Fairspell Meadow Flowers and boys mix well
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
The scent of flowers pulled him from the borders. Their fruity and fragrant scent dancing on the breeze. A small fragile little petal moved along beside pollen.

Rhonen made it to the meadow a small little smile as he admired the way the bees buzz buzzed around the flowers. Their tiny legs heavy with pollen.

He found a small spot and lay down, belly down. Head on paws and watched. He was not easily hidden in the flowers. Much too large now. Rivaling even his father. But there was a gentle soul in the giants body.
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The jelly to Rhonen’s peanut butter, aka: always around and awesome—her sunkissed brother might have been relaxing in the field of flowers, but it wouldn’t take long for the moonkissed counterpart to gather some of the colorful petals from the plants, and without warning or preamble, raining them over Rhonen’s head like confetti.

“Pay attention to me,” she huffed, flashing her brother a grin and giving a sway of her soot-tipped tail.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A twist as his sister rained flower confetti on him. He batted a few away. Looking up at her with warm eyes and upside down.

Hhhiiii Llllotus,

He tilted an ear, and it flapped down to the ground. Comical.

He huffed. Wwwhat yyyou ddooin?
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
“Wondering what you’re up to,” she chuffed softly, grinning fondly down at him just as he smiled up to her. Lifting a paw to ‘boop’ his nose, she settled back to her haunches, gaze tilting up now to look about her. “So… I saw some of those slippery frog eggs in a small pond nearby… Wanna help me collect some? Think we can hatch ‘em?”
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen sneezed and then sneezed again and wiggled getting more comfortable. Broad shoulders digging into the dirt. 

Ssssmelllin ffflowers.

He snorted as she touched his nose. Lipping gently at her paws. He would never hurt her. Not ever. 

He blinked and quickly pushed himself to sitting. His tail wagging happily. YYYYES.
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Rhonen surpassed a favourite playmate from a pick in a litter—there was a connection there that promised the girl her brother would always have her back, and her his should life ever pull them in a certain direction. At his enthusiasm, her own smile grew into a widen grin, and with a flashing wink, the girl waited for her brother to scramble up, so they could both go explore the pond together… and with it, the bundle of frog eggs that were surely there.

“How should we carry them home?” Her musing was soft, her eyes brushing forward to study the goopy patch of eggs—squishy circled, clung together. “Bet mom will love ‘em,” she decided then, a shit-eating grin on her features.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen held a soft spot for Lotus. Perhaps it was because she was the only girl. Or maybe it was because she was the one left. He would never really know. And that was fine. Their bond was a good one all the same. He missed Nicollo and Deja like a heartbeat, but he knew they were out there doing what they wanted. He hoped they came home soon. 

Rhonen looked around and nodded towards a small log that seemed alittle hollow. PPPut sssome wwwater iiin ttthhhere?

HE chuckled and stared at them and then laughed harder. MMMMoom bbbe lllike CCChhhildren! MMMake DDDDad ggget rrrid ooof ththtem.
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Her eyes followed his suggestion—clearly perking up when she saw what he was pointing to. Prowling over, Lotus skimmed a paw over the log, turning it quickly—studying it. All but two seconds later she deemed it worthy, and rolled it to the water, filling it up with some water.

As she did so, one charcoal-tipped ear cast in the direction of her brother’s voice, a light cackle of amusement escaping her before she slid a paw over her mouth—mirthful. “I’m going to ask her if we can heal anything with ‘em,” she decided then—wondering just how Meadow would actually react.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen couldn't hide the delighted smile, or the way his tail wagged at his sister's delight. He had done well, right? He had found something she could use. That filled him with such pride, truly. And she was so excited. He plodded behind her, large paws tearing up the ground, leaving deep prints in the dirt. He sometimes forgot how large he was, because well he wasn't built large inside. 

WWWonder iiiif yyyou cccan. TTTHHHeir slime?
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
With their hollow log filled with some water, the silver-kissed girl held back a giggle as she began to scoop some frog eggs in—they would have to be careful when taking it back, but she was convinced this was absolutely going to get their little science experiment from point A to point B relatively safely, she was sure.

When finished, she looked up to flash Rhonen a grin at his question—her eyebrows giving a little wiggle of amusement and mischief. “Only one way to find out,” she hummed, and thus, began the trek back to show mama just what the two had concocted for her.
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen helped his sister steady her burden. A soft hum in his throat. It was always nice to spend time with her and this was fun.

Though he fretted after the tiny little frogs they carried. What if they dropped them? Or his big paws squished them?

He was horrified at the thought.
30 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
If she had known her brothers fearful thoughts of squashing the already gooshy balls she would have laughed—and likely wrapped him in a warm hug. There was something about the companionship of her littermate that soothed her. She was a little wild… and he was grounded. Lotus liked to think they managed to keep their lives in a form of equilibrium as such.

“Can we name them, do you think? How many do you think they’ll be?”
Bearclaw Valley
99 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen didn't talk to many others. It was too much effort and he got frustrated. But Lotus, she just seemed to understand and had patience for him in spades. He appreciated it so much.

Thththere ararare atatat leleleast aaa dozdozdizen thththere. Iii lililike flflflower nananames.