Wapun Meadow Sprouting Seeds
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven

Spring had just begun to sprout. Snowfall had become lesser and lesser preparing for the April showers ahead. Vegetation was just barely considering coming out from the ground and it seemed that the local wildlife was eager to investigate. On their heels was Andr, eager to investigate them. 

As usual, his nose was alert and his eyes were observant of the local prey population activity. He had seen signs of the herds in the area but hadn't laid eyes on them yet. His mission for the day as he strolled the meadow.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken moved with purpose through the teekon wilds. Her intent the local flora and fauna. She was building her own caches, keeping them all nice and moist. She would plant them eventually, once she found a place to settle down. There was no where she could go right now, or at least none that she had found yet.

She was surprised from her thoughts of herbs and ailments by the brown fur of a nearby wolf. She chuffed kindly and weaved her black tail. Tiny and thin, she was barely taking up any space.

Hello. Her accent thick.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Although eager for prey the first thing to catch his eye was a dark female with rich brown eyes. A dainty beauty greeted him kindly. 

Hi smiled. "Good day Miss" he greeted, bowing his head in her direction. "How do you fare this fine day?" his tail matched her friendly display as he raised his head to meet her gaze.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin

Maiken had already hunted esrlier in the day. So she wasn't on the search for prey at least. Her thoughts were on plants.

I'm just fine. Moving plants. I'm Maiken.

She leaned forward to give him a cursory greeting of a sniff. A small smile. and you?
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Plants. Another herbalist perhaps. He thought back to the one he meet at Blacktail Deer Plateau. Both moving plants from one place to another. Was it just that time of year?

"Andromed Dorian. Though you may call me Andr if you wish. I've been on a loose tracking mission. I suspect pronghorn to reside in this area" he said gesturing in the general direction of the path he'd been following.

"Is your destination far?"
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken liked to think she was more of a naturalist and toxologist. Because she could heal and she could hurt if she wanted too. She just chose to heal more than cause harm. There had been unrest. She was moving herbs, because her people had been attacked and scattered.

Well met Andr.

She wrinkled her nose in thought, a crinkle between her eyes. About three days to get to where they old caches are and then another five back. I've already been traveling for five days. My former leaders caused a bit of an upheaval, you see. And well we were chased from our homes, but I had spent a whole season planting herbs to heal and I refuse to allow them to go to waste.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
"I'm sure it is quite the splendid garden to be worth such a lengthy journey. I'm sorry to hear you were forced from it. Do you suspect you'll be safe returning?" he asked. If her pack had been chased from their home he assumed that whoever had been chasing them now resided in their old home, and the destination of her journey. He hoped she didn't plan to sneak into a hostile pack just for plants. Sure they were... valuable... much more so in her paws than his, but worth risking one's life?  Though her description of a former leader could mean she no longer is paired with them or a group and might be allowed passage.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken smiled at the young male and dipped her nose down. This one will be fine. I may not look it, but were i in need of it. I can fight just as well as the next wolf. I was raised among fighters.

She looked around. And besides where the plants are. They were not intent to live there, only chase those who led out.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He did not doubt her ability to fight and defend herself. But one wolf, against a whole pack known to force others from their home, regardless of skill could not be victorious in that battle. Something he did not have to ponder long on as she explained how they had no desire to hold claim over the territory she planned to return to. 

"I'm sure any that would dare go against you are in for a rude awakening. Still, it's good to hear it's not something you need anticipate." As she looked around the area Andr wondered if he was keeping her long. After all, she did say her journey would be several days long and she was already several days in. Though he liked and missed the company of others he wanted to be sure he wasn't more of a nuisance than a friendly acquaintance.

"Well I don't wish to keep you if you're eager to push ahead" he offered.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken was not a vicious wolf and she preferred not fighting, but were she in need too she did well. But there had been too many and they had been too surprised and their leader had just died. None of it had been good.

Yes indeed. She smiled at him sharp toothed, but light. She stopped and looked up at him surprised evident in her brown eyes.

Oh I'm sorry. No. You are fine. This wolf is just watching. Are you hungry? We could eat?

Her trip was days long, but the simple fact was she wasn't in a hurry. She was just going along as it were. She would go back to hurrying when she was alone.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Thank you for your patience. I'm starting to get Andr's threads cleaned up and organized. Given the distant start date, I'm willing to fade out or continue. Your preference :)

Hunger. The word piqued his interest.

"I could eat, and I am more than willing to offer my assistance. Anything you're craving?" he asked. Hunting was a subject he knew far more about than plants. He suspected pronghorn to be in the area, but they could be a lot of work if the pair were looking for just a quick snack.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
we can fade thank you for the thread. We should have another sometime.

Maiken nodded and led him towards where she knew prey would be. They could catch some birds or hsres and fill their bellies. If they were lucky something bigger.