Profile of Mavka: Quick Facts
Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Mavka
Subspecies: Mackenzie Valley Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 1 Year (April, 5th 2019)
Birthplace: Outside Teekon Wilds
At a Glance
Mavka is a dainty female, her build is that of athletic muscle and agile movements. Her pelt is a mixture of dark colors, being of ebony hues, and dark grey's. Her eyes are a softened grey, battling the storm of grey that dances within her pelt.
Profile of Mavka: Details
Mavka is a dainty female, with various hues of black and grey upon her thickened pelt. The dame holds the blood of heightened wolf species but finds herself standing a hand beneath even their height, her slender figure appearing brittle beneath the eyes of others. Though the female holds a fleeting appearance, her muscles contain an athletic build leaving behind a somewhat agile look to her frame.
Mavka is a rather sadistic canine with brutal, and violent tendencies just like her beloved mother. She possesses a fierce and dangerous temper, a trait that she shares with her family tree. Mavkal is an intelligent and a natural leader, taking charge in tricky situations even now as a young adult. She is highly intelligent, which is proved by her thinking skills at such a young age, but her interests are narrowly focused on the usefulness of other, and objects to her own personal goals as she grows older. Even as a pup Mavka had been viewed as egotistical and arrogant, which she inherited from her mother. She was shown to be highly ruthless, blunt, temperamental, and cunning, these traits exposed more recently.
Mavka grew up outside the Teekon Wilds, being born to a rather sadistic family of wolves with no intent on becoming a pack of one. Mavka was born to a small litter, her mother seemed relieved with such news. Mavka knew her siblings for a short time, for she found herself departing from her mother after six months, and accompanying her father has he roamed the vast stretch of land that they were centered upon.
Profile of Mavka: Additional Information
Registered on August 20, 2020, last visited August 24, 2020, 11:27 PM
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