Moonspear To Forgotten Lands
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
For @Argent. Backdated just before Sialuk and Elentari leave for Moonglow.

Elentari patrolled the far slopes of Moonspear. Soon, she would depart with Sialuk to her mother's village. Since they had last spoken, she reflected. Thought with a clear head. She had even done some searching of her own, while away. She did not feel the same as before.

Such thoughts did not run through her mind right now. She was on alert, keen blue eyes watchful for movement. For a flash of fur, or tell tale scent. Searching for prey. One whose pelt would be suitable enough to serve as a gift, when she arrived at the ring of mountains. All she needed was the right target.
143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
His usual duty was instilled in him from more youthful days—and so he had taken it with ease on the mountain, as he rounded the borders of the mountain. It was generally quiet—but his eyes fell upon the dark features of Elentari, and he considered a moment, recalling Sialuk’s words and eagerness.

The woman was fascinating to his beloved—and he could see why. And yet still—the lingering doubt that Sialuk’s vision would not be as she wished it to be gnawed at him.

And so, he found himself staring, and only after a few moments did he release these thoughts, uttering a low bark to garner the hunter’s attention.
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
A flash of brown tinted ebony. Darting under the thick growth of a shrub, and towards the narrow rock crevices which offered safety. Her eyes followed the movement out of sight. A little disappointed but not deterred. If she could pick up it's trail again, she stood a chance of catching it.

She had known about Sialuk and Argent's recent trip, glad that they had returned. She had not gotten the details about it yet, too focused on preparing for the visit to Moonglow. What it would bring her, she was uncertain. Hopefully, if it went well, the bond between her and Sialuk would be further instilled. She might even return with Moonwoman's blessings.

A low bark made her stop in her search, dark head sweeping to the side. Finding Argent, the very man she had not seen in so long. And, who was the center of Sialuk's attention as of late. Elentari was pleased to see him, trotting up with a loosely waving tail and a soft croon. "Argent. It is good to see you." Steely blue eyes swept upon him in a once over, a warm smile at her lips. "Have the weeks found you well?" She asked, jumping right into expressing a direct interest in not just his general welfare, but personal agenda as well, should he divulge. 

Sialuk hid little from the Star Queen.
143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He was greeted with warmth, and it eased him. Moonspear, for as grand as it was in size and height, rivalled the size of other packs as well, and it was easy to feel misplaced among the myriad of faces. His icy gaze swept over the woman, pleased to see her in good health—and he felt a smile play at the corner of his lips. “Elentari,” he offered in turn, muzzle dipping to a light nod of greeting. “I’m well—and you?”

Again, he noticed how striking she was—and idly, he wondered if he was about to lose the affections of his paramour to the beauty before him.

Or, if he would be included in them.

“You seemed busy. Anything I can help with?” A task—something to do. With that, perhaps he could ease his mind.
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Moonspear had grown. Swelled. It was an adjustment. One which she took in stride. The Archer had her own personal business to see to. Matters which required her attention more than others. With time, she would find herself familiarized with the new residents. But it was always good to catch up with those to whom you were closer.

Or might be destined to be such.

Her smile remained intact. Soft, subtle and open. "I have been well. Doing a lot of thinking." She stated, without any heaviness of negativity in her voice. Her conversation with Sialuk in her den that night had clarified her mind. Time away, on mini voyages had served her well in seeing where her heart really was. She would elaborate, if asked, of course.

"Slightly. Sialuk and I are to travel to Moonglow tomorrow. I am looking forward to meeting her mother, who I have heard so much about." A slightly sheepish look crept into her eyes, dark head dipping down just so. "I am also a little anxious, too. I thought I would show my goodwill by bringing a gift. Furs...skins, seemed most appropriate. I was in the middle of trying to track down the right target."
143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Ah—a trip to Moonglow it seemed was what would occur between the two women, and Argent withheld a knowing smile. Sialuk had confessed to him her attraction for the she-wolf before him—Argent had assured he could see why—and now it seemed the raindrop woman was initiating her intentions more, perhaps.

“I have heard great things of the moonwoman,” he agrees, his eyes sweeping from the pretty features of Elentari to consider her words. “I can help with a hunt for fur,” he offered, rolling his shoulders back for a light stretch, eager to burn some energy. “Do you know what type of pelt you want to give her?”
187 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"As have I. I have heard she can assist me in furthering my knowledge of herbalism." A tidbit for Argent, that hunting was not her only area in which she excelled. She considered his question. "I am not sure of her exact tastes. I am geared towards something soft...sleek."

Elentari was open about the relationship budding between her and Sialuk. She wondered what Argent thought of it. If he saw appeal in it or not. The possibilities that she and the raindrop shared. "I do believe I saw a marten a few moments ago by the shrubs to our left. The fur was dark brown." It was worth a check, to see if it had stuck around.
143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
His muzzle tilted down—inclined to follow her to where she believed the marten to be. It was a fine idea—but if he were honest, his time spent now was not simply one of assisting a fellow pack mate but of getting to know this alluring she-wolf better. She had captivated his lover—and so he was eager to forge a relationship with her—and what that could be depended on what would follow, he assumed.

As they moved to the location she had mentioned, the stalwart man passed a sideways glance to her. “When we met, you spoke of a place called Northfall. What was it like?”