Moonspear peace lilies in a wicker basket
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
230 Posts
Ooc — delaney
All Welcome 
tags for reference. <3

@Sable and her returned to moonspear.

towhee takes the time to process the changes in her life in her ever present silence.

it is different and though parts of her wish to rebel against them, she also recognizes their importance.

she pauses on the stretch of border she was patrolling; lowering her muzzle to the earth to drink in the scents, picking apart the familiar from the unfamiliar.

she scratches her front left paw against the earth, claws upturning soil as she leaves her scent and continues along; eyes alert as they dart along the shadows of the no man's land between the borders of moonspear and the neutral territories surrounding it.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-
56 Posts
Ooc — box
Dogging in his sister’s shadow like a marionette without strings, Sable stared out into the wilds with a frown on his face. Ahead of him, he could see Junior turning over the dirt on the border, leaving her scent in the ruts she dug into the land.

He took the opportunity to catch up with her, making sure his steps were heavy to attract her attention before he curled around her side, his paws landing on the stretch of border untouched by his sister’s paws. Hard green stared into the distance.

Do you ever want to just. Go out there? He asked, unable to look at Junior in the off chance she was disgruntled by his suggestion.

Sable’s voice is barely audible due to a vocal chord deformity at birth.
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
230 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it was his scent, stronger and flowing in his presence, that first alerts towhee jr to her brother's presence when she stops, the soft vibration of his steps upon the earth felt beneath her paws only coming as he drew nearer.

her gaze is sharp upon the no man's land and neutral territory beyond, the very beginning of his signing going unnoticed. but she caught the gist of his question.

they've travelled much in their short span of life: from epoch to moonspear and then to sweetharbor and back again.

to say that it wasn't an idea she hadn't entertained at points would be a lie. she is curious ... and despite all the ferocity and hostility towards strangers she packs into her entire being she also realizes that out there she has a distinct disadvantage. large ones.

her uniqueness ( because she refused to think of them as disabilities ) hindered her to those who did not know ptero and who did not read into natural body language. and given that most wolves had the gift of gab she assumes it is the vast majority against her.

-yes...,- jr signs, hesitant. -but i am not like everyone else,- she hadn't understood before but she has learned quickly that it is her that is an outlier and not the rest of the world. -i do not speak. i do not hear. and wolves outside of home do not speak ptero. i suppose i'd figure out a way,- for she was incorrigibly stubborn and annoyingly resilient by nature.

she does not finish her sentence, instead switching tactics. that what you want? to go out there? somewhere else?-

he answers, or maybe he doesn't. jr is caught up in her own contemplations and returns to her patrol, with an invite to sable of course, to mull over what he has presented to her.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-