessiveness problem or lack proper marking skills." Paeon wasn't naturally confrontational but the female's words seemed unjust and bordered injustice. "Lucky for you I don't take kindly bully boys." she stated. "Have a good day" she said sarcastically and left.