Blacktail Deer Plateau raven clan
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

the mountains are passable this time of year. i wonder what another season will bring.

a settlement sprawled across the nearby plateau. eivor tasted the air before she descended the mountains. her voice called politely for audience at the borderlands.

189 Posts
Ooc — Jess
With Tyraxes and Hilda in tow, Solveig travelled along the borders, instructing her two four-month-old children as they went. She called their attention to markings left behind packmates, and droppings left behind by the prey that visited. When the wind picked up, she coached them to wet their lips and breathe in the scents; the faint scent of sulfur from the hot springs nearby made them both scowl, to their mother's delight. 

Both children froze and tilted their heads simultaneously when a stranger's call came from the borders. For a fraction of a second, she caught herself wishing that the call had come from Tamar, before she registered the unknown tone of voice. "Alright, let's go; you remember what we say when we greet newcomers, yah?" She asked, and received the bobbing of eager heads in reply. 

They trailed along behind her as she approached the woman, who looked every bit of a warrior. At first glance, from a distance, Solveig had to squint- thinking perhaps this might have been one of her sisters, for she stood as tall as any of the Hestrskjoldr sisters, and boasted as many scars. Solveig appraised the woman, clearly impressed; she cast a meaningful side-eye to her two children, and then nodded her muzzle in a polite greeting to the woman. In a chorus, all three spoke as one:

"Hael og sael," They greeted. Hilda giggled, and tried to hide behind her mother's hip. Solveig sniffed, faintly amused. "You have come to Raventhorpe- we bid you welcome. I am Solveig; this is Tyraxes, and this-" She said, side-stepping to reveal her daughter, "Is Hilda. What brings you to our home, traveller?"
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony

eivor was equally impressed by the powerful woman who came to meet her. bountiful, motherly, and glowing, there was no lack of hardness beneath the curves in solveig. 

the grey eyes warmed with delight to hear their greeting. the names confirmed that she had found another place of theirs.  "heil og sæl, little warriors. and to you, skjaldmaer of raventhorpe. i am eivor ravunulf. my clan sent me to these lands for the purpose of alliance."

she gestured. "over the mountains is another settlement. i have been there first. but now i am intrigued to know more of raventhorpe."

189 Posts
Ooc — Jess
An animated wolf, Solveig very rarely disguised her thoughts; secure enough in her position and her own strength, she considered a candid expression of one’s thoughts and feelings to be the mark of strength. Thus, when she heard her native tongue, she tilted her head back and uttered an expressive whoop! and showed every measure of glee, from the broad wave of her tail that buffeted the children on either side of her to the broad grin on her face. Hilda, her stout little echo, hopped on the spot and uttered a soft roo! though she wasn’t sure what the celebration was about. 

The hearty Shieldmaiden before her spoke of another pack- of course, there were many in the valley, including all of the Moonpacks, but she had not been made aware that another Norse clan lived nearby. A third as well, depending on how far Eivor had travelled. 

”You bring us welcome news, Eivor Ravunulf,” She said. It took some effort to keep herself from sweeping the woman into a bear hug; life experience had taught her that not all shieldmaidens were as jovial about their tasks as she was. 

”Ask us what you would like to know- but let us find some food and comfort first, of course! Travel is neither for the faint of heart nor the light of belly,” She said with a chuckle. ”Come! We will speak as we go- but no business until you are fed.” Hospitality was, after all, one of the noble virtues they treasured.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
eivor grinned and added her own shout at its end, allowing herself to be led into the halls of the place called raventhorpe. "i welcome your hospitality, solveig. i hope you will hunt with me before i leave."

there were scents of a man here. a husband. but of course; solveig's easy nature and powerful laugh would attract a husband wise enough to appreciate these things. eivor would keep her eyes from their own appreciation while present.

"no business," the ravunulf woman smiled. "please, how long has raventhorpe stood here?"

189 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Solveig laughed and side-stepped to brush her shoulder against Eivor’s, in a gesture meant to welcome her and show that she trusted in the woman’s strength. Your terms are agreeable yet again- we shall hunt together before you leave! She promised the woman, smiling. 

She would lead Eivor across the river, through the plains, and into the cavern where their rendezvous point was lit by a single beam of light. Dragonflies lifted from the tall grasses as they walked along. 

We came here in October last, She said. We had had our perch up on a gyrfalcon keep, but chose to come to the plateau; better hunting, less wind, She explained.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"it can be hard to come down from the wild keeps," eivor commented. "you have done well for yourself."

golden light bathed her upturned face as she searched the details of their meeting-place. the river had been cold and sweet, the flatlands rich with the scent of mentioned hunting.

eivor reached to explore the edge of a light-gilded branch. a strong family clan is the first foundation for any settlement. "are your neighbors pleasant then?"

189 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Eivor empathized, which Solveig appreciated. While it was a mark of honour to command a thriving pack in the most hostile environment, she found no use for such titles herself if it meant watching packmates shiver and freeze. Her days of roving across frozen tundras were over; now, she wanted comfort. 

She nodded. Fine neighbours, She said. A few came to join us, months ago. Other clans live nearby as well- happy to trade and expand their sisterhood, and we make good trade with them and hunt with them but we will keep to our own practices here. She was not willing to shed her customs and learn those of another culture- not when it meant losing her own.
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
42 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"this is good. it is the best way to be. after all, it is in what we hand down that we keep ourselves alive."

"i will help you to trade while i am here. what does raventhorpe want most?" asked the tall drengr as she pulled a face to amuse the children.