Profile of LoreleiTheWolf: Quick Facts
Played By: Lorelei
Basic Info
Full Name: Lorelei Moonlight
Subspecies: Full Rocky Mountian Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: Around 2 years old. (September 21th 2014)
Birthplace: Snowforest Tiga
At a Glance
Vibrant blue eyes and a massive tail.
Profile of LoreleiTheWolf: Details
Lorelei has light gray fur which comes form being born in the Snowforest Taiga. She has White on the back of her ears. Lorelei is gifted with vibrant blue eyes which she inherited from her grandmother, whom she never met. She has one large dark gray stripe which runs from her head to her tail. Lorelei also has a white tail tip which she got from her father. Her look is completed by one tuff of fur that is constantly covering her left eye.
Will never go up to a wolf and challenge them.
Prefers to stay out of fighting.
Fear of bull elks.
Lorelei started out as a small pup in Snowforest Taiga, but after loosing both her parents to a large buck elk while they where trying to save her. She was to small to care for herself and she hadn't a pack. Eventually two wolves where going buy in search for food they spotted the small pup sitting it the snow by herself. They quickly took action and brought her back where they lived, all the way back in Great Bear Wilderness before they continued there hunt.
Has no family living. Was an only child. Never knew her parents.
Pack History
Has none.
Profile of LoreleiTheWolf: Additional Information
Registered on June 29, 2016, last visited June 30, 2016, 11:02 AM
Never had pups, mates, friends, a real family. Only one memory of her parents, when they where killed by the bull elk.
Art Credits
Art created with Wybain Wolf Maker.
anonymous.llama |
Player Notes
Fear of bull elks. Good hunter. Prefers smaller prey. Trustworthy and responsible.
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