Gyrfalcon's Keep Hrafn Vǫrðr
The Crone
40 Posts
Ooc — Liv
@Asvoria primarily, but AW to others!

Vae traveled distances she had never thought possible.
Had been places and seen things potentially unheard of in the Deep North...
Yet she remained, faithful as ever to the Gods and though not a young girl any longer for some years now, the Witchling moved at a smooth gait across the lands, across mountains and fields, swamplands and everything in between. 

The Völva stopped upon the outskirts of a Keep, encircled by massive raptors. 
Tilting her head slowly to the side, then the other, she just as eerily and calm sniffed at the borders.
Ah, yes, a pack!
A fine establishment this place was to be, she felt. 

Lilting her song into the air, Vaettir called a polite summons for the hilt of the clan that made their home upon the seasides.
76 Posts
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A call had come upon their borders. It was certainly unexpected, but nothing would stop from pulling the high priestess from the temple.

Along her path to their waiting visitor, Asvoria called for @Solveig to join her. She knew not of this strangers wants, and more than anything, she wanted to be prepared for what may come.

In view of this stranger, she dipped her head slow in greeting. You find yourself at the veil of Hljóðrfell. I am it's high priestess, Asvoria. What brings you? Was there a reason, or was this simply happenstance?

Old Norse | Common Tongue
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The Crone
40 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Vae looked upon the smaller, pale woman and the Guardian who came with her with kind eyes. 
A soft smile upon her void-dark maw as she dipped her muzzle in greeting "I am Vaettir. Is Hljóðrfell also of the Gods? of Odinn, Thor, Freyja?" She asked, hope tinged on the edges of a calm, almost-unpresent-sounding voice. 
She wondered now of her long-lost cousins, if they were here...yet she withheld this inquiry. 
"Ah, pardon...I come from the Deep North, once from Clan Brunhilde." She added, to hopefully add clairty that the Witch before Asvoria came from a similar background, should the High Priestess know this implication as Vae hoped she would.
76 Posts
Ooc —
assuming Solveig came with, I will just pp as her being cameo. she is still welcome to hop in, ofc!

Solveig had joined with swift feet, standing to the priestess's flank as this interaction went on.

We are a place of the old ones, replenishing the life of all Norse gods that have since been forgotten by others. 

This women came from a place also of their way. Surprise did not hide itself from Asvoria's expression, but there was also a hint of delight.

I have not heard the name of clan Brunhilde, but I imagine it is a revered one. It had to be by the looks of this woman!

Old Norse | Common Tongue
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The Crone
40 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Vae nodded with a soft, sad huff at the compliment to her family's old name.
"It was, once. But hatred had claimed them into taking a new name, and death followed." She responded with the same sadness in her voice that had tainted her light chuckle prior.
"But I am happy to hear yours is of our Gods. Knowing this, I seek to join your numbers, if I may?" The Void-woman requested, adding "I too am Völva, but also Medic and Herbalist." 

Couldn't find a reliable Old Norse translation for "priestess" so didn't add it ;w;
76 Posts
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This woman's clan had once been great. But it withered, broken by hatred, consumed by death. Asvoria could not relate to this feeling, but she could still sympathize.

If you wish to walk with us, you have my blessing. How could she dare refuse? They were knowledgeable and willing. There was no better combination. 

We have a talented healer with us already, and I would prefer to expand our fillings to other, waiting roles. What others skills may you provide to us, or what of those you may aspire or be willing to learn? They would not be forced into a role they did not desire, but Asvoria would not see a role filled that was not needed.

Old Norse | Common Tongue
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186 Posts
Ooc — Jess
cameo! Will engage as needed. Thanks for including Solveig, btw! <3

Solveig moved as a willing shadow alongside Asvoria when she was summoned. A quiet guardian, whose gaze was even and calm upon the stranger. The woman measured well; Solveig appreciated wolves who came with a solid build. Even with peace in their hearts, a strong appearance was a sign of health and prosperity. 

Her features softened at the tone of the woman’s voice, and more still when the names of some of their Gods were mentioned. She glanced to Asvoria for her reaction; for Solveig, it was validating to know there were others who shared their beliefs. 

