Dahozhoni Meadow forgive me peter
19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
All Welcome 
hi all <3 i hope you'll accept my darling menthe for her very first thread in the wilds! and bare with me as i remember how to write a wolf and use HTML ... lol  

If the wind carried a prayer of her downfall, Menthe was sure she could feel it between the tufts of fur at her nape. It held malice in it's gust, unusual to the kind, spring breeze that she had already grown accustomed to this season. It whispered its ill intention, sung straight to the Gods, delivered right back down to Earth. As far as the midnight nymph was concerned, her birth was blessed by Zeus himself. Gifted with beauty straight from Aphrodite and swiftness from Hermes. That is, at least, what her mother always praised. She'd hum it softly as Menthe drifted to sleep each night. The context of her birth perhaps would give more meaning to this, but Menthe didn't need to ask for metaphors. She knew it all to be true. 

A prayer of demise at her expense was but empty words; a God would not turn their back on such a creation, after all. But Menthe felt the hatred from millions of miles away. Embedding their dirty claws into the air that swirled around her. If paranoia could plant a seed, it perhaps had sprouted long ago, no matter her attempts to stomp down it's stem. Besides, the lions in sheeps' clothing could not reach her here. Evident by the lack of familiar scents. She'd gone without scenting a single known wolf for months... and they were few and far between. But she knew she was onto something when the wilds began to pump the scents of marked borders her way. This was civilization. This was new life. 

New life for her as well. 

As Menthe paused the epic monologue that reeled through her ever-creative and self-centered mind, she paused to feel the grass beneath her moon-coated paws. The wind stilled as she gazed upon rain clouds a few hours north, she could see them rolling in beyond the green landscape. To her east, she spied the red sand desert that she had carefully skirted around. Sand was not foreign to the coastal fae, but without the ocean Menthe was certain she would lose her way. How any wolf made way without the beauty of the green earth was beyond her. 

Her pointed ears flicked forwards, soaking in her surroundings as she began to plot the next direction she would take. She'd been traveling North forever, would it be bad luck to take a left turn now? Without considering it any longer, she started forwards again, her athletic frame rippling beneath her dark coat. Just as she soon as she started, she slowed, noticing something shift in her peripherals... 
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
Serpent Lake ran its jagged course further up from the northeastern reaches of Dahozhoni Meadow. Truth be told, Cassian had never once opted to go down this far south. There were wolves that surely found bliss and familiarity within the tempestuous sands, but this wayward soul was not one of them. At least, the current Cassian of this day and age believed so. Perhaps prior to the incident of being reborn there lay a separate beast capable of traversing such an expanse with mock ease, but that was neither here nor there. Useless prattle tended to fill this man’s mind and while it was enjoyed there were other things that called for attention today.

The pangs of hunger were a fine start to this dreadful morning.

It’d been days since Cassian’s last fortuitous meal and while the world was not shy of her blessings… she could certainly be greedy with them. Water continuously sloshed within the mortal’s stomach and birthed a faux sense of satiation. Currently, a feeble attempt was being made at following a scent. Was it a squirrel? No, it wasn’t anywhere near nutty enough. A deer’s corpse? The mere idea made him audibly cackle. If such a thing was out in the open the odds were that it was picked clean to the bone by vultures! Still though, the more that Cassian sniff, sniff, sniffed it simply became nigh impossible to ignore the second guess that rattled its way to the forefront of his mind. Maybe it was just his stomach talking? At some point a stroke of luck with an upwind draft strengthened the tie to this lead and then...

There it was.

Tucked away inside of an alcove lay the corpse Cassian fantasized about and immediately a dirt cloud of happiness formed from the man's tail sweeping eagerly at the ground. With a few careful tugs of the teeth the wolf was able to drag it out into the open and began to feast! Why, there was such ample meat left on it! The trek in its entirety had been about two miles down south, but it was worth its weight in…well, meat! Ten minutes into the sun-kissed wolf’s meal sprung by and then the hefty girth of a paw slamming its force into earth rattled Cassian down to the core. Blood kissed the man’s maw and when he turned to face the sound there it stood. A gargantuan, fuzzy, browner than mud bear.

”Oh my gods…ummmm....hiiii….you’re a handsome fella, aren’t you? Yes you are! Look at those lovely, thick, shiny claws of yours! Why, I'd bet you’d never hurt a soul in your life! So, I’m going to leave this here and then I’m going to…”


To the west, specifically.

