Valley of Gold Thread titles are haaaaaard
57 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Foxglove had seen snakes before, but never this close. She crept closer in a wide circle around the strange slithering thing, watching with ears perked as it reared up. Perhaps it felt threatened by her presence.

She didn't feel particularly endangered herself — but neither was she certain about what she was meant to do here. The last thing she wanted was for the snake to find mama, or one of her sisters. Maybe I could eat it, Fox mumbled to herself, one paw lifted as she contemplated her next course of action.
The world don't speak for us —

they lack the confidence
46 Posts
Ooc — KT
she was not looking for foxglove when she found her, but she was glad that she did. eat what? she said, closing the distance, when the shimmering scales of a snake caught her eye.

the foreign thing reminded her of those insects she found with dusty, how their ominous buzzing signaled their threat. her eyes narrowed.

do you think it's safe?
57 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Prob'ly not.

Foxglove chewed her lip, still watching the snake. Maybe they were in over their heads.

Maybe Dusty - The words died in her throat as she abruptly remembered. Oh, right. He's busy. With Mama. Fox swallowed hard and started again. Y'think we could chase it away?
The world don't speak for us —

they lack the confidence
46 Posts
Ooc — KT
at the notion of being chased away, the snake raised its tail and rattled at them. the sound chilled her bones; dusty had taught her well with their excursion to the beehive.

it wasn't safe for that snake to be here, but it wasn't safe to do anything about it. she shifted her weight as she thought about it. i don't know, she conceded. but we have to do something. right?

is there some way we can scare it away without getting too close?