Boartusk Heights forget all the stupid things you say
La Muerte

166 Posts
Ooc — bon
her belly swells with children. thrashing, thriving, disruptive children.

the little brats chains the queen to her chamber, forced to watch the moon rise and set with only retellings of goings on from her lovely messenger dove. speaking of, she sent her dove to fetch for @Nivis

only as she hears the clicking of nails against the palace halls does she finally rise from the boar hide as her bump weighs down on her back.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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La Muerte
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Nivis groans and yawns as he walks towards her, uninterested. He was doing nothing but lazing around, sleeping all day and rolling from side to side in his warm nest. Clearly, his favorite activity being disturbed meant he wasn’t gonna be exactly pleased.

The only positive about this was moody Reyna and her adorable large bump she struggled walking thanks to. How could he miss to comment on that.

I was upset they woke me up but not anymore then… You look pretty sweet when preggo like that, momma. Do you crave attention?

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

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La Muerte

166 Posts
Ooc — bon

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she blows a tuft from her visage, it was just a hair out of place but it's enough to set reyna off as nivis makes his best introduction.
shut your trap, before i do you a favor. we need to speak.

adjusting to lay once more on the fur, reyna firmly holds her head up so that her gaze remains set on nivis — not that she needed to strain to do so anyways.
you have disrespected my guard, @Klara, and thus have disrespected me; you've weakened my kingdom. how else will i keep my people happy if their king is so.. eager to jest with them? eager to use them as clowns and whores alike.
as if in protest to her language, one of the brats kicks her. she gave a slight hiss, and continued.

you have many things stacked against you. it would be wise, then, if you could at least restrain yourself just long enough from riling our subjects.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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La Muerte
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Ooc — idle

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: indirect mention of sex

Nivis let her go off and didn’t say a thing or two before her monologue was finished. Then he poured some more gasoline into the fire.

Ah, you are very hormonal. it’s okay, my love, let’s calm down first. No need to get jealous.

Even though Nivis appeared like he didn’t care: cold hearted and malicious. His reactions were partly caused by his coping mechanism. It was much easier to act ignorant but to admit he messed up. Truthfully, it wasn’t in his intention to shoo Klara away or take it far beyond and lead her to the bed. She wasn’t that kind of interesting. Maybe. Whatever.

I think you are misunderstanding and to be honest, I would expect you to be the last one to side with her tributary. All I did was asking your new toy a simple question. He spoke calmly, softly; Reyna was upset and those, especially pregnant ones, had to be handled with special care. The people you have chosen appear unreliable and as you can see, she proved herself to be one.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
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La Muerte

166 Posts
Ooc — bon

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: language, mention of insects

jealous? of what? she'd have your tongue laying on the ravine before you could ever get near her. she is a fine guard; fine enough for what we have now.
mongrels, fools, and the shining jewel: herself.

unless you wish to sit along the frontlines, i suggest you behave around her. and the little family of half-bloods too. such creatures would've been exiled or slain out of their misery. her parents would laugh at her if only they saw her now, though the queen saw a different kind of worth in the little maggots.
they've given birth, so they can not afford to move even if they wish to. the father has requested that i teach his children my language; which i will.. with a fee, of course. she pauses to check her nails.

paloma is not of much concern, she is stuck me like a tick. she'd never leave even if i tear her from me. but flaithri you should watch yourself around — i quite like him. in fact, perhaps you should take pointers from him, seeing as he was supposedly a king.

perhaps they are unreliable, but they are what we have now. if we lose them, there will be no kingdom.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: language, excitement to the point of arousal? not literally butttt


Laughing at her, laughing at her desperation, at her attitude, at her devotion, Nivis tiled his head. Oh god, that was so amusing. He found himself vibrating in his slacks as he heard her talk stupid about that little plan of hers. It drove him insane, so insane that he could burst. And her being pregnant while teaching him that lesson made it sexier, more arousing.

Amazing. Wonderful. Sick. You have done this all alone! And your parents thought shit of you! He says, stepping closer to her. No fear, nothing; she couldn’t hurt him. Nivis had nothing to lose anyway. You wouldn’t do that. You talk about other men, desperate and hurt. You threaten me but you know yourself and I know too that you wouldn’t.

His words were now whispers, close to her in the worst possible tone and honestly they could fight if they weren’t smart and codependent. Nivis was however getting bored and understood the assignment clearly. Talking about this bores me and now I got myself exhausted. I won’t get into your business if you don’t want me to, however you can’t expect me to stay away from those you consider your slaves. They are ordered to serve you right and they will. Including myself. Now if you excuse me, my love, I am going back to bed and might consider seeing the pretty half-bloods you mentioned.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
La Muerte

166 Posts
Ooc — bon

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: insulting language

you know nothing. disrespected, she hisses. it it weren't for the weight that chains her to the floor, she would've killed nivis here and now herself. how dare he, after his throne had been returned to him, after she carries offspring made and soon born from his filth.
sometimes, she truly considers cassius' embrace. arrogant, haughty and insufferable cassius at least had his good looks and status to flaunt. the man in front of her appears more mongrel than the mongrels she now houses. he has nothing to out-do her and yet he mocks her and it insults her.

another kick rings a sharp pain through her entire body. it shakes her down to her being, and when she inches open her eyes she sees only a leach before her. ..leave. i have nothing more to say to you. i'll call for you again once our children are born..
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle
She has entirely lost her mind. What was he? A toy to play with? A servant to call? A slave to use? It seems like she got obsessed with the power she has gained so far and even though Nivis quite enjoyed the thrill in the wrong way, it was still making him sick to the guts. Exactly the thing he was so scared of.

They are all the same; they always do lose their pitiful minds to the magic of might. Tsk.

You act like I can’t make my own decisions; now having people to call for me otherwise I am not allowed to step within the personal space of the queen herself. Hilarious. He chuckles, then gives her the last glance before walking away. I’ll come when I want to.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

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