Cassian ran. Oh, he ran like never before. The wolf’s limbs screamed in surefire protest and yet further he churned on. Angrier than could be, the bear lay just several paces behind the man and it seemed hellbent on making a meal out of this intruder. Athletic frame? Muscles? God-given genetics? No, no, and no! This wolf held on to adrenaline for dear life! There were no woods here to lose this creature in and that was when he saw them.

Another wolf.

At the top of his lungs, Cassian yelled. For them to get away?

Heavens, no.


There wasn’t a wolf with its head screwed on tight that would want such a thing to occur, but at the very least it served as ample warning at the end of the day!
19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
The mind plays tricks most every day -- especially when hunger and thirst and illness cling to the body. She was ridden with none of those things, and so as many times as Menthe blinked the hallucination away it simply wouldn't clear. She stared for... perhaps too long, trying to come to terms with reality. 

Whatever Menthe was expecting, it was not wolf-being-chased-by-bear. Her hackles rose along her angled coat, sharply fluffed and sending adrenaline swinging through her limbs. By the time she accepted she was of sound mind and this was indeed. playing out before her, she was far too close for comfort. Menthe took flight, as the wolf being pursued screamed out a disappointing 'warning'. Are you CRAZY?! She yelled back, not bothering to turn her head to look at them now. She'd heard in the wolf's voice that this was a man, and Menthe -- amongst all this distress -- couldn't help but sour at yet another male dumping his issues on to her. Surely, now that the pursuit was within range, this male could tell that she was not any bigger than he was and was definitely not in any position to take down a whole bear on her own. 

Cool air pressed past her cheeks, her paws grazing the earth and they carried her as fast as she could go. How this was suddenly her problem was a mystery, but the nymph learned to bend with the bow of the wind a long time ago. Frenzy encased the minty gaze she sported usually so apathetically as she scanned the meadow laid out before her. No cover of trees here, a bear may even be faster in any water... 

She could hear them still only a few yards behind, rage evident in the crashing of the bears soles hitting the ground. As panic was raking it's grip through her flank, Hermes' blessing coursed through her veins, she could feel it. Suddenly, even in this moment, she wondered if anyone thought she was flying, her paws so scarcely kissing the earth. Strides lengthened, she could feel his gift beating through her ears, loud and encouraging. A lesser man would think this to be adrenaline, but a lesser man was not forged by Gods like Menthe was.

And then, as her newfound courage pulse to life within her, her gaze steadied upon a new blessing. Rocks. Or rather, boulders; a scattered patch of piles of large rocks. Menthe knew their most prominent option here was to run until they outran the bear... but would it outrun them? She brought back memories of the coastal cliffs that she and the other pack yearlings used to play on, clambering up like little mountain goats. Maybe this wouldn't be their best bet but... Menthe was going to try anyway. 

I hope you can climb!! She yelled over her shoulder, abruptly skirting right towards the large pile of rocks. Just as she did, she dared to steal a glance at the oncoming doom, feeling a shiver of fear clip its way back into her throat. Her gaze met the strangers wild eyes for only a moment before she dialed back into her newly formed plan.
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
Are you CRAZY?!

Oh, if only this poor woman knew.

The question sprung forth and if Cassian were tethered to a sound, concrete reality in any fashion then he might’ve responded with an impromptu apology. Instead, the damned wolf found himself wary of his own sprinted footsteps as a laughter bubbled from within his chest. It spilled out in warm, giddy pools in a shamelessly foolhardy manner. He couldn’t help himself! The expression that wrought itself on the stranger’s face was far beyond priceless! Oh, and not to even mention the tone. Genuine distress! What was there to be stressed about? She could’ve taken another angle to vector off away from this trouble and been done with it all!

”You won’t like the answer you’ll get if I answer that question, so let me save my breath! It’s my neck on the line, after all. Granted, can you blame me? I didn’t know he wasn’t the kind to share! I mean, look at him! So cute, cuddly, warm, and brown. If I didn’t know any better, he wanted me to have that meal! Poor little fella just doesn’t know how to express self love and care!”

For somebody that was running short on breath, Cassian’s ineptitude for keeping that trap of his clamped shut was practically a skill at this point. Together, they ran. Where she felt panic Cassian instead found joy. If he were to die this way then so be it! A bear was a formidable foe, but that wasn’t to say it was a prospect the wolf entirely favored. Oh no, if that were the case then he wouldn’t even be running in the first place! Paws crashed against the earth, bones screaming in agony due to the constant, repeated, forceful pressure put onto them. It would be one thing if Cassian constantly engaged in hunts that kept his stamina and strength in check, but without a pack to follow and motivate that was far from the case.

