Hideaway Strath Standing shoulder to shoulder
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Pack Activity 
Pack hunt! Sovereign's taking the lead as a test from Queen Fury :D @Adlartok @Maiken @Fenrir @Arashi @Arlette @Tracker

Fury had taken Sovereign on a patrol, moving toward the Black Morass gradually.
The rounds made were mostly silent, used for keeping on alert instead of talking and bonding with words. 

In the distance, a small herd of caribou. Fury looked to her daughter then and rumbled "You are the Heir to my throne, Sovereign. Your ability and efficiency in leading will play a huge part in the wellbeing of Hildibrandr. Tonight, you will lead this hunt. Show me what you have learned." 

Fury would then nod to Sovereign with a small smile of approval. 
She may call the others.

Sovereign's eyes widened in surprise as her mother told her this.
So soon?! 
Though in truth it was long overdue, Sovereign did not know this like her mother did, and would  take a deep breath before turning her muzzle skyward and calling for the rest of their numbers to join the two upon the grasses for the hunt. 
Assuming numbers had gathered within the next half-hour, Sovereign would look at all who had appeared. 

"Our last hunt resulted in a dire injury due to recklessness and lack of planning. That will not be the case for us this night." The Princess spoke, glancing out to the herd of caribou for a moment before returning to her packmates with her gaze.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Adlartok heard the call and heeded it, rather swiftly. He had grown a soft spot for the white child. Though he would not admit as much. And there was no denying they needed the meat.

At her words of the former pack hunt, he agreed whole heartedly. It had been disastrous, and he was no healer, but it hadn't looked for the youth since. He probably should, or check on Miss. Arlette.

A small pang of guilt colored his mind and infused his body.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign smiled as Adlartok came to her call, but so far...nobody else did. 
Just the three of them, then?
Sovereign's gaze panned to the caribou in the fields, searching for one weak enough that they could take it down with so few bodies to aid in the hunt for the time being...

Sighing slowly, steadily, the Crown Prince's gaze eventually fell upon a rather elderly-looking doe caribou, grazing on the outskirts of the herd with a sickly look to her.

"Her." The Princess gestured with a nod of her nose toward that particular ungulate, "She will be our quarry." 
The wind swirled towards the clansmen gathered, bringing the scent of the herd with it. 

Sovereign returned her eyes to Adlartok and her mother.
"I think it would be a beneficial strategy for my mother to be the distraction, start separating her from the safety of the herd. I will go around the opposite side to cage her in, if you, Adlartok," The heiress looked to the Marauder then, "Will aim to attack from behind. Me and my mother will keep her tripped up at the front." The girl looked between the Fullvalda and her elder for a few moments

"Is this strategy acceptable for us three?" She eventually asked, her tone an obvious ping that input would be valued.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok was surprised that no one else had come. Though he saw a small figure coming towards them on the horizon. It seemed to be the tiny healer, Maiken. He wasn't sure what good she could do, but a plus for effort at least.

Artok gave a swift nod. He was fine with being in the rear. They'd get the caribou for the princess.

Sounds good to me.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken made it breathless to hear the last part of the strategy and she nodded her head.

I apologize on my lateness. I was too far away to get here in a timely fashion. But where would you like me to offer my assistance?

Maiken stood a gentle pant on her maw. She smiled at teh elder and the war chief and waited for the princess to continue. How wonderful the princess's first hunt. And she was to be a part of it.

Sorry i thought I had replied with her.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
The Thegn, Maiken also arrived. 
She was slightly late to arrive, but the Crown Prince didn't mind where none of them had begun to move for the caribou yet. 

Glancing to the idle herd of ungulates in thought, the Heir thought over the shared strategy and hmmed
"I believe you will do best to assist in herding our quarry away from the safety of her herd. You are less stocky than the rest of us here, so I think your speed will be our best asset." 
The Princess looked to her mother for her input, but Fury offered nothing except a nod to assure her daughter that she was doing just fine so far. 

"Are we ready?" Sov asked as her gaze panned back to Adlartok and Maiken.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok nodded and he moved his body into position to attack from the rear. He would step into the position with ease and offer his assistance as best he could. The others had their job, and he had his.

He gave a soft whuff and once he was given the go ahead, he would go after the creature from the rear.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken nodded her head and moved to follow the other. SHe would herd, she was quick of feet and nipped hard. She could handle this job.

WIthout further ado she would go after the creature they had signaled out. A smile on her face, fierce and predatory. She would do what she could to herd them to where they were going.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Everyone moved into position. 
Sovereign watched her mother as Fury prowled through the grasses.

The caribou were getting nervous and beginning to move. 

Sovereign circled to the opposite side of their elderly quarry, keeping an eye on her mother and the positions of Addy and Maiken as the Fullvalda began moving toward their target, successfully taking the old ungulate away from the safety of the herd.

