Profile of Malik: Quick Facts
Played By: Ayen
Basic Info
Full Name: Malik
Subspecies: Gray Wolf
Sex: Male
Age: 5 (3/25/2015)
Birthplace: Yellowstone National Park
At a Glance
"... you're like a moose!"
Profile of Malik: Details
[Image: tumblr_pnxotn9LJJ1vsi5j1o8_500.gifv]
 #cca985 #7e7c7c #3e3c3c #fcf7f6 #b86220

natural body musk and cut grass
chris hemsworth, american midwest accent
alive, healthy, uninjured
Tall and lean, not terribly muscular, but he can somewhat hold himself up if pushed. His fur is a hazy gray with tan gradients and a white underbelly. His face has a tan "mask" , which frames around his eyes and stops at his nose. His eyes are amber colored, like smoldering embers left over from a roaring fire.
friendly, warm, hearty, approachable, loyal, creative
airheaded, crass, brutish

Kind, considerate, and tenderhearted. Very imaginative and a big daydreamer, but he masks it as best he can with his fake showman persona, acting like a big tough guy so others will take him seriously. He has an affinity for his packmates, particularly pups, and won't be ashamed to humor a few every now and then. He can be a bit naive and airheaded at times, but when he's given a task, he won't rest until it's completed to the exact standards.
[Image: tumblr_nyxa3kTiD91r9pt1so4_500.gif]
Malik doesn't seem to remember who his kin are, or how he ended up in the Teekon Wilds, but he has a theory that something happened in his old pack that lead him to where he is now - perhaps some kind of conflict or disaster?

Whatever the case, he's been living his life in relative peace where he currently is, and believes that his ignorance is bliss - he's content that he may never find out what really happened before his amnesia, and he doesn't let it control his mind or dictate his future.

(Note: I'm leaving it open to interpretation what might've happened pre-Teekon, but I'm happy to accept family members that do know what happened specifically.)
Mother | -
Father | -
Siblings/Littermates | - (open)
Children | -
Grandparents | -
Cousins | - (open)
Aunts/Uncles | - (open)

Mate | -
Interests | -
Acquaintances | -
Friends | -
Close Friends | -
Allies | -

Rivals | -
Wary Of| -
Nemesis | -
Fears | -
Annoyed By | -
Pack History
Lone Wolf
Profile of Malik: Additional Information
Registered on November 13, 2017, last visited May 28, 2020, 09:26 PM
face/voice claim is the Huntsman/Chris Hemsworth
Art Credits
Malik's Signature
[Image: tumblr_othe1lrhKI1rbdje2o3_r1_500.gifv]
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