Redhawk Caldera our once barren world now brims with life
25 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
All Welcome 
With dawn awakened a new discovery: light.

And with light came a new understanding.

Boris lay under the shadow of the den and stared into the blur of shapes collecting form in a world he had only touched, tasted, and smelled until now. He had no words for anything yet, but found himself touched with some primal sense of knowing.

Cold and warm.

Hungry and filled.
Darkness and light.

Without one he could not know the other. Having both, he knew which he liked better.



104 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Bronte awoke to find that something was different. Moving her head out from under the soft cushion of Teya's tail, her eyes opened. Blurry shapes danced before her. Light and dark melded, then separated from one another. Confused, she whined. Perhaps that would fix this new curious change.

Boris was nothing but a muddled gray splotch. She could see his outline but couldn't make sense of it, even with his scent emanating from him to her new nose.
25 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Mesmerized. Captivated. Boris watched the blurry world through wide baby blues. Gazing lightward, finding no babble that quite described the feelings he felt as the world, this new world, stood before him in myriads of movement and colour.

He broke away only to turn around as if to ask the ones behind him, are you seeing this?? and found himself captivated again.

Boris could hardly make out one from the next, but one of them moved. Reaching out he sought for them — for her, he discovered, when he neared her and smelled her and knew her to be the one he had come to know by his mother’s soft rumblings. Unrepeatable whispers, in that he carried them like a language hidden in vibrations and touch. But Boris knew her! And when he came close enough, he reached out to lick her face.

Look! See! And he thumped the ground with his little tail.
96 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Soft murmurs and movements caused Ponyboy to stretch and yawn, his little pink tongue curling against the roof of his mouth. He scrunched his nose and licked his gummy chops- only to notice when he in-scrunched his nose, that something else on his face changed.

It felt like the part of him that understood and thought had a whole new perspective. His eyes opened and he blinked. Light came into his world, a few moments after it had come to his siblings. What was he to make of it?

After light came movement- and he turned his head toward the thing that had blocked the light from his view. When he moved his head, the light changed. Some things were darker, and some things were lighter- and when he poked his nose into his bother’s side, he realized that it was his siblings he was seeing, as dark outlines.
104 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The welcome touch of a furry body. Then the sloppy moisture from a brother's kiss. Bronte giggled, her little bottom wiggling with delight. The world shifted and changed constantly, with various shapes, sizes and colors. All so new, filtering into her young mind. 

She could not process it. But she did recognize the gold fuzz blob of Ponyboy. More by scent, than anything else. Staring wide eyed and mesmerized, she let out a happy little chirp, toddling over to her brothers. To explore their new little world together.