The Sentinels has claw marks on it
52 Posts
Ooc — Kan
Limit Two 
@Andr if/when you've got time. <3 I was trying to let the thread with the meteor strike get wrapped up first but I felt it might be time to address it.

she felt the burned skin along her ribs pull, as if the healing wounds might split back open with enough pressure. 

lips twitching back, she twisted to eye the angry flesh -- tempted for reasons she could not explain. 

the spectre gave a shake of her head, as if ridding herself of some pest, before swivelling back to the pool of water. 

instinct begged to soothe the fire. 

her mind screamed. 

her heart thundered in rebellion. 

iaghe squeezed her eyes shut, lips whispering together in a wordless mumble. determination, shame, ire. 

jerking, she dove in. 

in the muted darkness -- for she could not open her eyes, stricken with terror as she was -- the litany of lost language became something corporeal. If only for a moment. 

"are you even listening to me?" 

"i listen, sister. I just do not see the trouble. a few wolves on the shore, one who might've been lóminórë. one who might've easily not been."

the name sent a cold spear of horror through her and she burst from the water, gasping and clawing her way from the shallow pool as if it had been acid. 

panting, the wildling cast a fevered gaze about and then wheeled on her paws as best she could with her injuries. a cough rattled from her chest as she loped away, intending to circulate the area for any new developments.

and to try desperately not to remember a lost sister.
"i can't come out. if i do, i'll go mad again" -- Snitter, The Plague Dogs
173 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The flames no longer roared and their lives no longer in peril. 

The smoke settled but along with it ash lingered.

In the lungs, on their coats, and scorched into flesh.

He had gotten them out of the fire, but the fire was still within them.

Her more than him. Where he had been singed, she burned.

Why hadn't he been more alert? Woken up with her? Gotten there sooner? Stopped her?

As she waded into the water he could see it. Her body portraying words she could not say. Quivering against the necessary pain.

It hurt. More than the fire. To know she experienced such pain while in his care.

He did as she had. Walking into the water and allowing it to wash over him. Taking with it the surface level of ash. Dunking his head for but a moment before surfacing again.

The ash in his lungs did not like being suffocated. It revolted and sent him into a fit of light coughs before he was able to take another uninhibited breath. 

Sipping on the water in an attempt to clear his throat was distasteful. Regardless of how many gulps he took each tasted of smoke.

She erupted out of the water. A violent panic toward land. He pursued.

Rushing to her side, water pooling off his unshaken coat, wishing to catch her gaze.

"What is it? Your burns? Something within the water?" his eyes scanned her for any worsening injury.
52 Posts
Ooc — Kan
she'd forgotten he was beside her.

fresh panic flamed to life beneath her skin -- shame kindling the fire.

to have him see her like this. 

iaghe had always been so polite in her suffering. clenching it between her teeth so as not to ruin him too.

she stilled, turning back to andr with lowered gaze. of its own accord, her dark diadem moved in a slow shake -- as if even her body was confused.

something, her lips shaped the word though no sound was forthcoming. 

the glacial freeze of her gaze shuddered, eyes squeezing shut against the void that claimed her memory. 

if she'd been human, the bird would have squeezed her temples between her hands -- gripped her head against the sheer onslaught and exhaustion of the amnesia.

in the end, she chucked her temple against the ruddy he-wolf's shoulder. she met his gaze for but a heartbeat, attempting to communicate what would not flow past her lips. even as they attempted a feeble quirk to reassure him.

don't worry about me.
"i can't come out. if i do, i'll go mad again" -- Snitter, The Plague Dogs
173 Posts
Ooc — Raven
When she stopped Andr tried to find her gaze, but it was to the ground. Although the visceral reaction had lessened her body continued to fight. 

She did not gesture to any part of her and it made him think whatever had happened had not been physical. 

He knew she was capable of... noise. Some may say that speech was a stretch. Something within her wanted to get out. He could sense it. But all she could muster was the pressure he received as she pushed her head against his shoulder.

He caught a glimpse of her gaze. A looked that appeared to convey wishful solace, but she quickly turned away.

Slowly, he rested his head atop hers. "It's going to be ok" Whether he was trying to console himself or her was unknown.
"I'm here for you... and I don't have plans otherwise... but" he lifted his head hoping to look into her eyes again.

"I think we should find a place to stay. A pack to be more precise. I... I worry I'm not what you need. Not everything at least. I want you to have everything you need. To get better."

He could only do so much. Keeping her alive was one thing. But helping her heal. he worried he would not be enough. And she deserved more than enough.
52 Posts
Ooc — Kan
the sylph stilled. 

it was as if hoarfrost had truly crept along her skin, freezing her against the he-wolf's embrace. the touch of it was filled with the same strange warmth of ice's kiss, like reaching for the heat of a fire. 

it must have been what the dormant plants felt when the frost held them in its embrace. the same fragility of life within the protective shroud.

his words pulled her back, ears flickering nervously.

for once, iaghe could not look away from him.

features sobered, the halflife memory gone. 

something opened up inside her at his words, a yawning pit in the earth. 


it was as a dark maw, the mouth not of a monster with wicked fangs but the jaws of death itself. 

iaghe had heard the tales of the deep. every islander knew the legends. how one could wander too far and be swallowed whole in its inky waters. 

she'd just never realized the deep did not belong to the ocean. 

the deep was death's only. and it had come for the island. 


the sensation was gone before she could grasp it. so too was the memory it brought with it. 

iaghe's gaze flickered with its departure but did not leave andr. 

her speckled lips pressed into a guilty line. 

she wanted to argue. 

to remind him that surely he'd had plans before she crashed into his life. that he was not responsible for her. that he did not have to take this on for her. that she wasn't worth this. 

he didn't even know her name. 

her gaze darted once before returning to the autumnal features that had become so familiar. there was determination on her face when she looked to him again. 

the ghost's patchwork tongue brushed over her freckled lips, parting them as she scraped her vocal cords together. 

the sound was halting, scratchy. 

wincing, the wilding fell silent once more. the pain was white hot in the wake of the smoke. 

she heaved a small sigh of resignation and met andr's crystalline gaze. 


her lips crooked lopsidedly once again, the scars along her cheek tugging against the motion. 

her head bobbed in his direction.

you go, i go.
"i can't come out. if i do, i'll go mad again" -- Snitter, The Plague Dogs
173 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He could tell this wasn't a simple decision for her. Ponder and hesitation ran rampant throughout her body language. She stayed by his side and did not flinch away. It made him warm knowing her trust in him, and he hoped it was well placed.

Heph had been a fine hunting companion with a beyond-welcoming personality, but he knew nothing of the other wolves that resided amongst her. The thought of her being put down by anyone did not come easily to his mind but was nonetheless a possibility. Should that be the case Andr would not hesitate to leave and bring Heph and his speckled companion with him.

Pausing for a moment he thought about how their interaction at the border may unfold and what he could do should anything happen. Then it hit him. He had no name for her. It was not as though he thought he had forgotten it, but it had not been needed until now. Should he need to call for her he would have no name to cry.

"Would you mind if we found you a name? I wouldn't need to share it with anyone else should you wish... but I'd like to call you by something. At least between us." he asked looking down at her. Willing to take any clues or suggestions from her or be responsible for coming up with one all on his own.