Rocks. Dozens of them, haphazardly strewn about, came into purview. There were a few that were lower to the ground meant for resting, but the broader, taller ones were the only safe haven they would have from their lovely, bubbly friend that just couldn’t get enough of them! They might have not had much in common as strangers, but a need for survival conjoined them together right now and that was enough for Cassian to stick to their conjoined endeavor!

”Haha, so do I! I’ve never climbed a surface like that before. Wish me luck?”

Their eyes met. Green glossed over brown and in that split moment Cassian bore a grin wide and true. Warm, ginger, and an entirely offset contrast to the uneven pacing of the man’s own heart. It wasn’t until they got close enough to their sole salvation that Cassian’s haunches stopped for a split second before springing upwards and onwards. Claws scraped at the boulders in an aggressively alive manner and…

He failed.

The bear grew closer and there was only one real way out of this predicament now.

“Wait. Wait. Wait. Almost. Oh man, his teeth are REALLY scary. OK NOW GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO.”

Vectoring off to the right at the last second, Cassian watched as the bear failed to halt its momentum and crashed its skull against the cemented stone. There was a momentary period large enough to scale its back and then jump off, but not without confused, heavy, deft paws scrambling after the wolf. This time, he did not fail. This time, he made it to the top of a boulder that was far too tall and sleek for this bear to climb. This time, Cassian stared from the top and…

He watched.

Cautiously, eyes pinning to the creature as heavy, jagged breathing sloppily ground its way out of his way. The stranger from earlier, were they okay? His gaze did not wish to avert from the danger for now, so instead…

”Hey! Lady! You alright? I was too busy playing with Mr. Greedy over here to really check to see if you’re alive. Woo! Man, I am OUT of breath. If you are alive, maybe stop breathing for a bit so I can get some of that oxygen from this blue trapped bubble and recover faster? K? Thanks!”

Playful, down to the very core and awfully unaware of just how dangerous of a situation this had truly been. But, who cared! They lived!
19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
are they on the same rock? i couldn't tell. they are now (: feel free to nudge me and i can edit!

Lost to the wind in her ears were the spattering of rambles that the newly proclaimed psychopath yelled back at her very rhetorical question. Who had the breath for all of that at a time like this? And laughing? An anger fueled by careless audacity bubbled in her chest. Whatever was so funny, to the stubborn nymphs point of view, he was pursuing her as doggedly the bear was to him. Confident in her plan and her swiftness, the panic seemed to release it's grip on her, but she was still not ignorant to the severity of the predicament. 

As her eyes grazed his she swore she saw him grinning -- but pushed it away as she called again upon the God of Thieves to launch herself at an upcoming pile. 

It was the same blood she coveted, that of which Gods bowed so sweetly to flattery. She knew every alter and prayer and weighted compliment would continue to grant her a seat at the table -- one which she knew she belonged at. And so Hermes did not betray her. 

While bulging, rippling muscles were not so favorable on her feminine frame, her still-athletic build still flashed it's gift. Toned shoulders launched her carefully upon the stones, immediately juxtaposing the clumsy male who scrambled soon below her, tumbling down. 5 steps up, jumping to perfectly jutted out lips to which she could carefully fit her snow-laced feet to. It narrowed at the top, and she knew fat, lumbering paws could not grasp them as hers could. She climbed once more, slowly so she could watch what was becoming of her newfound... stranger. 

CRASH! The stones rumbled beneath her feet, and she widened her stance to keep from toppling off. She'd lost sight of the man for a brief moment before he came clambering up behind her. He finally came still on a ledge beneath her, and she peered over the edge to see him locked onto the bear still circling at their feet. The creature, though likely concussed, seemed to not have any intention of leaving just yet. It shook it's head and began circling at the boulder, huffing and puffing... wait. 

The hyperventilating was most definitely coming from the other wolf, who began rambling as soon as she gazed down upon him. Thousands of dictionaries did not seem capable of spinning the jargon he was spewing, and Menthe was so tired to be laughed at. Curt, short breathes flared her nostrils, and as the adrenaline would die she would eventually fall to a pant. 

