Neverwinter Forest to the verdant plains
641 Posts
Ooc — torvi
All Welcome 
he seeks @Lótë, finding the path to neverwinter forest easy to traverse. though leaving the bay was not an easy decision, with those he had pledged to his cause gone with the wind, kjalarr knows no other choice.

swallowing pride was not an easy thing to do, but when one path closes off, another is always opened. he suspects she must've given birth by now ...or was, at the very least, very close to giving birth.

the scents upon the markings of neverwinter forest cause kjalarr to give pause there, lifting his head and letting out a howl; alerting lote and her guardians of his presence.

please send all PM's to kivaluk

1/3 threads
you still wonder if you're
a ferocious beast or a saint
but you're neither because
you're infinitely more —

122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The pale daughter of Lote slips through the forest like a ghost, shifting from light to shadow and back again, steps fleeting and nearly soundless. There is a man calling from the edge of the woods. She does not recognize his song and is curious.

When she draws nearer she does not announce herself. Wilwarin is not afraid exactly, but perhaps apprehensive, as her mother and new brother must be protected. She watches the man for a few minutes before making a decision - seeking a pool of light between the trees.

Wilwarin chuffs to draw his attention and mouths in her way, I greet you. You call for my mother? Perhaps not all of the pantomimed words make sense, being mute.

She studies him as she waits; he looks to be older. There are marks upon him to suggest he is a hunter of esteem, or a warrior. He smells of salt.
"Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats."
449 Posts
Ooc —
a cameo! Feel free to skip. :)

Lótë lifted her head, groggily, as she was roused from a nap with her surviving twin by a familiar voice. The dove was not entirely surprised to hear Kjalarr's howl -- though she assumed his reasons were to meet his son and not because Stavanger Bay would not come to fruition. A brief smile of excitement flitted across her lips as she glanced down to a soundly dozing @Fjall. "Your father has come to say hello."

A grimace graced her expression, hating to disturb the content neonate but knowing there was no way around it -- no one else here knew Kjalarr. She called back in return, letting those in the surrounding area know that the man was welcome here. 

As soon as her notes died out, her head dipped to nuzzle and soothe the now very much awake and upset baby that squirmed against her. 
[Image: tumblr_inline_p7g2ubEPPb1ufb8ej_400.gifv]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
A voice called out from their borders. A voice belonging to a man, inquisitive in their tone about Lote, specifically. Wilwarin was already ahead of her and on her way to greet the mystery man. Keyni, followed close behind at the young girl's heels. 

She picked out his large, pale form easily among the earthy and green hues of the forest. He did not seem hostile, and just as she too, stepped in the light, Lote's voice echoed. Assuring them. Welcoming him. This man might possibly be the sire of young Fjall. His coat certainly was the right color. Brushing up beside Wilwarin fondly, she touched gently behind her ear. "We have not met. But you and Lote have." She observed with a tiny smile. "What is your name, Sir...?"
641 Posts
Ooc — torvi
kjalarr is recieved by two wolves, and a howl from lote. so she has given birth then, he thinks with a soft breath. perhaps, he considers, this was the path the gods have sent him down. either way, he was ready to embrace it: no longer of the age to be caught up on trivial disappointments. his time was growing shorter every year and he was no longer of the mood to chase.

he does not understand the signage of the first to greet him, hesitating with his ears fluttering back atop his skull, head dipping as a sign of deference. he is a visitor here, after all. she has given birth to my children, kjalarr says, as a way of introduction. it is only after he considers it might not've been the best way to make a good first impression. i am kjalarr and i was hoping to see them. lote and my children, and perhaps speak to her about joining what you've begun to create here.

please send all PM's to kivaluk

1/3 threads
you still wonder if you're
a ferocious beast or a saint
but you're neither because
you're infinitely more —

367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Permission given to skip @Wilwarin.

With Wilwarin unable to add much on her own behalf, Keyni was left to handle the rest of the introductions. The aged male stated that it was indeed, his children that she had carried. She nodded. "She has and they are doing well." She assured with a fond smile. She would say nothing of the loss of Fjall's sister. He didn't need to know of such tragedy. That would be up to Lote on whether or not to disclose.

"I will take you to them, Kjalarr. This is Wilwarin, Lote's older daughter." She gestured to the mild mannered, non verbal girl. "And I am Keyni. Lote and I...we are like sisters." She turned to pad deeper into her home, gesturing openly for him to come and follow. 

"I am sure she would have no objections if you are considering staying. Our numbers are not many, but we stand strong." She affirmed with a humble confidence. Lifting her muzzle, she let out a short call to inform Lote and anyone else near the den site, that they were on their way. Meanwhile, she asked "What can you offer us? Surely a man of your years is more experienced than previous generations."
641 Posts
Ooc — torvi
though kjalarr is unsure if wilwarin, introduced as lote's older daughter, might find his presence here ...awkward; but tells himself it is unfair to make that decision for her. he was not the husband her mother had taken but those the terms of their agreement were shifting, kjalarr is not upset by them. easily, this was the path odinn had lain out for him all along: and this way, he can contribute and co-parent full time.

well met, wilwarin. he offers her a dip of his head before turning his attention back to the woman speaking, keyni. besides being able to co-parent my children full time? a soft teasing smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he follows her.

much wisdom accumulated in my 7 years of life, a spoken fact in lieu of a brag. none of those lessons had been easy and all of them had been learned the hard way. i am a skilled warrior and scout besides. boasting had been for him in his youth: these days, his age and the scars that riddled his body were proof enough of these claims.

please send all PM's to kivaluk

1/3 threads
you still wonder if you're
a ferocious beast or a saint
but you're neither because
you're infinitely more —

122 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Pulling Wil here. :>

Keyni speaks for her and Wil appreciates it, while at the same time feeling a bit odd standing before this older man. As Keyni moved to lead him through the forest Wilwarin stepped aside, dipping her head respectfully as Kjalarr spoke to her; her eyes trailed after him as twin suns, curious.

It intrigued her that mother dove would choose this man. Wil naturally compared him to what she remembered of her own father. Both were strong men, although Kjalarr had visible scars upon his face; he was not ugly, and Wil liked to think Adrastus was not either except in temperment —oh!

A warmth buzzed through her cheeks. When was the last time she had thought of the man who was her father? Certainly not since she was very little. Distracted by her own whimsy, Wilwarin would leave Keyni to escort the older man to the ulaq where mother and brother slept.
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
As Wilwarin moved to take her leave, Keyni sent her a warm, parting look. With Kjalarr she smiled, sharing his humor. But his age was something she saw as a great advantage, as it came with experience. "There is no better teacher than one with much accumulated wisdom." She agreed softly.

He was also a warrior and a scout. She nodded approvingly. "Your skills will be most welcomed here, Kjalarr. Especially with a child to look after in a young pack." Everyone in Winterglade was capable of fending for themselves, make no mistake about that. But having someone such as him with a little extra skill would put their minds at ease. As far as she was concerned, he was already in.

"Follow me. I will show you to Lote's den so you can get re-acquainted and meet your child." She smiled and led the way.