Her faith and skill would become apparent with time- for now, Solveig was willing to trust the judgement that both she and Asvoria passed for their newest member.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
The Crone
40 Posts
Ooc — Liv
phone post from me ;w;

Vae smiled a little wider as Asvoria gave her blessing. 
They had a talented healer already it was said, so the Witch gave the Priestess' question some thought. 

A few long moments later, she asked "Do you have room for another Priestess? Not at your rank of course, but my talent, aside from Medicines, lies mostly in magicks." Vae offers. She intends no disrespect and hoped to show as such by trying to clarify that she did not want equal power to Asvoria by asking her question. 
Her ears slanted back ever slightly in hopes this would help show her deference to the smaller woman and her Guardian.
76 Posts
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As compensation for the filled role, she wished to know of being a priestess.

Speaking with thoughtfulness, she answered. I am high priestess, but priests and priestesses are also present. There is great honor and great responsibility with being a priestess. They are my council and representatives of the clan.

It was indeed a possibility for this woman, but Asvoria was not willing to give this role away so easily. However.... to become priestess, you must live here for some time under lower standing. Get to know your clanmates... learn what there is left to be learned... and so on, so forth. But was this enough? 

Watching expectantly, she asked. Is this suitable for you?

Old Norse | Common Tongue
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The Crone
40 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Vaettir considered this and nodded in acceptance of the words Asvoria said. 
"I will do this happily." She responded, a gentle smile upon her face. 
Her gaze asked the silent question of what Asvoria had in mind for her rank for now, until she could gain the honor of being within the High One's council.
76 Posts
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She was fine with this. Asvoria was glad.

But for now, it was up to the high priestess to decide where to put the woman for the time being.

Would you prefer holding a base rank, or one in which you would have daily tasks? She questioned, curious for their opinion before choosing.

Old Norse | Common Tongue
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The Crone
40 Posts
Ooc — Liv
"I would prefer daily tasks to occupy my old mind." Vaettir chuckled, warmth in her smile and tone. 
Spiderly as she was, the Witch knew she was no spring flower.
Hadn't been for a couple years now, but time was inescapable, and twas best to simply accept the aging process
76 Posts
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Asvoria was given the answer she hoped for.

Gæta, then— you can be this. Though it typically wasn't a role she would choose for someone so soon, it was only of the only options she had. As Gæta, you will be an attendant of the temple. Keeping it clear of debris, delivering items for sacrifices. It is a chance for you to familiarize yourself with the temple and our holy way. A fairly sized benefit.

There was more; but this bit was optional. Or so it would be for now. Occupants of this role will typically also act as attendants to priests and priestesses. But I will leave this task up to you, as I am the only you would complete tasks for.

Old Norse | Common Tongue
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The Crone
40 Posts
Ooc — Liv
A rank was given. 
Explanations of her duties set.

The crone gave an understanding, gentle nod in acceptance of the position she was given. 
She knew in time she would likely prove herself to the High One and garner the position she originally inquired for.

Even if she didn't, it would not matter quick enough to be a concern.

"I thank you, High One." Vaettir uttered genuinely, but she did not yet move to cross border. 
She would do that only when invited to.
76 Posts
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last from me! new thread coming soon!

It was settled.

Come, then, dear Vaettir. Asvoria beckoned, finally allowing them to join her.

We must first find you a proper sleeping chamber, and then I will take you to our sacred temple. 

And with that, the high priestess would lead them both further off into the keep. Solveig was no longer needed, but she would have the choice of whether to follow or go her own separate way.

Old Norse | Common Tongue
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The Crone
40 Posts
Ooc — Liv
last from me too! <3

Vaettir nodded once, soft and fluid as she followed Asvoria into the Temple lands.
She was grateful beyond measure and meant solidly to show it in her efforts to appease the Old Gods and dedication.
186 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Just gonna tie on a wee post and then tuck this away. Thanks again for including Solveig! <3

It did Solveig’s heart some amount of good to meet one at their borders who seemed inclined to learn and follow their faith. Most would come and seek refuge, or a peaceful place to live- but not all would adjust so quickly to changing their life and belief system. Vaettir, however, seemed to be an exception.

She would fit in well, Solveig thought.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"