Having gotten caught up in the lynx fight and having to care for Clay and bring him home, there hadn't been much time for him to check up on Cordelia. Grabbing a piece of fresh prey from the cache he brought it to the den he had placed her in and then went to grab the rest of the herbs Serem had given him. Appearing at the mouth of the den Valour called out to @Cordelia dropping the herbs and ducking out to grab the prey and also placing that inside "I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to take this long but as you can see I had to deal with stuff" he showed her his wounds just as proof he hadn't been lazing around ignoring her suffering.
3/10 mastery
May 20, 2020, 01:23 AM
In case it's not easily visible. Backdated to between May 6th and 16th.
After being lifted out of the pit Valour had placed her within a den which he stated wasn't inhabited by any other member of the pack. This is where she had stayed. She didn't dare to flee sure someone would catch her, and knowing that even if she were to flee she lacked the strength needed to care for herself. Though she was confined to this den it was a major upgrade from the pit and she knew that she could leave and get some fresh air if she needs, but she hadn't yet.
When she heads a light thud and rustling from outside the den her ears perked. It was Valour calling to her. Having only received kindness from this young man she was willing to approach and saw his flesh torn apart. He soon explains that it was recent and was what had been keeping him from visiting. She lightly nodded her head to his words, still not sure where she stood or how open she should be. She looked down at the duck and seeing no signs from Valour to stop she proceeded to lay down before it and pick away at the feathers of the bird.
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds.
She is known by all as Corra.
She is known by all as Corra.
May 20, 2020, 09:13 AM
There was silence for a long moment before the she wolf popped out and took the duck, laying down to eat. "I brought some herbs, I can take care of any wounds you might have. Just stuff for preventing infection and to stop inflammation" Slipping back out to grab the herbs he brought them to her, showing them though he couldn't name them for her unfortunately. There hadn't been any time for him to really check if she had any wounds but if not perhaps she appreciate the gesture anyway. "Would you be able to go over exactly what happened? Did the guy who took you say anything about it?" he questioned as she ate unfortunately having come to her for more than just making sure she was alright. There still had to be something done about what had happened to her, it was terrible how Ghidorah seemed to have just swooped her up and dropped her off in the pit to forget about her.
3/10 mastery
May 20, 2020, 01:23 PM
She took notice of the herbs that he presented and thought for a moment about the possibility of them being poison. But it seemed silly to poison someone while also wasting fresh games on them. She knew that everything that had happened to her was making her paranoid, but in a way, it was justified. Bringing up her sprained ankle crossed her mind, but she was quickly asked to explain her situation. Taking a moment to pause her pursuit of defeathering the duck she explained "I was approached by the golden male I previously mentioned, with him offering me guidance and protection on my way to visit a friend. If it's not blatantly apparent I have little experience in fighting or scouting" she stated lightly. "So I accepted... We travel together for some time with no complications. Till I injured my ankle and he suggested I receive medical attention here" she grimaced to herself. Has she not injured herself, perhaps things would have been different. "But upon arrival, I was not meet with medical attention but rather the young female leader of this pack. Immediately after I was thrown into the pit, further injuring my ankle. That's where I stayed for a moon. Only being visited by wayward pups and feed occasionally by a scared, red-eyed, white male." It seemed almost ironic that someone looking so harsh would have been so more kind than the one that had been so cruel and acted so chivalrous.
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds.
She is known by all as Corra.
She is known by all as Corra.
