Lost Creek Hollow Poison and Whine
245 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Leto seemed to be taking her time with it, carefully tearing off the meat and savoring the taste as she worked to the inside of the carcass.

"Mhm - I'll have to trust you with my meals from now on." She mumbled through her bites, tail wagging. She knew they would likely split up after this, but Leto was determined that she would find him again down the line.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
"I didn't get so big eatin' bad." he said, feeling proud at her comment. 

The adrenaline of the hunt had worn off now, and his shoulder was stinging. It wasn't the worst pain he'd ever felt, but it didn't feel good. His entire right forearm was dark red, though he wasn't bleeding so much anymore. He decided to wash off while she finished. The water around him clouded up with a pink hue before being swept off. The bite was in an awkward spot, between his neck and shoulder, and he couldn't properly examine it. He dipped it under, and the cool water stung at first. 

"Fucker got me good," he'd say, though he wasn't looking at her.
245 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She frowned, pausing her meal to look at Pepper. "It's not too bad, is it?" Leto asked with clear concern displayed in her tone.

While she was good enough at dealing with light wounds she knew nothing of the herbs in the area - and if it was too deep then she wouldn't have a clue what to do at all.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
"Nah, ain't bad."

He was just thankful otters weren't venomous. He'd had enough snake bullshit for a lifetime.

"It'll heal up. Just stings."

At least he made it out better than the otters. 

"Think I might catch a nap. You can join me if you'd like. I'll be looking for a pack when I'm up."
245 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Leto was caught off guard by the invitation, blinking at him for a moment before nodding. "Sure - that would be nice. Better to travel with a friend anyways." She decided, smiling.

She was quick to rip the remaining meat off the carcass, scarfing it down before joining back up with Pepper. It had been a long day, so a good rest sounded perfect to her.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Though he'd never admit it, he was glad she said she would. Having help finding food would be much better.

He also hadn't expected the title of friend so soon, but wouldn't complain. 

"And don't worry. I won't ask ya to sleep beside me." he offered his grin again, then began digging out a small pit in the sand. It was shady, and the water would make good background noise.
245 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Leto snickered in response to that, kicking sand at the wolf as she passed by to find her own spot to curl up.

"I'm a heavy sleeper, but don't leave without me alright?" She said, laying her head on top of her own tail.
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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
"I'll get ya up," he said. He used to be a heavy sleeper, but now not so much. He figured it happened with age. He followed suit, resting his head in the warm sand, finding he was much more tired than he'd thought.
245 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
I love them so much, unexpected besties fr :') lmk if you ever wanna continue! I'm pretty much always around
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