Noctisardor Bypass Fishing
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Lucius had been enjoying the bypass; it's mountains kept him and Inkeri sheltered enough, and they'd not been bothered by anyone else. The place really seemed quite deserted. Today, Lucius sat at the edge of the great lake, pale purple gaze trained on the water. @Inkeri was supposed to teach him to fish. He hadn't seen any fish yet, but was certain he'd have some luck soon, if he were careful, and quiet.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had explored more in the past few days, than she had in years. And even without Anja. Anja was always near, if she needed her, she was there. But she had been spending the majority of her time with the Coyote Lucius. He eased the loud crescendo of her mind, and she liked it.

She had promised him the day the sky had weeped, that she would help him learn to fish. So with a slow and steady lope, she found him at the lake edge. A smile graced her face, as she saw him staring intensively at the water.

Ikke slik She spoke quietly, her own language coming out to dance along her tongue, and empty into the air. She shook her head. 

Not like that, but close. Fish are not smart as us. They will not come up. Up. Unless they think they will get fed.

She paused a moment to run her snout along his head. She liked the down softness between his ears. She continued, past him into the shallow end of the water, feet sucking down, down into the loamy soil, sucking. Sucking. 

River is easier, but lake will do fine. Fine.

She stopped moving and stood still, and all too soon the fish came upon her to be curious. With sure paws, she moved it under the fish and pushed upwards, throwing it towards the shore.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Apparently, he was doing it wrong. The coyote ducked his head, a nervous giggle slipping from his teeth. His nerves were soothed as Inkeri brushed between his ears, and he gave a pleased chuff.

Then, he watched Inkeri show him the right way to fish. She stood in the water, still as possible, and soon enough she had caught a fish and tossed it onto land. Surprised, he scrambled forward, placing both forepaws on the fish. It flopped and squirmed and was surprisingly strong — he struggled only a little to decapitate it.

"Is a river different?" he queried after a moment. The fish now lay dead before him.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His nervous giggle, lay her ears flat. She hadn't meant to cajole, no she wanted to help, but he seemed calm when she touched him. She still felt guilt, she knew all to well, the bite of shame when doing something wrong, or perceived to be wrong. He may have caught a fish that way, in the river, but not a lake. They were down, down in the lakes. 

You must push under them. Under, and a bit away. The shadows in the water play tricks. Tricks. She showed him with her paw, ran one paw across the water, and showed him how the shadows were a bit distorted and wrong.

You would have been able to catch a fish the way you were in the river. Especially, if near a small little waterfall or down slope. She showed him what she meant a small little bump.

In the river, you can catch them easier, no need to go in water, can stay at the edge. Lake is still, quiet. They go down. down. Do you want to try? Try?

She motioned at a spot next to her, and studied his small face, and purple eyes. She didn't want to push.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Lucius dipped his head in acknowledgement, watching her display. It was good to know he had at least somewhat the right technique, even if it was for rivers, and not lakes. He was learning, so he didn't feel too silly, and when Inkeri asked if he wanted to try, he nodded and waded into the water next to her.

It was chilly, and his fur was thinner than hers. He shivered slightly, but soon enough his body acclimated to the temperature, and he stilled. He gazed down at his own reflection, and after a moment, he saw a fish coming his way. He eyed it, inhaling sharply, and he went to strike. He missed and the fish darted away; Lucius growled quietly, then looked to Inkeri. "I've probably scared them all away now, haven't I?"
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri saw him listening. He didn't seem as uncomfortable now. She traced her eyes over the wounds that covered his face, not for the first time wondering at them. While at the same time a deep burning anger, wreaked havoc on her insides at whomever would hurt such a kind creature as Lucius. She was not a wolf of violence, she was actually quite easily cowled, but the anger that resonated, it was new and hot, and wicked.

Inkeri moved alittle closer only to share her warmth. But she didn't touch. He needed to have good balance. She gave a half smile and shook her head no. Only for a few seconds. Fish are stupid, at least some.Some. She thought of some of the beasts in the deep, that she had seen in their travels and a shudder rocked her.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
He noticed her looking at the mostly-healed marks on his face. He looked away, almost guiltily. He hadn't told her who had attacked him. Frankly, he just didn't want to relive it — her ragged face haunted him every night as it was. He focused instead on fishing.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, the fish began to return. He waited with bated breath until he thought one was close enough, and then he struck out swiftly. His muzzle caught only water. Lucius sighed heavily, then slowly left the lake. "I... I don't think I'll be a very good fisher." He felt close to tears — why couldn't he do anything right?
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri knew well the shame of pain. When you were to weak to fight back, or at least felt to weak. She remembered the healed wounds that had peppered her.

Inkeri followed him and moved to stand in front of him. 8f he would allow she would lift his muzzle and lick at his face. ,You only just started, Lucius. Lucius. It takes time. It took me a few days to learn and even more weeks not to go and miss them. Them. You just need to practice. And it is easier to use paw. Paw.

She ran her muzzle soothingly across his head, anxious and afraid he was going to leave, because she couldn't teach right.

74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Last from me, enjoy a sulky boy!

He was being too hard on himself. The coyote took a deep, steadying breath, listening closely to Inkeri's words as she licked at his muzzle. She comforted him, and he leaned into her briefly. "I'll try one more time today, but then I think I need a break." Lucius forced a smile, then returned to the water to wait.

The fish returned. Lucius decided to use his paw this time. He struck out, but failed once again, and the fish scattered. The yearling sighed, his shoulders sagging, and he slowly turned and left the lake. As he passed Inkeri, he mumbled, "I think I'm just gonna go take a nap... I'll see you later..." He would return to the cave they'd sheltered in during the storm, and curl up. He would remain awake for several hours, pretending to be asleep.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri read his face and her heart dropped. She wanted to fix it. And for a moment she was feeling hopeful he leaned in. And offered to try again.

Inkeri whined as he went past. She promptly sat down and watched him leave. Her eyes pinprickibg with unshed tears. She would calm down, and the go join him.