Blackfeather Woods Watching my back
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The deer had drove her far away from pack territory. As she made her way back she constantly wondered what they would think.  She was slightly  careless.  Just as her brother had been and he wasn't seen again.  She missed her brother dearly as she let out a howl.
82 Posts
Ooc — hund
He was on a patrol when he heard the call, his ears pushed forward and acid washed eyes looked towards where it had come from. He padded that way but took his time and arrived a bit after the call. The figure on the border was dark and unfamiliar. An unimpressed brow raised sharply as he examined them without concern. They were a stranger to him and they were on the borders of his home. He felt fully entitled to stare them down.

Yes? He asked with a neutral tone despite the unimpressed look on his face.
killing is the most natural thing in the world; we're created for it
651 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ruined; gone. many things; and many things not yet sorted. relmyna wandered the borders, ears lifting when she heard the howl for her. it was familiar, and she turned toward it at once, slipping from the shadows to flank kalganov. the woman was a former blackfeather, the listener knew. moonshadow, came her mouthed greeting, though her expression remained cool. why did you leave?
mouthed words | thoughts
[Image: bfw2.png]
539 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was about to answer the male until Relmyna appeared. "I spotted a deer and it made me stray a bit far. It's right over there in fact." She gestured to the deer body a few feet away but still in view.
82 Posts
Ooc — hund
Kalganov was content to let Relmyna take over, a small flick of his tail was given as he shifted to situate himself by her rear. The answer that came from the dark female did not release the unimpressed look from the pale male's face. He was not sure he could put any ounce of faith in anyone who let a deer drive them so far away that they would not return home.

Alas it was not his call to make and Kalganov would stay silent unless anything was asked of him.
killing is the most natural thing in the world; we're created for it
651 Posts
Ooc — ebony
relmyna flicked one dark ear. to bring down a buck alone was unheard of, at least to the listener. suspecting the meat was tainted by some illness or another, she nevertheless rested her gaze on the woman. moonshadow had returned with a gift to stock the caches. i will rank you low. you will serve the needs of others in this pack.
her gaze hardened. if you leave again, blackfeather will not be open to you again, and you will be driven off. am i understood? appreciative of kalganov's presence, relmyna nevertheless kept her attention upon the darker woman.
mouthed words | thoughts
[Image: bfw2.png]