Verdant Basin season of the witch
she was a forest fire by design
68 Posts
Ooc — vae
All Welcome 
natshana has kept busy since her return to the wilds. in her mouth, wrapped in a larger leaf, she carries a litany of herbs that she has foraged for today. determined to keep her wits sharp, she continues to build her stores (which are within the hinterlands, for now) and practice her crafts when she can. however, on this particular day, she decides to stop gathering early for some rest.  

lying the bundle of herbs at her feet, she approaches the water’s edge for a drink. the relief it provides is instant, and she exhales through her nose. the last few seasons have been difficult. without anyone to care for or advise, she feels listless and unmoored. with any luck, she can find her purpose here, in this place which had only just started to feel like some kind of home.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken took petite svelte body from the pack lands and roamed further in search of herbs and plants to make their garden flourish. She wanted to have most of it planted before the colder months, so that come next spring the crop would grow and they would have what they needed.

Maiken herself had not managed to hunt down any herbs yet, instead she found another. She chuffed quietly and stood a little bit aways from the other. Not wishing to alarm or cause any anger or fear. Anger and fear were quick ways to physical harm.

I hope you don't mind a Maiken.
she was a forest fire by design
68 Posts
Ooc — vae
[ ooc: not at all! ]

she smells the other wolf before she hears her.  though, in rather quick succession, one of her ears twitches at the footfalls of her approach.  natshana lifts her head and glances over at the stranger, eyeing her curiously.  thus far, she appears rather docile, which is always a good sign.  another cursory sniff, and the apothecary realizes that this wolf smells distinctly of herbs as well as other wolves.  it's the herbs that intrigue her, however.

"hello," she greets maiken with a shallow dip of her head. "i have not wandered into your territory, have i?"
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
For only a brief moment age old prejudices rose upon her, but Maiken quickly stuffed them down. Color was nothing more than that, color. It did not matter what pelage another wore. The she wolf was kissed in lily white, and red ears and nose made up her face mask.

Maiken offered a similar dip of her head, and then a quick shake of her own. No. I was out wondering today. Looking for somethings to shore up my larders and medicinal caches.

Her accent dancing thick and easy on her tongue. She gave one, two sweeps of her tail. And waited. She would offer her name if the other offered hers. Otherwise they could simply be two strangers passing in the meadows.
she was a forest fire by design
68 Posts
Ooc — vae
natshana seems content with that response.  while she does not make a habit of trespassing, it has happened before, usually accidentally.  given that she is not a fighter, she would prefer that encounters not come to blows.  thankfully, it appears that this stranger is of a similar nature, at least for now.  she will take what she can get.

"are you a healer?" she inquires, upon hearing maiken's reason for being here.  natshana tilts her head slightly and then gestures over to her own satchel of herbs. "it would be nice to know someone who is more familiar with these lands and the locations of their herbs and poisons," she goes on to say, trailing off once she remembers that they have not exchanged names. "i am natshana."
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken makes no move to continue onward, until their current conversation is moved to that position she supposes. Maiken is always one to try and resolve a conflict with words first. Howeve,r she will fight and blood herself and another if she must. She's a Svartravn, they do not shirk from violence.

Maiken smiled and wagged her tail. Yes I am. It is my one true love. Maiken studies the satchel and she moves closer to sniff, though she backs up when she smells more than healing herbs there. Before she can ask though, the other speaks of poisons and herbs.

I am new to the area, but I am learning more so. I am well versed in both poisons and healing herbs, though I have not sought out the poisons as of yet. You are welcome to accompany me today?
she was a forest fire by design
68 Posts
Ooc — vae
at the phrase 'one true love,' natshana chuckles.  the action isn't mean-spirited, more-so amused.  she, too, rather enjoys her trade, yet she isn't certain that she would go as far as to suggest something to that effect.  to each their own, of course -- it likely means that the stranger is proficient at their shared craft, with a devotion so strong.  she will face no judgment from the wanderer.

"if you would not mind the company," she remarks, a more pleasant expression now present on her face. "i do not believe i got your name?" as she waits for the answer, natshana begins to dig a shallow hole in the nearby ground to cover her herb bundle.  she will return for it later.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken had not met a male nor a female that could take away her devotion of her craft. However, there was also the simple fact her people had not liked her so none of them could offer the safety and loved she craved. Only bodies.

Maiken smiled. Not at all.

Maiken blinked. Oh. Forgive me I'm Maiken Svartravn of The Saints healer/medic/midwife.