Blackfoot Forest black stockings
all the world will be your enemy
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Ooc — Cactus
All Welcome 
aw but @Reigi maybe?
Charcoal broomsticks carried the shape of a svelte thief. The glower of two burning optics would dart from side to side in a sweeping motion, observant to the shadows that swayed across the forest floor. Had the sun been out, it would have dappled the earth in a burnished gold. Darkness had cast the wood in veil of umbrage. This cloak granted Tadec a concealment that would allow him to travel seemingly unnoticed. Along his shoulders and back, a few rustic flecks of his spiked pelt would sway against the light of the moon. Tadec moved otherwise, undetected across the snow-speckled woodland floor.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

she was uncharacteristically far from home, but after being contained during her heat she felt the need to stretch her legs a bit further.

the heat smell was almost entirely gone now; she felt safe leaving home despite the unwanted attention she might still attract.

it had been some time since she had traveled in darkness, but the night offered her a quiet that the daytime did not have to offer.  the thought that she had not visited these woods since her outburst threatened to disturb her peaceful step, but she shook out her coat, ridding her body from the thought.  no, we wouldn't touch that today.

she settled down in a clearing where the moonlight breached the dense foliage above, shining through in spackles as it danced across the ground.  mesmerised, she watched them, completely unaware of the well-hidden creature that lurked nearby.

all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
There, just ahead of him in a clearing where the dense wood parted to leave way for a glade that mirrored the light from the moon overhead, Tadec spotted a specimen. Her coat pattern was unusual, marking her in russet and shadow. Even from where he stood on rawboned appendages, the coyote could see her peculiarities.

Tip-toeing forward, the thief peered through the brush at the mutt woman. This, he did not know, but Tadec would assume that she did not carry the unmarred blood of a full wolf. Her size granted her height over him, but her hide seemed so streamlined and unnatural. The moonlighter fidgeted in place for several long minutes. His dull bronze optics drank in her coat like a parched fiend.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

it is upon his incessant fidgeting that she notices him, and her head snaps in the direction of the movement, mismatched gaze finding their way to the burning orbs of the other.

they flickered beneath the moonlight, nearly seemed to be floating, until he shifted once more and his form betrayed him.  so it was another like her friend in the valley who had been interested in her.

she did not move from her prone position, instead tipping her maw to the air and letting out a short howl, inviting him to join in.

all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
Ah, she had seen him. Tadec lowered his skull toward the ground, pulling her scent toward him in a few quiet sniffs. There was the marring of her aroma by that of a pack. He found it interesting that the wolf-kind would allow her within their ranks. Still, the prowler could not speak well for the half of his blood that – too – carried wolf through his veins. He greatly preferred the lineage of a coyote. Tadec would sooner claim himself to be only that, but his size betrayed him. While he was small and smokey, he was still larger than his coyote brethren.

A summons rang through the glade and Tadec's bat-like ears swiveled atop his crown to her. His head rose upward and the limber little fiend scuttled from the brush and into the open. The light from the moon overhead struck against the bronze of his back and shoulders, showering him in firelight. Tadec moved toward her and closed the space that they had shared in a few long strides.
suspended between survival and civility
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Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

he did not sing back to her like her other friend, and she was disappointed in that.  but he did draw nearer, and so long as he made no move to hurt her she'd continue laying where she was.

hallo, she said, waiting expectantly for.. something.  most of her encounters had become interesting in a matter of minutes, and she sort of expected this one to be no different.  if nothing else, she might get to learn about this exotic not-quite-wolfkind.

all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
The female was welcoming to him, and when she spoke, it was in the tongue of the wolf. He understood it, well enough, as a greeting. Blinking slowly, the moonlighter parted his fox-like muzzle and attempted his own tongue against the wolf language. “Hel...lo,” the spook tested with a careful placing of his words. Tadec did not like their language, but his father had insisted that he learn to dwell with the wolves. What a cursed being.

Rustling of the brush startled him, and the coyote's rickety limbs stiffened. The burnished bronze of his gaze darted excitedly toward the noise. Naturally, he anticipated an ambush from the wolf before him. How could she be so kind in light of a harsh winter? Of course she would lure him to his death. He had stolen so many things from the wolves; father Tiel'c had told him it would always come back to find him again.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

lucky for the stranger, it was really the only word that reigi knew.  from there, she lacked conversational direction.  she also understood the hesitance in his tongue, and decided to revert back to the nonverbal dialect she was most comfortable in.

something moved behind them and one of her ears turned, unalarmed, but she watched the wolf-thing turn to stone beneath the light.  he was skittish, just like the other one had been, and she remained stoic through his anxiety.  she moved deliberatly, slow, moving her limbs in a way that beckoned for a name.

