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390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Better, but hardly to his liking. 

"Thin ice, kid." he said. "Go get cleaned up."

Pepper had nothing better to do. He'd wait.
Ghost Talker
River Walker
181 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Hesitant, he laid back down to begin cleaning his wounds - eyes unmoving from Pepper as he did so.

His tense nature would remain, but he had gained some respect for the older wolf.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pepper watched as Kekoa laid down. Phobos would be helpful right now, because Pepper knew fuck all about dealing with the aftermath of a fight. 

"Lickin's only gone make it worse. There's a river east."

Pepper would be visiting it himself.
Ghost Talker
River Walker
181 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Eyes briefly flicking to the side, he then looked back to Pepper.

"..Will you take me then?"

He didn't feel as though he had much of a choice - if Pepper knew where the river was, then he should go with him.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pepper eyed the pitiful child. Did he take things too far? 

"I ain't heard an apology yet."

He'd take him, sure. But the wolf should learn from this.
Ghost Talker
River Walker
181 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He scrunched his face up once again - that was a ridiculous request in his mind.

"Aren't you the one who bit me?"
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Pepper didn't bite without reason. The wolf was behaving like an ass. That's what the apology was for. 

"Good luck," Pepper said, then turned to leave. He'd head back to pack borders if the boy followed. Crossing them as an intruder would be a mistake.
Ghost Talker
River Walker
181 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He immediately hopped up, tail held high in alarm.

"What - no! I'm sorry, will you take me now?"

His pride wasn't worth the infection, he had decided.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
390 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He turned. An apology, whether it was out of desperation or sincerity, was better than nothing. 

He could still just leave and not waste the rest of his afternoon tending to the idiot kid, but he wasn't heartless. 

"This way," he said, flicking his head.
Ghost Talker
River Walker
181 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He gave a careful nod, paws lifting to follow the older wolf.

This time around he would keep his mouth shut - probably.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.