Swiftcurrent Creek please say you love me · pack meeting
per aspera ad astra
520 Posts
Ooc — Ash
Kaskara remained silent, instead listening to the others speak, offering up their services to help move the children from the Creek to their new home, wherever it may be, up North. Kas looked directly at Scim and Bazi, and with a firm nod, also gave her silent word to help move the family.

Then, when the others had begun filing out, she lingered only long enough to give the white dove a soft nudge on the cheek, her brother a kiss, and then left to find a pine-covered bed to rest upon. It had been a tiring couple of days, and she would need all her strength in the coming weeks.
Avatar by Karm! <3
333 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
She did not know what to say. Awkward, uncomfortable and feeling entirely like an outsider, Paarthurnax felt that this pack she'd only recently become a part of was beginning to fray. Here sat two wolves, parents of Swiftcurrent's only brood, who'd announced their desire to leave. And she felt the tension that thickened the air, saw the pain in the faces of her pack-mates who clearly did not wish to see the family break apart.

But she had nothing to offer. When Bazi permitted the wolves to go, Paarthurnax shot another solemn glance at her leaders and gathered herself to leave. She stole away quietly, not looking back.
539 Posts
Ooc — summer
last post for me too.

Star listened as Bazi finally gathered her voice and spoke up. Star was a bit suprised that Bazi would help, but she realized that these must be very close friends, as well as the fact that there were puppies in the picture. Bazi dismissed the wolves with a bit of a "cliffhanger" as Star still wondered how things would all turn out. Star nodded politely to Bazi and left the wolves feeling a bit curious if they had another rival in thrir way.
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
I'm probably gonna post one more time after this so I can sneak in my 3 posts :o

Tuwawi felt herself and Njal fall under the scrutiny of their packmates, but their collective stare did not cause the ember's equanimity to falter. She stood strong, willed with great purpose, besides her platinum mate as he took the helm to cool his wife's fiery catalyst. A shallow quiet fell upon the pack until Scimitar, the newly appointed right hand, cut the silence with a low and stale voice in lieu of their speechless leader. His tone was plain, but the questions were valid; their children were young. How would they be moved? For a moment, Tuwawi reflected on the foundations she had laid while on her travels. Sveinn would come if called, and perhaps Ptarmigan, to assist the Sveijarn's relocation. However, it was Njal who spoke first - turning to those they knew best for help.

Yet it was clear, within the acerbic pause, that the pair had expected too much from the creek pack and its new leadership. Perhaps their months of indelible loyalty and hard work had been misplaced in Swiftcurrent's hands, for it had only earned them a passing favor and cold looks. That was the catch 22 with this group, as Bazi had previously realized. Their membership was liquid, frequently coming and going like the creek's water, and past efforts held little weight compared to current triumphs. Njal and herself had witnessed much over the fleeting seasons in Teekon's valley: One alpha dead, one alpha abandoned, a beta who had departed, a cougar attack, coyote raids, an attack by tortuga wolves, the banishment of Ferdie and Jace, and their sequential abduction of Magpie and Leaf. Only Bazi was second to them in longevity within the ranks, and to her the Sveijarn's desire to depart might not have been the grand slight others assumed it was.

However, it did not stop Bazi from lacing her words with ice, now reanimated by Scimitar's touch. His presence bled into the pale commander like ink into water, and his influence and quiet discontent was not lost to Tuwawi's shrewd observations. 'We'll help you. For those gorgeous pups of yours, on their first, very long journey,' Bazi decided with a pointed ring to her voice, subtly commanding the new parents to travel a great distant and establish their roots far outside Swiftcurrent's reach. Tuwawi was confident their new home would not interfere with the creek pack like Ferdie and Jace's had, and so she offered a small nod of understanding to acknowledge these words. "We thank you," she replied, voice soft and sincere however contrasted by a molten hot quicksilver gaze. There was conviction in her eyes. No longer were the mountain and his flame content to follow. Soon, they would lead.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck. 
he came and stole the wild
1,016 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The pair's announcement on the very day of Bazi's rising had sparked quiet discontent throughout the group -- it was a ripple in the water, washing over each of them and he knew that it made the others now question their new ivory queen. But she was relentless in her kindness -- despite the clipped words that escaped her and the implication they would need to settle far from the Creek's reaches, she would aide them.. Scimitar had never held doubt of that.

To each that volunteered to help, his eyes would settle upon them, offering them a nod of gratitude should they have looked his way. Yet Scimitar was a wolf of few words, and as they were dismissed, he settled back to his haunches, awaiting the others to go. He would nt leave before them -- and only then did his eyes flicker to Tuwawi's hardened steely gaze. No, it was best for the pack if the pair was gone -- their discontent would only bring them to ruin in the end.

Bitterly, he could recall his discussion with Bazi about the pups.. and how they had yet to be jaded by the world. He could only hope this would not contribute to them becoming so.
he came and stole the wild
a crime so old as the sky and bone
417 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
I was gonna wait for other peeps to post buuttt I'm just gonna wrap up Tuwa up :-)

With their sentiment made known and thanks given, Tuwawi felt a rough sketch of their ambitions begin to form. Though relying on former pack mates for transport was a shaky plan, it was their best course of action. Together the Sveijarns would soon depart this land, and head for greener pastures. There Sveinn would be waiting, along with any others who pledged themselves to the maiden leaders.

Until then, the kinks would have to be ironed out. Bazi dismissed the coterie, but Tuwawi briefly lingered to meet the alabaster youth's gaze. Her expression was telling, intent clear: I'll be at my den, come find me and we'll talk. With that, she offered Njal a passing brush of her shoulder and picked up into a trot towards their burrow. It was supper time, after all.
currently sports a radio collar around her neck.