Verdigris Ravine Spectre
144 Posts
Ooc — xynien
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The scents of The Tribe were fading away. Kusuma had gone, and Candle was nearly consumed with the despair of it. Yet she did not falter; could not.

@Sari needed her. @Zoug meant to raise children with her. And Candle would return the loyalty shown by @Koa.

At the outskirts of the ravine, the priestess lifted her muzzle in song. She called out to her kin, and to the desert beyond.

They were still here, and here they would remain.

Candle would not let The Tribe be forgotten.
257 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his voice rose with hers.

there was no reason to leave this place. it had provided for them once, and would again.

his tones supported any of her higher yips, carrying for long miles across the golden sand.

home would not change.
21 Posts
Ooc —
hope i'm not intruding, just poking in for this to be refrenced icly

coyotes fell, wolves remained — a war won without any battles. 

she watched atop her perch, smile forged of chaos. 

where will you go now little doggies?

would they march upon their competitors? would they flee to the east? would they fall to the sun? 

so many moves to play, but few pawns to play with. 

she let out a hoot, a clash in the warm air. 

she would watch, as she usually did. grandmaster hovering above the chessboard as the pieces played themselves.