Wild Berry Meadow Cloud Skipping
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
All Welcome 

Temporarily, Elentari ventured away from Moonspear. With a quick howl, she let Sialuk know of her absence on her way down, from the mountain. It was well into spring now. A busy time of year. She had noticed the increased activity in the pack, and most certainly, the influx of new faces. It almost felt a little crowded.

Getting out and about for some fresh air and productivity did her well. She headed east, not too far away. Kept her eyes peeled for any promising hunting opportunities. The Archer was especially alert, just in case she may spot a certain someone.

But when she arrived at the sprawling meadow dotted with a plethora of berries, her true motive became clear. Their scent was fragrant, at the peak of ripeness. A perfect time for harvesting. She drifted from one patch to the next, inspecting them for their quality. Any she took back, she did not want to spoil on the trip. The berries would be a welcome source of food for the pack and a new novelty for the young pups.
90 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Berries were great, especially when one was lucky enough to find the ones that made you feel like you are floating in the clouds. Marcus knew exactly where to find the little red berries where he came from, and hoped the ones he happened upon today were of a similar kind. 

Carefully the man picked a few, savoring their bitter sweet taste all the while. If they were not the berries he was seeking, he would at least be satisfied by their delightful flavor. He began to revisit the memories of his past, but his visit was cut short. The rigid wolf noted rustling among bushes near him. Auburn ears twisted toward the sound, the scent of the newcomer wafting towards him seconds later. A female.

Marcus relaxed his posture, like a fool, at the discovery that this was a woman in his presence. Peering around the bush he had temporarily claimed as his own, the loner got a look at her. She was a beautiful female, her coloring cool and reminiscent of partly clouded skies. 

"Hello?" He didn't wish to startle her, so figured a soft greeting might be appropriate. Unfortunately, he didn't account for his berry-stained mouth as the man smiled politely.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her lips began to part, the glinting tips of white teeth closing in on a thin, green stem. Just as she was about to snip it in half, a voice called out softly to her. Ah, so she wasn't alone! She paused and drew her muzzle away, which scraped against a few berries in the process.

Her keen storm blue eyes found the wolf easily. He was hard to miss, with his ruddy coloring standing out against the vibrant green bushes. Luckily for him, the Archer was not the sort of woman to startle easily. She smirked good naturedly, moving out from behind the bush, into full view.

"Fine day for berry sampling, is it not?" There was a touch of humor in her voice. He seemed to have been enjoying himself, having beaten her to the tasting. Not that she minded. There was plenty to go around. "I didn't think I would find anyone here."
90 Posts
Ooc — Maria
It was refreshing to run into a seemingly easygoing wolf, especially considering his previous encounters with women. He had no issue with fiery personalities, but today he was tired and in need of warmth and affection. Wandering took its toll on him.

As the woman stepped into full view, the man eased himself onto his haunches. He appreciated her figure and how it didn't bristle or tense. She didn't look as if she had her finger on the trigger. 

"Seems to be." Marcus agreed, feeling a bit mortified, only now realizing in her humorous tone that he likely had a mess on his face. The male lifted a paw to his face in a desperate attempt to wipe his mouth clean. "Are you a fellow berry enthusiast?" He asked her good-naturedly between rubs, giving a half smile behind a windshield wiper paw.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"Somewhat." She replied, not drawing any more attention than already had been to his berry stained muzzle. "A snack wasn't what I came here for. I am an aspiring herbalist and hunter. I thought I would take advantage of the season and harvest a few of these to bring back to my pack." She explained.

But, a little taste or two of the berries while she was here couldn't hurt. She wouldn't go wild with it though. "Have they drawn you out here, too? You seem to have enjoyed them." She smiled some.
90 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Once he was sure he had done all he could to rid his muzzle of lingering juices, Marcus readily gave the lady his full attention. He watched with warmth in his gaze as she shared her aspirations and nodded at them, impressed with her ambitions. It reminded him of the last herbalist he had ran into for a moment, sending a jolt of guilt through his system. He hadn't handled that interaction well... at all. 

"I don't know much about herbs, but if you'd like I could help you gather some. I'm in need of something to do." It was true. He was terribly bored and lack of structure seemed to only get him into trouble. "And I just happened upon them, really. Not sure what I am drawn to these days. They were worth a little detour, though."
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"If you don't mind, the help would be most welcome." Her voice was warm. She eyed one of the darker berries and plucked it from the stem. Letting it crunch between her teeth to gage the sweetness.

"If herbs are not your interest, what is?" She asked, expressing interest in his hobbies. "Where does your passion lie? For instance, I am also an experienced hunter."
90 Posts
Ooc — Maria
He too gravitated towards the darker berries, not because of any know how but because the herbalist did so. Grabbing a few, Marcus applied maximum effort to not only keep the berries in tact, but also not grab too much of the bush with them. His teeth found a particularly thick stem that housed at least ten berries and so he got to work gnawing it off. The wolf felt more like a beaver, and one that wasn't very good at it's job at that.

Just as the woman divulged into deeper conversation, the russet fellow had yanked a particularly full stem. A few berries catapulted through the air, rolling away as if in escape. Marcus snorted at the stragglers, passing them by to lay the herbs at the feet of his company. "Helping others, I guess." It wasn't a very good answer, but it was the truth. Marcus smiled in a quick sort of way, a drive by grin, before his features fell neutral once more... save for a wagging tail. "What would you say is your favorite prey to hunt?" He was curious to know more about this young woman as she was quite interesting and seemed accomplished. Both things he felt he lacked but was working on.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Elentari didn't bother with the berries that tumbled away, out of reach. There was plenty to go around and those leftovers would serve as a free tidbit for other hungry animals passing through the area. She mimicked him, grabbing at stems that held particularly full clusters of berries.

His answer was a fine one, she thought. Even if he did not feel the same way. "Helping others is very fulfilling. And there are so many ways in which to do it." Be it hunting, healing, scouting or just lending an ear to listen. She considered her own answer for a moment. Elk and deer were basic. Pretty straightforward prey. Rabbits were too. Her memory jumped back to the recent hunt with Chakliux, taking down the pig. "Well...a pack mate and I took down a wild pig recently. It was challenging, but thrilling. A first for me, really. Beavers are also tricky in that they retreat to the water for safety, constantly re-locating their homes."

Could he tell that she liked being forced to think outside the box?
90 Posts
Ooc — Maria
So sorry on this wait! Getting my muse for Marcus back

“So you like a challenge.” He observed thoughtfully, appreciating still the tenacity of the elegant raven before him. It was fitting as she picked through branches and berries, creating her makeshift nest between them. Her markings were so unique, dark and alluring.

“What does beaver even taste like? I’ve never had it.” Marcus called back over his shoulder before investigating a particularly large and in charge bush across their small yet intimate clearing. Within this question wove a certain tone of hesitancy at the thought. The idea of gnawing on that big leathery tail… 

“Also, what are these berries good for?” Another question before jaws gingerly wrapped around another branch, thicker and needing more of a tug. Again he placed his favor at her paws, yellow eyes looking up at the female. “I’m Marcus by the way.”