Verdigris Ravine Visions
136 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Upon her return Candle sought @Gaara; her firstborn son, a prideful boy-turning-man now. The Daybreaker.

The priestess had a task for him. Of all her children, it was Gaara who showed the most promise of carrying on the legacy given to him. Her secondborn son was made for the shadows, claimed at birth by the spirits. Perhaps her daughters would one day bring life, but they were not ready now. Not yet.

Gaara was ready.

Carrying a mouthful of sweet berries, she followed his scent.
The Tribe
27 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The smell of food and his mother drew the dark coyote in. A man driven by instinct beyond anything else: survival, for himself and for his own. 

His head low between his forlegs and tail sweeping at hia ankles, Gaara woofs low as he spots his little mother moving swift into his direction.