all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
The female followed his gaze and her ears became alert in the same manner that his had, but she was otherwise calm and collected within herself. Tadec still believed that she could ambush him – that she knew all that he had taken from her kind. Rightfully, the thief believed that those things belonged to him. The wolves had taken his mother, after all. Once he felt at ease with the disturbance in the wood, Tadec turned back to face the wolfess. Her gaze had settled on him with a questioning stare. His wide gaze settled on her too, immovable. Was this the nature of the wolf? To watch and to wait? The tip of his tail twitched before resting between his hocks. One long ear swiveled to the left, scoping the wild forest for signs of an approaching figure. Tadec thought the two colors of her gaze was peculiar.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

he had been caught up in something, in her, perhaps, and missed her gesturing.  he was still stiff, and there was something floating behind those eyes that concerned her, but she once again let the feeling go.

it was not too long ago that she had been the scared creature on the other side, and she shared a kinship with these almost-wolves.

she sat up, slow, before moving to stand, closing the last of the space between them so long as he would allow, and then tentatively pushed her nose into his withers before arcing into a play-bow.

all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
The silence from her was nice. He did not feel as though he had to fight to understand each word. Instead, she spoke with her figure and he could comprehend on levels that the spoken word would never convey. Still, he was not entirely comfortable around her. When she rose – albeit slowly – the hairs along his neck and shoulders did rise and bristle. Tadec seemed to come alive with a fiery saddle. Both of his eyes bore into her own, questioning and wondering. It was only when she bowed into a playful stance that he eased himself. The wolf had closed some distance between them and he drew in the scent of her pack; he wondered what they would have for him to pilfer.

Swinging his tail, the thief did not change his expression of sharp interest, but he did loosen his tense posture. Broomstick legs danced backwards a few steps as the spindly male basked in the attention. It was only then that he caught the scent of her heat and felt his heart drum within his chest. Tadec did not wish to claim her; she was wolf and he was disgusted by her very flesh. His mind did wander to the prospect of a protective mate.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

he did not respond to her gestures of play but instead something swam behind those intense dayglow eyes that piqued her own interest.  

he backed from her, but did not seem scared or wanting, he kept his attention on her but disregarded her play, her beckoning for a name.

well, what else could she do?  she could bring him food, but she could not articulate to him to wait here.  perhaps, if she began walking towards home, he might follow.  so she did just that, taking a few steps before gesturing at him to come with me.

all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
Tiel'c was wrong; wolves were not savage or remorseless. This woman was spirited and joyful, but it struck Tadec as being queer in many ways. Her bows were quick enough to cause him to flinch, but she lifted herself so carefully that he could only imagine it was to not frighten him away. The studious expression on her face was remarkable, but he noted that it could only have looked similarly to his own. The strange woman surprising, yet the thief still could not trust her. The kindness in her heterochromatic gaze was not enough to allow his defenses to fall so easily.

The female beckoned for him; first, by moving closer and then by gesturing with a sweep of her muzzle for him to follow. Tadec did so with a few mindful steps. The dark of his pelt cast him in such a shadow that his sunset gaze drifted lazily toward her and then stopped with enough room to flee if he should need it. The coywolf regarded her with a wary expression, but she did not seem bothered by his prudent reactions. He waited for her to lead.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
phone post srry 

he remained hesitant; none of her gestures seemed to quell the anxiety that caused the stranger to pause. she expected to feel impatience flare up from within her breast but was pleasantly surprised with her composure.

she headed towards home at a steady pace, turning around every so often to make sure he was close behind.  if he chose to run, she would not pursue; it was late already and she did not want xan to think she had left, but if he followed to the border she would call out to her packmates. perhaps one of them would know more about these strange creatures.
all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
Tadec did not know where she would lead him. He had no idea that she was pulling him toward the edges of her pack and the wolves that lived within. The suspicion that he held earlier – that of a trap – was soon to become a reality. For the time being, the thief followed her at a short distance behind, trailing after her paw prints in the snow and earth. The dull glimmer in his gaze bobbed as she led them through the woods and into the open, but Tadec did not yet fear what was to come. Instead, he yipped at her with a curious tone and canted his head to the right, swiveling ears atop his crown without understanding what she was doing with him.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
nobody responded (boo) so i'm just gonna... wrap this up if that's okay, since he's went on his way!  let me know if i need to change this

she continued to lead the way, checking back every once in a while to make sure he was still there, leading him towards the valley as alexander had led her.  soon she became lost in her own thought, missing the coywolf's yipping entirely, and when she turned again he was gone.

all the world will be your enemy
129 Posts
Ooc — Cactus
i'm not quite sure what that means, but yeah wrapping is fine.
The stranger never responded to him, and so Tadec was not certain that he was suited to follow her at all. The coywolf turned his muzzle to the north some ways and sniffed; the scent of the wolf hung heavily in the air. Drawing a salmon-colored tongue across his dark lips, the thief did not make mention of his departing from the female who had trailed some ways ahead. The embers of his gaze did follow her until she vanished from his sights, only for his own peace of mind. When she departed, he turned his back to the breeze and skittered away on stretching limbs until he too had disappeared from that territory. Tadec was searching and he could not be deterred by the companionship of the large-bodied creatures that inhabited the wilds.