Profile of Fallen Sun: Quick Facts
Fallen Sun
Played By: Kai
Basic Info
Full Name: Fallen Sun
Subspecies: Red Wolf x Gray Wolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 2 (February 25, 2021)
Birthplace: North Carolina
At a Glance
[ updating profile ]
Profile of Fallen Sun: Details
[Image: FallenSun.png?ex=657f4d7a&is=656cd87a&hm...5ded7a5c1&]
Once silent, now breaking apart.
Fallen Sun dispersed from his pack at two years and has been wandering ever since.

Fallen Sun thinks of Winter Song fondly.
Pack History
LONER > 5.23.2023-12.5.2023
MORNINGSONG > 12.5.2023-current
Profile of Fallen Sun: Additional Information
Registered on April 25, 2023, last visited June 30, 2024, 03:01 PM
Art Credits
credits listed in Player Notes
Fallen Sun's Signature
[Image: IMG_6019.png?ex=6584b9fe&is=657244fe&hm=...95458337b&]
Player Notes
Banner Credit - @Deimos from this post
Avatar- Cryptid
Other art- me
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