Profile of Hex: Quick Facts
Played By: mercury
Basic Info
Full Name: Hex
Formerly: Jakub, Caligula
Subspecies: Wolf
Sex: Male
Age: 1 (03/10/2023)
Birthplace: Swiftcurrent Creek
Voice: Travis Bickle
Profile of Hex: Details

black as night at birth and beyond;
brilliant gold gaze inherited from his sire;
sleek, lithe build, much like an evening shadow

chaotic neutral | 6w5 | INFP-T

[Image: wolf-black.gif]

[Image: VMbO.gif]
currently recognizes no family

FATHER | Akavir
MOTHER | Jakoul
SIBLINGS | Nicodem, Mae

HALF-SIBLINGS (via Akavir) | *Lilitu, *Arielle
PATERNAL GRANDPARENTS | Constantine , Durnehviir

Distantly related to the Mayfair & Frostfur families

* By marriage, not blood
Profile of Hex: Additional Information
Registered on March 01, 2023, last visited July 25, 2024, 02:19 AM
Art Credits
Avatar photo: Kati H. (Dawnthieves)
Attached Accounts
Player Notes
eastern time · she/her/hers

i post when i can and when i feel like it, which could mean a reply within the day or not for another week or two

i prefer spontaneity, twists, and organic development

i don't participate in intricate long-term plotting and/or non-organic ships
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