Boartusk Heights daddy issues
87 Posts
Ooc — idle
future dated, gore-ish intro, open for the kids only,

its time for some daddy plot. @Nymphora @Vincent @Candela @Valeria (feel free to skip her cuz she is mine, and ill try to be threading this w both her n nivis and idk if i can keep up w her so feel free to go as much as you want!).

Woke up in the morning with a nose stained and a snot sticking to it and the ground. Ew; he wiped it with his paw and yawned. Odor so bad, it would kill a hawk as he rolls on his back and exhales. Luckily he stayed the night on the muddy dirty rock instead of messing around the mansion. Like they had cleaners, but that dirty-bred @Paloma individual. Fuck it, dammit.

May God guard him when Satan said go bless the kids with your presence, little loser; it’s time for redemption. Like he cared. Possibly his’ enemies doing to ruin the last bit of his… or maybe it was his mother: the satan herself in red across the table eating heart of her love and a liver of her stillborn. Just kidding…! Maybe.

Wow; he howled… and called for his kids only! Oh my god, daddy isn’t dead, that’s crazy.

And wow, they arrived. Not a bit of anxiety in Nivis’ belly. He felt sick from the boar from yesterday.

What’s up, kiddos?

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
29 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Nymphora knew to respect her father.

Didn't mean she did. He was more like a stranger. A stranger who occasionally remembered they existed and slunk in to play daddy until he got bored again.

Still, a part of her wanted his approval all the same. Ever so eager to prove herself. She was quick to respond to the call, ice-slicked paws carrying her out of the caverns of the palace and up to the smarmy man of coal and ash, the very same that coated her spine and ran down her tail. 

Undoubtedly his own markings upon the pale blondes of her moon-bright mother. Chimera of the two. No wonder she was so unruly.

...Father. She dipped her head, pinnacle of royalty in action, if you looked beyond her personality of thorns. She came to sit next to Vincent.
27 Posts
Ooc — Laur
The call came as a surprise; not just to Vincent, but most likely to all four siblings. Their...father? Calling for them? They had seen so little of him that the boy often forgot he even had a father. Was he as scarcely around his wife as he was his children?

Vincent saw very little use in trying to find any redeeming qualities in his father, no matter how much the man tried to befriend and appeal to them. His respect was hard-earned, and seemingly reserved for his mother only. And yet the prince responded to the summons all the same.

He approached slowly, ready to dismiss the encounter altogether should a single thing not go his way. He took a seat, chin raised as he looked over his older doppelganger. So rangy, so thin – not to mention he reeked like he had been rolling in corpses and dung. What did mother see in this man?

Vincent shot a pointed look to Nymphora as she greeted Nivis with a polite dip of her head, his red gaze saying, he is not worthy of any sort of courtesy.
87 Posts
Ooc — idle
Nivis was surprised by Nymphora’s actions as much, and internally he did laugh and raise browns as there was no reasoning to act so modest. He did not pay much attention to such unless it came strangers, who shall respect him. His own children? Who cared.

He eyed them and didn’t wait any longer. Clearly two of his children were indifferent about the situation, and it wasn’t like he remembered their names properly, nor did care where they were anyway. He was a free child too and so was gonna be a better parent than his own mother who dragged him through hell back and forth, and allow his kids to run places.

Natasha… and Villhelm… you have grown so much since the last time I got to see you properly. Get up from the ground girl and get your head up. Not so serious now; I am bored. You’ve got a boyfriend?

Then she scanned Vincent; he was clearly annoyed and not as excited. He had the expression and attitude of his mother and that made Nivis chuckle. The genes transfered almost perfectly, just like Nymphora’s submissivness that came from him. Adorable. Sweet. Fantastic.

Tell me, update me, your father. Willhelm, you have matured a lot, one more month and I am gonna be a grandpa.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads