Profile of Rocky: Quick Facts
Played By: Mercury
Basic Info
Full Name: Rocky
Subspecies: Cougar
Sex: Male
Age: 5 (2009)
Birthplace: Velvet Sky Region
At a Glance
Large but lanky male cougar with gorgeous yellow eyes that seem to mesmerize the female of the species. He is slightly darker tanned than the average cougar.
Profile of Rocky: Details
Golden eyes, a cherry tan coloration to his pelt with white cheeks that bare black whiskers. His paws are massively huge for his long, lean, and lanky body. He is slightly shorter than the average male cougar.
Quiet, sticks to himself but does like social gatherings. He tends to talk to those he sees worthy of his time, other than that, don't expect even a hello mustered from him. He is an observer and tends to learn the weakness's of others by simply observing. He lacks empathy and does not seem to care about anyone else but himself and is loyal subjects. Rocky bares a dark and very violent side to him.
Born out in the wild, he has remained a lone male for the first two years of his life until he joined a tribal wolf pack at the age of three where he gained the rank as Beta and Protector. He was Lead guardian at borders and often warded off any interlopers with chasing or killing them off. He murdered his wife and young within the pack he had joined. In attempts to cover up the evidence, he ate his children, and buried his dead wife, then left the tribal pack for fear of exile. He has been out on his own for over a year now.
Ypres - former pack mate and entrusted friend.
Hailstorm - former pack mate and protector of Rocky's den.
Pack History
Beta and protector of the Velvet Sky Wolf Pack
Profile of Rocky: Additional Information
Registered on June 28, 2014, last visited July 07, 2014, 12:39 AM
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