Are you done prattling? She snapped when he began to wind down his run-on sentence, I think we still have a problem here. She gestured down, somehow not believing he was aware of the situation. There was not quite the same playful edge to her usual ambrosia tone that he had.
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
Even Cassian needed to breathe from time to time.

It was while the opposing wolf snapped at him that the wolf caught the rest of his breath. The bear was beneath them, showcasing its gargantuan, jagged fangs and pacing around the boulder while they spoke with one another. She mentioned that there was a problem here and Cassian couldn’t have agreed more. They were sharing the same rock! It wasn’t exactly as if there was a ton of prime real estate to share between the two of them. Still, it was better than the alternative - death. 

”Ooookay, I’ve caught my breath now! Also, yeah, you’re not wrong, buuuut…he’ll go away soon enough. We’re high up on this rock and he’s already crashed that big, fat, thick skull of his into the rock we’re on once with no dice. So, eventually his tiny, greedy, selfish brain will lose interest and go back to the scraps I left him. Or he’ll find his own prey to indulge on out of spite. All in all, I’d say we came out of this on top!”

What Cassian spoke of was already growing to become true. With each circle and deft strike at the boulder, the bear’s will seemed to chip away. While the beast whittled away at its own patience, Cassian instead opted for conversation. Speaking to strangers was no new feat to the wolf, but speaking to one in such a circumstance certainly was. Meeting her gaze, the gold toned man gave as goofy of a grin as they came before initiating.

”So, why’d you run in a straight line? There’s a lot of wolves that would’ve just darted off in a separate direction! Granted, there’s the chance that the bear would’ve followed you, but it’s better than being stuck with me on a rock I’m guessing from how snappy you sound! Oh! Also, what are you doing out this far south? I was taking a look at you while we ran and you don’t seem the kind to traverse deserts. So…what’s the deal? You with a pack or something?”


”Nope…you don’t smell like a pack wolf! At least, I don’t think you do. I’ve never met one before, but all the loners I’ve come across smell about the same! We’ve got this weird, tangy scent, you know? Must be from all the sweat we expunge since we’re solo. Name’s Cassian, by the way! I owe you, lady! Without you, I think that getaway wouldn’t have been anywhere near as fun, haha!”
19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
Irritability and curiosity pulled at the corners of her mouth, her gaze settled on him as he talked and talked and talked. He was right, at least, even though marbles seemed to make their home where his brain was. Right, she said with a few nods, On top. Literally.

On and on again, but this time with a question that Menthe couldn't believe he was asking. I thought you... were coming right at me, she answered, honestly because of how caught off guard she was, Like, you were pursuing me for help. Seriously?! Maybe she should've tried her hand at just running off. Sorry, I didn't mean to be snappy, she lied, taking in a hefty breathe as Hermes' blessing began to release, Just... on edge. She mirrored his pun, motioning to the edge of the stone that she was relaxing into. Maybe he'd get a kick out of that. 

Menthe, she returned, green gaze scanning through his golden one, You're right, not a pack wolf. She didn't comment on being called tangy or sweaty. I'll accept the thanks, I probably needed a little shake up today anyway. Haven't stretched my legs like that in a good while, the edge of her sentence curls into a soft purl, stretching a mittened paw out to examine it carefully -- no damage from climbing it seemed. I'm from way south, on the coast, a few months travel. What about you?
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
“Coming right at you? Nah, you were just in the way! So, I did try to pawn this bear off on you, but in the end it was a choice. I’m sure I would’ve been fine! Even if that’s not the truth, who cares? If I die, then so be it! I’ve had fun in the days I’ve been alive and I think that’s all that really matters, you know?”

She apologized for being snappy. By then, the bear began to make its way away from them. With its back turned to them, Cassian rose a paw to wave goodbye to it. His claws were chipped, but they were still functional. Attempting to climb the boulder weighed a heavier burden on him than it had for Menthe.

“You don’t hafta apologize! I’ve never been in a situation like this one before, but I think it would freak anybody out to deal with a bear AND me at the same time. So, you’ve got a little bit of wiggle room. Just a bit though, haha!”

Then, she made a joke. When Cassian caught wind of it seconds later the man couldn’t even hope to stifle the laughter that began to bubble its way up from the inner confines of his…well, wherever laughter stemmed from! Up, up, up it went before spilling forth into a warm, festering mess.

“GYAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s a great joke! Man, I’ll be stealing that one for the future! You’re welcome for helping you stretch your legs, by the way. It’s good to be in tip top shape!”

