Blacktail Deer Plateau New places,new faces
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Large paws like his father,  body too and still longer to grow. He felt odd in this new body of his. His legs no longer gangly and body filling out to make more bulk. The lighter accents of his fur not blending well with his surroundings.

He had taken to running and pressing his limits like hia father, but where his father did it to feel that burn. He did it to avoid contact with others. Ashamed of his vocal limitations. It was easier just to not talk.

Today he could be found blue eyes gazing out over the new pack lands.
bravo six
185 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the sandy boy does not camouflage well, but then, neither does rusalka. the seaking sought to make an effort to speak with each of epoch's members one-on-one: even the children. it was important that they all felt included and like they belonged.

the boy was hard to find, and from what rusalka has been able to observe thus far: appeared to like isolation. it reminds him of granite and surely it is the father in him that desires to reach out.

rusalka lets out a low chuff to the boy, unsure of his name but sure that he was one of reyson and meadow's. you are son of reyson and meadow, yeah? i'm rusalka, he offers his own name upon his approach, though introductions were made in the meeting that followed the festivities. mind some company?
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen sometimes wondered exactly which psrent gave him sich his distinct coloeing, both so varied in shades of color. Where did they get it from?

Rhonen didn't like being was just easier to hide his shame and handicap.

Rhonen turned to fix blue eyes on the man. Though he wuickly averted them amd tucked his tail. Making his shoulders smaller if he could. 

hhhhello ssssir.

He winced and felt tears prick his eyes. Yyyess ttthey aaare mmmine.

He sighed and took a breath. iiiI aaam Rrrrhonen.
bravo six
185 Posts
Ooc — delaney
rusalka was a father before all else, and he wars with himself between allowing his gaze to soften or keeping it as it is as the boy struggles to speak. it is immediate, the understanding that the speech impediment is very likely why the boy likes to spend time by his lonesome; quiet and reserved.

the seaking summons patience that only a father can have, biting back what words of encouragement that bubble on his tongue. it wasn't his place and this boy did not yet know him.

you don't have to call me sir, young rohnen. rusalka is fine. rusalka offers with a warm smile. he was one of the alpha's yes, but the calling of him as 'sir' reminds him a little uncomfortably of his own cub hood and beating back the panic that tries to flood him at anything that makes him think he is turning into kraken ( he is not, but y'know that fear of turning into his old man is real ).

it's nice to officially meet you, rusalka offers, genuinely. do you need anything from me or solveig? anything we can do to help you feel more at home here in raventhorpe? a question asked of both cubs and adults, recognizing that the children were about the same age as his own and surely coming into their own: thus rusalka sees no sense in treating them like small, helpless kids.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen didn't know this wolf, but she imagin3d he wasn't cruel and even probably nice. His own father was and this man was a father. To him there were no bad fathers as he hadn't seen one.

Rhonen licked the aide of his muzzle. Rrrusalka.

He could do that. Though r's tended to be worse. But he could do it.

Yyyou aaas wwwell.

Nnno jjjust lllearning ttthr ppplace. a smile at the older man. Though he still felt shy and broken. Rusalka hadn't treated him differently than anyone else for which he was grateful.
bravo six
185 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the boy responded that there wasn't and that he was just learning the place.

gotcha, rusalka murmurs, offering a soft nod of his head. so far, the general consensus seemed to be: letting the wolves of epoch adjust in their own time. still, it felt necessary to offer, to try to garner opinions, though rusalka wonders if perhaps they might be afraid to offer them in truth, not knowing his or solveig's temperaments yet.

which was also, undoubtedly fair.

if that changes, please don't be afraid to let me or solveig know. rusalka offers softly, all the same.

are there any skills you're interested in learning? rusalka asks then, wanting to learn about the boy.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen despite his size was fearful of anyone that wasn't his immediate family or Tamar. He would never admit that to anyone, but he knew in his deep heart that he was a coward. Truly and without denial. 

A soft smile. III wwwill. Mmmom iiis aaa hhhhealer and dddad aaa ggguardian. DDDeja lllikes eeexploring. Llllotus aaand NNNNIccolo aaare qqquiet.

He shook his head. MMMaybe hhhhunting. III aaaam nnnnot bbbrave lllike dddad.