May 25, 2020, 02:16 PM
Some of the edge was taken off his anger when she revealed that Ghidorah had not in fact actually kidnapped the poor woman but had brought her here for help. Considering that this was Nightwalkers and it could have just as easily been a lie to get her here as a captive Valour held onto his judgements, content to just be open to the idea that Ghidorah may not have screwed up. It also was good news to find out who had actually done this to her though it was annoying that it was Hela. The girl really hadn't planned any of it out had she? It was all just savagery, uncontrolled and mindless cruelty that while he was used to and was sure everyone else was he didn't want them to be known for. "The man was Ghidorah, I don't know him very well but his intentions could have been genuine" he spoke carefully, not trying to seem as if he were making what happened less terrible "The girl was our old leader. She's just vanished recently so unfortunately I can't get you any justice for this unless Ghidorah did something else to you. I had no idea the pit was even considered useful anymore but I'm very sorry that you were left untended" he explained and did his best to apologize, really feeling like shit about the fact that there wasn't anything he could promise her as an outcome of her suffering. Grabbing the leafy herbs meant for inflammation he nosed them toward her "They get chewed up and swallowed or you can lick it on the swelling. We have a river through our territory, you're welcome to soak it there too" that was the only advice he knew of to help a sore anc aching body. He'd spent many many hours soaking in the cool water himself lately, it was the only thing besides the poppies that prevented him from being in agony when moving.
I am so so sorry for the wait!
3/10 mastery
June 05, 2020, 09:41 PM
Despite him partially explaining her persuader's motives to be genuine it was more releasing to her finally knowing his name. Even though she felt he had wronged her, she knew that trust between members of a pack would be stronger than words from a stranger. She would remember the name however, Ghidorah, and make a point to never trust the individual again.
The sudden vanishing of the former leader reinforced Cordelia's belief that this pack was out of sorta and out of quality leaders. If she knew that Valour would become the leader and attempt to turn things around perhaps her opinion would have changed. He seemed like a trust worth enough individual but her location and experiences here outwayed the thought that despite this he could be kinder than the rest.
He motioned to the herbs and described their use and application to her. By this point, she had begun to dig into her meal which was so satisfactory to the starved girl. Taking a moment to swallow before speaking she said, "Thank you... for helping me..." Pausing a moment she wondered if asking a question would be tolerated. "If it's not too much trouble. I would like to know her name. The name of your former leader" She knew Ghidorah's name but not the name of the other accomplice.
The sudden vanishing of the former leader reinforced Cordelia's belief that this pack was out of sorta and out of quality leaders. If she knew that Valour would become the leader and attempt to turn things around perhaps her opinion would have changed. He seemed like a trust worth enough individual but her location and experiences here outwayed the thought that despite this he could be kinder than the rest.
He motioned to the herbs and described their use and application to her. By this point, she had begun to dig into her meal which was so satisfactory to the starved girl. Taking a moment to swallow before speaking she said, "Thank you... for helping me..." Pausing a moment she wondered if asking a question would be tolerated. "If it's not too much trouble. I would like to know her name. The name of your former leader" She knew Ghidorah's name but not the name of the other accomplice.
Cordelia's identity is currently unknown to the wolves of the Teekon Wilds.
She is known by all as Corra.
She is known by all as Corra.
June 09, 2020, 01:09 AM
Watching her eat his eyes roaming her starved form the guilt grew deeper. Everything was busy, it was true enough that he was busy yet he couldn't help feeling awful for not having caught her scent sooner than he had. Her thanks took him by surprise and with a grim expression he replied "it's the least I can do". Pausing he considered what to do about her inquiry, hesitating on giving the name of the vicious girl that had grown along him in the darkness of Nightwalkers. She'd ridden them of Vengeance, something that he considered a favor but then she'd done nothing else but make things worse. What loyalty did he owe her? "Her name is Hela but she hasn't been seen in a while now. If she returns I'll remember what she did" the words brought the same shiver down his spine as when he'd vowed to Serem to take Hela out if ever nescessary. "I run the place now. You can have free run of the land, take what you need we have enough to keep caches stocked. Whenever you want to leave, you're free to go. I am very sorry that you've been kept here, I'm in your debt if you need it" giving her a quick nod he stood and began to move backwards to the exit of her den "I have to check on others, there's a few injured. Is there anything else you need?"
Figured we could maybe try to fade out? If you want a few more posts if Cordelia has any questions I can definitely do that too!
3/10 mastery
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