Panther Park Nulla
12 Posts
Ooc — Herod
To one, @Masa of Hoshor Plains,
Greetings and salutations, esteemed warrior. Whispers of your unparalleled skill have traversed the winds, casting upon me the urgent call to beseech your aid in this hour of dire need.

I find my spirit ensnared in the depths of despair. Alas, my dear pupil, trapped in the clutches of dire crisis, has taken flight from my care, leaving behind the shattered remains of all that he saw fit to destroy.

In recognition of your peerless acumen and the gravity of the quest that lies ahead, I extend an offering of substantial recompense for the triumphant unearthing of his location. Moreover, I pledge to shower upon thee ongoing remuneration for the vigilant guardianship and tender care of my wayward charge until such a time as I may personally shepherd him home to the shelter of our hearth so that he may answer for all he has done.

Hasdrubal, the youth in question, distinguished by a frame slender and graceful, a countenance pallid as the moon's embrace, and eyes bearing the mark of the gods' own handiwork, may have chosen to traverse your realm under a false identity.

Should the ardor of adventure stir within thy breast, I beseech thee, convey thy noble intent through the emissary appointed unto thee, who stands poised to carry thy word unto my eager ears.

I await your reply with bated breath and fervent yearning for our imminent alliance,

raven steel
44 Posts
Ooc — bon
his reputation exceeds him. but masa could only furrow his brow, there is no pride in what he does, and what he must do. 
nothing had come up in the wind since his time spent in the plains of yellowstone, and he wonders how much longer he has left, or if he never had any time at all.

To Herod,

It will be done. Lend me any last vestiges of his trail, and I will track him down. I'll send word once again when I have found him.

[Image: masa-itty-1.png]
there are no heroes in this tale

raven steel
44 Posts
Ooc — bon
To Herod

He has been found. I bring with this message proof. If I am incorrect then tell me so.
Otherwise, I will pursue immediately.


a dainty, wilting flower was brought to accompany the message.
it carried the last traces of machiavelli's scent.
[Image: masa-itty-1.png]
there are no heroes in this tale