He didn't know what else to do. Hunting would help those and he had no interest in the herbs that his mother loved so much. He wanted to be like his dad. A protector, but he was too nervous to do so and it was usually Deja that protected him.
bravo six
185 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the boy names off what everyone else likes doing, and then offers a potential in hunting. rusalka's golden gaze is soft as it assess the boy, wondering if he was picking hunting because it felt like all was left or if it was something there was potential in. hunting, eh? he inquires in a rasping murmur, giving a sage nod of his head.

hunting is a noble trade. highly sought after, as it helps to ensure the pack's survival in harsher months. but... is it what you really want to do? rusalka pushes a bit, because he wonders if anyone's ever asked him that before.

you told me what everyone else liked to do. but what do you like to do?

rusalka pauses to listen before offering a soft but stern, and for the record, i disagree. i think you're very brave.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen felt he'd like hunting. It was mostly solitary and it helped provide. It filled where he was lacking.

Rhoenen frowned. Iii dddon't knnnow. Iii lllike qqquiet. Aaan bbborders? Bbbut iii hhhate tttalking.

Rhonene aighed. He couldn't be border patrol because he couldn't speak with the newcomers. And he couldn't be a guardian because he hated hurting things. And his size it was so easy to hurt.
bravo six
185 Posts
Ooc — delaney
he didn't know; and rusalka rationalizes that he is so young that he didn't have to know. that's okay, rusalka encourages. you're young. you don't have to know yet. you can try different things, or just stick to hunting if that's what you think you'll like the best.

rusalka tosses the idea of sampling things out there; trying to offer a fatherly suggestion without stepping on the toes of the boy's actual father.

you don't even have to have an answer right now. i just want to get to know you. offer help with training where and when i can.

rusalka can only fathom how frustrating the speech impediment must be for the boy, but there was always a chance he'd outgrow it; and even if he didn't, didn't want the boy to isolate himself from his own pack mates because of it. well, begins the cairn patriarch. you're doing well talking with me right now.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen wasn't sure if it was okay. Didn't everyone know immediately what they wanted to be? Perhaps he was just weird. Add more to his way of life already.

A crease in his brow in thought and he gave a nod. He would try things and see what he liked and if he wanted to do hunting. IT was nice that this leader was willing to help him learn, but he would probably ask his mom and dad before him. But at least he knew he could ask if he wanted too.

CCCause yyyou aaare pppatient.
bravo six
185 Posts
Ooc — delaney
rhonen brings up the point that it's because he ( rusalka ) is patient. which, the könungr would agree, but he hadn't always been patient. the man he was now was not the man that had washed up on the shore of these wilds a year or so ago.

i don't think you're giving the other wolves of ravensthorpe much credit, rusalka says softly, deep whiskey steeped smoke tenor lilting. i think you'd find many of them are just as patient.

as for his children, well, knowing how unintentionally ( and sometimes intentionally ) cruel children could be, that was a bit of a different story. but rusalka is already making plans to tell them to include rhonen in activities and to not make fun of his speech impediment if he did choose to speak in front of them.

you just need to show them how brave you are. they'll respect that. they'll respect you. i do.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen's psrents were patient too, at least usually. His mom could be impatient and she would stomp her tiny feet and her father would give her whatever she wanted. He loved his parents.

He blinked and lay his ears down. Sssorry. Iii wwwill dddo bbbetter.

He hadn't meant it like that in fact. Most of the children had been kind. He hadn't met many other adults yet.

A shy smile. iii wwwill tttry.
bravo six
185 Posts
Ooc — delaney
rusalka's expression softens, spurred by the soft gnawing of guilt he feels. he hadn't meant to chastise: only to encourage. but he can see how that line could be hard to find for the boy who doesn't know him. rusalka is used to dealing with his own children whom are used to him. i didn't mean to chide you, rusalka explains, hoping to soothe away the apology without brushing it off entirely. only to encourage.

'atta boy. rusalka rumbles encouragingly, offering a small bump of his paw to the boy's shoulder, if the friendly gesture was allowed.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen didn't know this wolf well. But he always tended to take things personally. It was part of the reason he chose not to speak too often besides well his obvious handicap. He tilted and ear as the man's voice softened and wasn't sure what to do now.

Rho gave a firm nod of his head. Understanding what the older male was saying.

He took the small shoulder bump with a ghost of a smile. He didn't even back up. Iii'm gggonna gggo fffind mmmy bbbrother iiif ttthat's oookay. Iii wwwill iiintroduce mmmyself ttto aaanother wwwolf ttthis wwweek.