As Fury closed in further, Sov watched the caribou start trying to fight, lowering her antlers and jutting a few times at the Queen, who snarled and snapped and faux-charged a few times to get their prey to move further out and away.

Sovereign would then come in closer before motioning for Adlartok and Maiken that now was the time to begin moving-!

The Crown Prince then lunged for their quarry's front limb, startling the old caribou into jumping right into Fury's range where the Queen would do the same.
Back and forth a few times before the caribou began actually trying to run.

Sovereign barked and snarled alongside her mom as their target moved, snapping and clipping away at the flesh of the caribou's forelegs while trust remained firmly in Addy and Maiken's ability to do their part from further back.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok pushed his body into movement and he was aiming at the legs, the haunches, anything to trip the creature up. It was a dance he knew well. Go in low, aim, get out. Especially rear wise. Those backwards kicks were nothing to be comfortable with. He wasn't near the throat, but he finally did leap and grasp hard the haunch of the creature and using his weight and his position he tried to drag it down enough that Fury or the princess could aim for the jugular while the creature tried to right itself.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken pushed her body into a run and herded the creature away from the others. On occasion she would need to turn back around and snap at any incoming faces, but they were making headway. The rest of the herd were getting further and further away, while they tired out the beast.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign glanced as Adlartok and Maiken made headway helping get their prey alone.
Her herd after some time gave up on trying to defend her, leaving the elderly caribou to fend for herself.
A cry of pain, as Adlartok lunged and bit into the haunch of their quarry, staggering the ungulate enough that Fury could jump and snag the arm of the creature, helping the effort to try and drag their target down, down, down.

She struggled, the caribou did, but her old age was ultimately her downfall.
Sovereign came in and jumped high, grasping hold of the jugular of the crone with the strain of the jump, the extension of her neck and widening of her jaws that nearly missed, but was a lucky success.
The princess was damn near dangling from the caribou given her current stature, but with the help of their hunting party, their quarry soon began buckling under the swarm of wolven strength.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Adlartok backed away as the princess took her prey down, and ended it's life. He would wait and see waht was next. WOuld they howl, would she eat immediately. One could never tell with little alphas.

What he did know was that his lungs hurt and his body ached, but it was a good type of an ache. They had done well. They would fill their caches and have meat and fur. Well done all of them.

A small smile lit up his face.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken had done her best. She was small and hearty, but even the constant running could tire her out. Once the creature was fully separated from it's herd. She jumped into the fray to unbalance. Keeping a weather eye on the princess and her mother, Adlartok seemed fine.

Finally, the creature was down and gone. Maiken breathed a sigh of relief.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign finally brought the beast down to the ground.
With some aid from Fury as well as Maiken and Adlartok, the caribou collapsed in a messy heap into the frosting soil, where the young Crown Prince would snap its neck and smile back upon her co-hunters with obvious pride in herself and their efforts. 

Feeling the joy of I did it! We did it! Swell in her chest, Sovereign threw back her head and let out a booming howl for the entire Strath to hear.
She let her call carry until she was out of breath, then, she would look to her mother for the Queen's favor.

Fury smiled with pride as Sovereign looked to her, and gave an approving nod.
"You have done well, Sovereign. In celebration of the success of this hunt, you may eat first." 
The Fullvalda looked upon Adlartok and Maiken with a similar warmth "Well done, all of you."
She complimented.
As combat-focused as Hildibrandr was, there was strength in bonding with your clansmen.

Sovereign looked to Adlartok and Maiken briefly as her mother praised them.
A giddiness filled her veins as the young Princess padded forth and ripped open the belly of their felled quarry, allowing the carnage to spill forth as she took the first few bites. 
She popped up after a few seconds to look between Fury, Adlartok and Maiken with an inviting glance before she returned to eating, hoping they would all follow suit and join her in the feast.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok allowed the princess and teh queen to get near the beast first. Though he followed suit and pulled at a chunk of meat, and slowly began to eat. He hadn't been as hungry as the others, and besides. He had learned not to eat much. So with a belly fully and contentment in his soul. He ate.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken followed behind Adlartok. And ate her fill. Her belly was distended and she felt full, content. Sleepy.

This was a good day. They ahd done well and she couldn't quite fathom why it felt so right, when she was far from home and hadn't done what she had set out to do. Only started.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
wrapping up! Thank u for participating Danni <3

They feasted.
Sovereign felt immense pride this day in her clansmen.
As she looked around at Fury, Adlartok and Maiken, she felt a strong kinship, as if she was blood with all of them and not just the Queen.
She would die for them. 
She felt certain in this thought, this emotion, and would hold it close as she returned to eating.

She hoped they all felt the same way.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You