Profile of Rashepses: Quick Facts
Mate to Toula
Played By: Anonymous
Basic Info
Full Name: Rashepses
Raemka Rashepses, Divine Consort, God of the Red Serpent, Asar Em Ta “powerful in land”, Menkheperre “he of the sedge and bee, enduring of form is Re”
Subspecies: Wolf
Size: Large, Lanky
Sex: Male
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 3 (2021)
Birthplace: Ta-senet
At a Glance
Profile of Rashepses: Details


A striking solar gaze against the silken obsidian of his pelt. He was tall and strong with a regal stature and an air of dangerous seduction.


He was an architect. Empirical and pursuing novelty. Passionate one day, indifferent the next. Pampered and indulged in all the riches of his patrimony. Surrounded himself with beautiful things and beautiful people. Believed he was a God.

Art by Tazi


Born Raemka, the third son to Pharaoh Shepsekare and Queen Sitkamun on the banks of the river kingdom Ta-senet. Raemka was a notably joyful boy with a distinct taste for both mischief and luxury. After the unexpected death of his mother, the palace became a closely bonded house of men, without feminine influence. Their aging father stepped down from Pharaoh and Rahotep, the eldest brother and former Vizier, assumed leadership. Raemka went on to study sciences and architecture, taking up the position of Great Royal Architect and earning his prince name, Rashepses.

At the start of the riverprince’s second year, a summons came from Akashingo seeking suitors for the then princess, Toula. As the last son to wed, Rashepses and his retinue set off across the desert to court and win the fair woman’s heart so he might take ownership of ther kingdom as Pharaoh. He did not expect to fall for her in earnest, and after professing their love the two were married, with Toula rising to Pharaoh and Rashepses Divine Consort of Akashingo.

Following a few months of wedded bliss and a holy fertility ritual, Toula surprised Rashepses with her pregnancy. Pharaoh and King welcomed the arrival of their first litter in the summer of 2024. The following winter, tragedy struck Akashingo, leaving the kingdom with no choice but to abandon their legacy palace.

Apis by | Falcon by | Toulepses by Yostta
Wife: Toula
Sons (2024): Khaemwaset, Den
Daughters (2024): Merneith, Satakhetem

Hand of the King: Mesen-ka
Kingsguards: Tanutamani

Art by Chemodanchik
Pack History

Akashingo Semer-wati November 2023 - Present
Ta-senet Iry-pat Birth - August 2023

Art by Metic
Profile of Rashepses: Additional Information
Registered on August 16, 2023, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
Banner: Ville Pohjanheimo, Avatar: Patrice Shoefolt, Bust artwork: Tazi, Feather Bust artwork: Metic, Toulespes artwork: Tazi, Toulepses Bust artwork: Yostta, Toulepses icons: Metic, Khaem & Ra: Chemodanchik
Player Notes
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