I’m from way south, on the coast, a few months travel. What about you?

Shrugging, Cassian hopped off the edge. He landed with all the grace of an obese racoon, ragdolling a few feet after the initial impact before standing and shaking the dirt off of his fur.

“I’m from somewhere around here! A green, lush place with a dinky little pond. Lots of food there, though! So, what were you up to before all of… this happened? You seemed pretty lost in thought before you sprung into action!”

A lie, he couldn’t see that far out. But, it was nice to poke and prod at people’s brains so that’s what Cassian did.
19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
There was a heavy silence that hung around the river nymph as this man talked, and talked, and talked. He had surely written nothing less than a novel by now, and Menthe was sending prayers to every God for him to pipe down. Surely, he'd run out of things to stay? It didn't really matter to her if he was right or wrong about the situation, she made the best judgement she could. She gave a halfhearted chuckle. I'm quite still in my prime, I think, I don't have any intentions of dying from a bear. To each their own. 

Her prayer answered by whatever God dealt with bears -- surely Ares? -- as she watched the vile creature waddle off, shaking it's head still. Alarmed, somehow, by his sudden outburst of laughter, Menthe winced and looked down at him with a quirk of her brow. Was it that funny? She was not so often blessed with Dionysus' humor as she was Aphrodite's charming wit. Perhaps she should pray to the God of Insanity more often -- the thought blazing an epiphany through her shadow-covered pelt. 

Perhaps this insane man was sent by the Gods himself as a trial; a trial that she most certainly had succeeded at! This realization brought her a more positive outlook on the whole situation, suddenly.

It was noticeable that her posture straightened a bit, consciously or otherwise, and her steely gaze broke again to share a soft smile with the lunatic as he finished his cackle at her joke. Feel free -- all yours, Cassian. It was a wonder this stranger didn't find her boring

You're going to return to your ... dinky little pond after this? she asked, with some genuine curiosity. Strange way to describe a home. 

Just thinking, I s'pose, returned the sea glass gazed wolf with a thoughtful expression, I've just made it here, after all, hard to decide what to do next. I've been traveling North since I started this journey, and I'd just decided I feel close to my destination. Wherever that may be. This seems to have steered me away from bears though. A pause, realizing she hadn't really understood what he had been yelling about while they were running. You said he... stole your food? Surely you didn't try to fight him for it?
50 Posts
Ooc — Nespario
Thank you for the thread!

“I don’t know where I’m going to go after this, honestly. The only reason I came down this way is because I had a terrible hankering for a meal. So, I followed the only scent in the area that was remotely related to solving my little problem. One thing led to another and before you know it I’m being chased by a bear. Was it my food? Was it his food? Who knows! I don’t think that’s an important question, haha! I managed to get a full belly and that mean spirited fella got a good workout in. So, at the end of the day, I’d say we all won, yeah?”

A smile flashed her way and insanity innocently broiled amongst the edges of it before it broke off and faded away back into the nothingness whence it came from.

“I’m sure we’ll cross paths again. I’m always wandering here, there, and everywhere! You said you’re going to be traveling North, right? Yeesh, depending on how far up you go it might start to get a bit brisk and cold for you. Make sure not to freeze to death, yeah? If we cross paths again, I’d rather it be in the flesh and not your grave. Although, I think either one is fine, actually. If it’s at your grave then you can’t get snappy at me like you did earlier!”

A joke, laced with a twinge of sarcasm near the end. Personally, Cassian did not care for how Menthe conducted themselves. This wolf was not the kind to police other’s behaviors and however a separate soul opted to act was entirely between their own self. When he walked away, the sound of the man’s chattering turned into self-centric mumbling until it could no longer be heard.
19 Posts
Ooc — Sweet
had so much fun! <3

Menthe gave a halfhearted smile to his conclusion. I guess we all did, she returned politely, though an ear flicked carelessly. It seemed even through her rouse, her discontentment with the way in which he acted was shining through the cracks. For he very quickly turned back on his routine of spouting nonsense to wish her farewell -- and hopefully not death? Or hopefully death? Another ear flick.

A pleasure, Cassian, I'll try not to freeze, she said, and hopped down beside him. Freeze in the beginning of summer? Seems like an easy task... Especially if the weather would be anything like this. She turned the opposite way from which he went, and began her trek, taking a few breathes to make sure the bear hadn't come this way either... 

What a character. Menthe rather hoped they wouldn't cross paths ever again.