Redsand Canyon they say if you want to tell a story right
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
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the morning in the canyon was warm; muggy. the thick grey clouds were scattered across the horizon though mulberry was occupied with the towering canyon walls made of red stone. though mulberry had only ever known the strath as home, she was quickly growing to adore the canyon. she likes the warmth of the sand underfoot, between her toes. she likes the secrets that whisper through the rough hewn rock walls that she has yet to discover.

it's that want to explore that drives her out of the den that morning; still sleepy but with buoying energy that propels her forward.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
53 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Now Thyme wasn't constantly bothered by Alduin, you could say he had some free time. When he noticed that his sister was up and about too, he quickly followed after her. "Whatcha doing?," she asked, his tail wagging. Maybe Mulberry wanted to do something with him today. Or whatever she was planning on doing he could join her. His life had been really quiet. Normally he would join his mother if she went to do something with plants or healing but seeing that there was a lack of plants here she didn't take him on as many lessons. He didn't like the canyon so much. There was no grass and it caused Alduin to get lost. There were only annoying things happening here it seemed.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
the sand that would be grass had they still been in the strath, swallows the sound of thyme's footfalls — though it is the displacement of sand: the soft shift that grabs mulberry's attention. she peers over her shoulder mere seconds before her pale brother's watcha doing rings out towards her. a wolfish grin tugs at the edges of mulberry's lips, tail wagging behind her as she slows her pace to allow him the chance to catch up.

what's it look like i'm doin'? she challenges and without giving her brother a moment to respond crows with, i'm explorin'! and then adds, duh! playfully.

a heartbeat passes before she asks, you wanna join? though the question itself seems a bit redundant.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
53 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme's tail wagged as he saw his little sister. A smile tugged on his lips, too. He was about to guess when she already answered. His tail started to wag faster because he really liked exploring. The pale brother yipped and jumped from side to side to show his excitement.

"Yeah!!!!," he instantly agreed when she asked him to join. He would love that, he could use the distraction. 'Maybe we find sumthin' cool," he offered. "I liked the last home better," he admitted to her, following her in the direction she wanted to go.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
mulberry gives a sage, satisfied nod when thyme agreed to join her. she lifts her chin and marches forward like she had a destination in mind despite that she did not. that was the point of exploring, she assures herself. maybe! she chirrups to thyme's consideration that they might find something cool with a lofty shrug of her shoulders. the canyon was unexplored territory ...who knew what kind of treasures or secrets the two of them might uncover!

at thyme's declaration that he liked the strath better, mulberry draws in a breath of the arid, crisp smell of the canyon. i don't, mulberry declares quite decisively, despite that it was the exact opposite of how her sibling felt. i like the red sand ...and rocks! something about the unpredictable and unforgivable nature of the canyon spoke to her.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
53 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme was happy to follow his sister when she took off in a direction. He was definitely sure that it wouldn’t be a maybe. He really wanted to find something cool. The male was studying and sniffing the ground as they walked to see if he could find something nice.

Thyme had to look up at that. His sister liked the canyon? How strange! He looked over her with questionable eyes. ”Why yuu like it?,” he asked her. Clearly not understanding why. In the strath everyone had been together and now since the Canyon everyone was missing.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
mulberry, unfortunately, could not put to words why she liked the canyon — and her admiration of the territory would soon be moot when she went on her self-given adventure of trying to find derg. it was something she felt rather than thought; and she tries to communicate this with a lofty shrug of her shoulders as they trudge along.

it's pretty! she chirps gleefully; knowing that it was one of the reasons but hardly the ones that even begun to scratch the surface. unfortunately, it was best she could do at the moment. don'tcha think it's pretty? she asks thyme.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
53 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme thought about her sisters question if he thought it was pretty. The boy did like the sunrises here, as it was quick to grow hotter, and the skies were nice colors but he just missed his friend and his dad. The boy shrugged. "It is alright," he admitted, however, what he did like was how different everything was and it gave him a perspective that not every territory was the same.

His sister's happiness was infectious though. 'I do like that it is different," he admitted then and wagged his tail a little bit.