Haunted Wood Rough Around the Edges
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Time of day is roughly 1400. Weather is cloudy.

Santi’s mind ticks down every second that passes. He’s so insanely bored. The sheer fact that he only laid down beside this tree for about thirty minutes and he’s already stir crazy. His muscles itch to move, run, jump–anything. So of course, he has to listen.

Standing he pads across the den area, nose sniffing to find his raven furred companion; he wants a fun, little spar. Finally catching wind of her he only has to follow it for a little bit before his ivory eyes lay upon her form. 

Trotting over to her with a more genuine, comfortable smile he tilts his chin up in acknowledgment. “Hola, chica.” He greets enthusiastically.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had been thinking long and hard about valours visit and the she wolf didn't know what she wanted to do anymore but was soon brought out of her own head when a familiar voice popped in. She swiveled her head and smiled "well hello there." She said happily with a small wave of her tail.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
He tucks his chin down and stares at her deviously through lidded eyes. He hums, the sound deep and elongated, a teasing sound. “You look like you were thinking too hard about something, cariña.” He says mock danger laced into his voice. “Ven linda, let me help you think less.” He says the words easily to the she-wolf. They’re smooth, convincing, promising, suggestive, especially with the dangerous glint in his eye. 

Then his smirk becomes less predatory and more playful. “We can spar, yes?” He asks with a wink, seemingly ruining the moment on purpose just to mess with her, turning the conversation playful.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She needed to stop thinking and the perfect distraction presented itself and she gave a small smile. "Sure. Show me what skills you possess." She got into position and eyes the male carefully.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
His smirk becomes positively dangerous. “You’re quick to agree.” He jokes getting ready to fight. 

He stalks to her right slightly, eyeing her down and waiting for an opening in her defenses. Of course she doesn’t have any, she’s a seasoned warrior after all. So he takes his opportunity and pounces towards her, not directly on her, merely right next to her to break her guard. After, he teeth bare to the open air looking to latch onto the fur of her scruff of luck permits. Of course he’s not looking to actually hurt her, so he won’t take a hold of her too hard.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She watches his body as he walks to the right of her, her eyes following his movements and she wasn't the least bit surprised when he lunged at her. "Don't be afraid to hurt me." She said through gritted teeth. She curved her body as she went the opposite direction and attempted to ram him off his feet.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Imma go ahead and start doing dice rolls just cause I think unknown outcomes are more fun. Here’s the link to the roll: https://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=40836

She succeeds in taking the brute off his feet. His side hits the rocky floor with all his weight and he huffs out a breathy chuckle. “I know it’s soft of me, but what if I don’t want to?” Be asked with a smidge of sarcasm in his husky tone.

His eyes follow the she-wolf’s form as she downs him. Snapping out just as quickly as he fell, his teeth reach out for her neck. His attempt is, once again, unsuccessful and it almost pisses him off at how fast she is. He sore he could’ve gotten her that time, yet he doesn’t.

Snapping back to his feet he takes the defensive. Waiting for her to make a move.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her breathing was labored as that move took the wind out of the woman and she shook her head softly at the response. "Well then I'll give you no choice." She gave a devilish smirk as she lunged at his neck.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia

He grins at her reply and sees her coming towards him, he’s able to dodge swiftly this time. A short sprint later he’s behind her, teeth bared in a devilish smirk. Coming up close behind the she-wolf brushing their sides together his muzzle goes for the back of her neck once more. Only this time, they connect. 

His teeth grab ahold of the females scruff, the thickness of her pelt doing a good job at protecting her from his elongated fangs. He settles his left paw over her back in an attempt to off her balance and bring her to the floor but somehow her strength prevails. Still she stands but he has her by the neck. His teeth dare to dig just a hair deeper as he gives a weak shake of his head in an attempt to off her balance not sure if he was hurting her or not.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f29446f97062704dca892...=giphy.gif]
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He lunged once more and this time his teeth successful connects with the scruff of her neck and the woman had to think fast and she immediately snaps at the mans shoulder, looking to grab hold and either push the man off or throw him into the floor of the Forrest.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia

Her scruff is still snatched up in the confines of the males teeth when she tears her head back, teeth bared, and snaps at his shoulder. The pain that blooms there atop muscle, skin, and fur is not unknown to him. Rather, it actually hurts a bit. The feeling isn’t enough for him to let go. He’s used to being mauled he thinks fleetingly, remembering when he was in the ring

White eyes squint at the pain that shoots through his shoulder and as he tenses up so does his jaw. The accidental tightening of his jaws causes blood to spurt onto his tongue and once he tastes the crimson liquid, he drops jaw and lets go. That along with her thrashing force him to back away. 

Smacking his lips, tasting her blood on his blackened tongue he backs up a bit, an apology on his lips. He gazes down to her. “My bad, cariña.” He sounds back. Then a deadly smirk reaches his maw, tongues flicking out to lick over his whiskered lips. “Unless you liked it of course.” He rolls deeply.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
As his jaw clenched harder and she felt a surge of pain and adrenaline surge through her body but he stopped and finally released and backed away from her. Once he apologized she shook her head. "Don't apologize. Getting hurt in a spar is normal." She didn't like them otherwise. She had grown to like and accept the pain that ensued from fights it fueled her to keep going.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
“I see then.” He comments. “Then come get me.” He says to fire her up, dangerous smirk on his maw. 

He stabilizes himself more by spreading out his stance, getting ready for her potential attack. Though right when he gets ready he decides to go in for another bite. Going to the left, then quickly changing his direction, he jukes her. Slipping behind her, his jaws take ahold of her tail for only the briefest of pulls before letting go. He wants to fire her up, make her really want to hurt him.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
So he was getting what he said and the woman was thrilled but not soon after did the man trick her and she felt her tail in between his jawsand she quickly turns to face him and attempts to claw at his face hoping to either cause damage and make him let go or scare him enough to make him flinch and result the same.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Roll here: https://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=40836&pid=429573#pid429573 it was unsuccessful feel free to dodge!

He sees the fire in her chocolate eyes and it ignites one in his own. He’s tugging on that fluffy tail of hers and she straight out slaps him in the face. His faces squints and wrinkles as her claws rake over his face. He sneezes slightly due to the slap to his nose and let’s go of the females tail.

Rearing up on his hind legs he  rings down his paws upon her, pushing against her in an attempt to knock her down.
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683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The male rears up like a bear would ready to strike and he made the mistake of leaving his neck wide open and the raven lunged forward hoping to grab hold of it and push him forward.
”Common” "Spanish"
383 Posts
Ooc — Malia

In a short, general explanation for what happened, a good one would be: He fucked up. The female has grabbed him be the throat and pushed forward. He’s slipping and ultimately falls heavily on his back with the female atop him, latched onto his throat. All four of his paws are in the air. His only attempt at getting her off would be trying to kick her off. So he tries wedging his enormous back legs underneath her stomach, but it’s to no avail. One, he’s not that flexible. Two, there’s not enough room between them for him to even get his legs underneath her.

Now he attempts to roll her over. Leaning a little to his right to get leverage, he launches himself to the left, successfully rolling himself on top of her. That still doesn’t excuse the fact that she’s still latched to his neck. He even finds himself trying to suppress a cough as her maw settles on his throat.
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