Gilded Bay Parental guidance
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All Welcome 
For the Morningbreeze babies! Sumac and Pine referenced and power played with given permission.

The afternoon sun was warm and bright, the sun’s light giving the blue oceans a look as if the water was covered in rhinestones. She had gathered @Pine, @Angel Oak, @Ponderosa and @Silvertip. Along with @Sumac, they took the children to the Gilded Bay, to explore the expanse of their home.

The tide had been receding, relearning tide pools that left tide pools scattered in its wake. The tide pools were teeming with live, and she had found a large one to sit beside. Beside her sat Sumac, and she looked to him with a smile that reached for her eyes: “We made them.” She told him softly, “Together.” And she leaned into him for a moment, for it had been sometime since they could spend time so close. She had been caring for the children, while he had hunted, provided for them when Raindrop couldn’t.

The two sat there, watching the children. Ready to answer any questions, to teach them.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
16 Posts
Ooc — C.C./Annie
She followed behind her mother like a duckling, a proud black and white one. She took her job as second born very seriously, often times watching her siblings and playing with them.

She looked to mom and dad excitedly while having her siblings in tow. “Look mama, sea! Sea!” Her tail was wagging softly but excited now. She smiled, she loved it. So many birds, bugs crawling around in the sand.
She stopped dead in her tracks when she stumbled upon a shell, a big white-ish blue shell.
23 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Ponderosa followed in suite with her kin, but instead of follow in line, she stuck close to daddy’s legs. She was playing it cautious, the sound of the waves were louder than they were from the den, and her little ears were pinned to her head. Her yellowing eyes looked all around, took it all in, but from a distance. 

When Mom and Dad stopped, she looked back at them, and they both gave her a reassuring look. She look to Pine, the first born, “Pine play wit me?” 

“Yea.” Pine responded with a wag of her tail. Then the two of them found their way to the edge of a big (from a puppy’s point of view) hole filled with water. 

Ponderosa gentle dipped to paw in the water, and drawing it back with a little shake, reached to look at it closer. Inside the hole were all sorts of things, and she was fascinated. Her tail even started to wag.
5 Posts
Ooc — mixed
While her siblings played, Angel Oak stared out into the sea. It went on for forever! She'd thought that the Outside was big enough already, but here was something even bigger. It was so strange that only a few weeks ago, her father was the largest thing she'd ever seen. Now she'd conceptualized the Den as a place — and a relatively small one! — rather than a state of being.

It was a lot of mental growth to fit into one small body.

She turned back to her mother and father.

"Mama — wha's out there?" she asked, politely, pointing to the sea.
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The children each had their own opinion about their vast home, she could see this. Ponderosa and Pine played at the edge of a tide pool together, Silvertip was invested in the world around her, and had found herself mesmerized with a shell. And Angel Oak? She wished to know what was out there, out in the great beyond. “That is the ocean, big water. It is strong, but gentle too. It goes on for miles and miles. One day, we will take you closer, but not until you have grown more. The Big Water is dangerous.”

She stood up then, and motioned for Angel Oak to follow alongside her. She approached Silvertip, giving her a nudge with her snout, “Bring your shell. You can keep it.”

She came up to Pine and Ponderosa, and began to teach them about the land. “This is water. It is wet, it can be cold or warm. Creatures live in it, they can breath under the water, like we breath air.” She then looked to the sand, let it run off her paw. “This is sand. It is easy to dig, but can be itchy.” She warned, a playful tone to her voice.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
16 Posts
Ooc — C.C./Annie
She wagged her tail with a smile, and proudly picked up her shell. Following her mother and siblings. “Yay! Shell!”

“Rosa? What did you find?” She asked, a playful yet curious tone to her voice. She sat, listening for her sisters reply.
23 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Silvertip had come to see what Rosa had found and her were aglow with childlike wonder; “I found cweatures. Look!” And in the pool were small scuttling crabs, varying in all sorts of colors. Then, at her mother’s words, her attention changed, as Raindrop had decided to show them the natural art of digging.

She watched her mom dig, left right, left right, left right. She wanted to try now, and this led to a hole in the sand, yes. But, said sand was flying everywhere, and Raindrop covered her head, ducking. Rosa was having a wonderful time, but stopped when her mother asked of her. A big grin on face.

If all members of the party agree, we can conclude this thread.
16 Posts
Ooc — C.C./Annie
Quote:I agree!

She grinned with her sister, and was happy that they were all having fun together. She looked at the things, they were incredibly small.

She avoided her sister’s dirt throwing to her best capabilities. She laughed, and then yawned, they had a good day together.