Panther Park [m] Healer's folly
Nothing else could make me feel this good
99 Posts
Ooc — Bone
All Welcome 
M for crazy, and also mouse harm

Rosy pawpads grew tired and sore, cracked and battered by what seemed to be proving an endless trek. 

She was growing sick of wandering, of callous encounters, and of the stares cast her way when she had done nothing but simply be. Trespassing this, you're not supposed to be here that, could a woman not sit down without being chastised for it?! Bunch a' tyrants she'd come to pass. 

Is there something so wrong that I wear it in my scent? On my coat? How do they see what I cannot? Is there something so rotten it seeps into every patch of earth she'd come to stand on?

She'd had no luck. None at all! 

For that was all that could be relied on. She could mend the scrapes and gashes she'd earned in skirmishes, yet she found herself terribly lacking when it came to the hunger pangs, and above all else, the boredom, the mind-grating, soul-sapping boredom. Many a night she'd simply lay and thrash with upset. Were she in better condition, she could've shown each adversary a proper fight, instead, bone-thin, she'd had to resign to simply vacating each claim, with a sitfled desire to seek revenge, once she'd grown fat and healthy again. 

Instead, she'd be stuck alone, again and again. Her mind ached for a home she held no love for, but it was a home, which was a far cry from what she had now.

Take me back! Take me back! I can be good! 

Though they were merely words of desperation, empty, in all facets. Still, she'd wallow and whine them into the night, convincing herself more than the one's she'd directed the sentiment toward. It remained true that she could not change her nature. Nor could she change that of packmates long departed. 

When whinging and moaning her words offered no comfort, she'd move to anger instead.

Cowards. Weak-minded cowards! No thought towards advancement, no understanding at all. She was helpful, better even than he who trained her! Yet they cast her away! The gall! The nerve! A hazard, they'd said. A danger just waiting to rear its head, too vicious for the rank she'd claimed. They were liars. She was not such. She could control herself, it was they who tested her, who tempted her.

Occasional words of venom would spit from her jaws as her thoughts spilled out into the empty air. Her tail thrashed as a testament to her discontentment. Though her shattered composure was distracted all too easily, with a sharp swivel of black-tipped ears would quickly snap to a low rustling, her gaze flicked to the most subtle of movement. A field mouse darting betwixt the blades of grass. She'd waste little time in exploiting the opportunity to express her tantrum physically, it always made her feel relief. An innocent little creature was the object of her ire, her outlet, though she saw little more than something that had found its rightful purpose in life, to serve her whims.

She'd toss and toy with the unfortunate rodent upon snatching it, teeth clipped just beneath the spine, enough to cripple, yet not to kill; there was method in the whelpish activity. The squeals, louder than one would expect from such a small beast, brought a flicker of delight across her expression. A sweet serenade, made just for her own depraved ears. She'd eventually tire of the game of catch, and simply set the thing down to watch it drag itself a little further....

Before a paw would slam down to drag it back closer. 

Play became study. She'd tilt her crown to the side and lay onto her stomach, inching forward to watch the distressed being. Non-being. Toy. Tool. It took her mind off of hunger, at least; and did moreso than just distract. It captivated her in a way few other things could.

Could what she had inflicted ever be reversed? Those dragging hind limbs captured her attention, intrigued, and yet stumped her. 

Not for you, at least. She'd remark aloud, and let her tail curl around her hide. Limbs the colour of moon-touched camelias would stretch out to prod and flit with the creature who was powerless to do much aside from let it happen. 

How good it felt, to be on this end instead. 

Swiftcurrent Creek
69 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Ooh yay! Envy is so interesting, if a little scary haha

She wandered, skirting the edges of the mountain range that cut a swathe through the Wilds. The land had become warmer as spring approached, but not yet warm enough to calm the windy chill of the slopes. Pukei and her thin coat were not suited for the rocky heights, despite the allure of what could be on the other side of them.

So she remained at sea level, absent-mindedly picking her way through the dirt at the base of the peaks, before suddenly the squeals of a creature in distress caught her ears. She was no bleeding heart, yet a mix of mild concern, curiosity, and the chance that some injured rodent could offer a meagre scrap of a meal drew her towards the source of the sound.

Not for you, at least. Oh. Another had claimed it. Well, she could always hope maybe the stranger had found a nest of the things! Pukei shouldered through the underbrush, just in time to see a grey and black woman bounce the critter between pale forepaws as if it were some plaything. Not aware of the previous methods of torture the woman had inflicted upon it, Pukei smirked; she looked far too old to be playing with her food like that, but she herself was not against any sort of play...maybe not her prey though, that just seemed cruel.

"Hey, what'd it ever do to you?" she laughed as she approached, the comment meant to be in harmless jest, though the smallest of frowns crinkled her brow as she noticed the limp hind legs of the field mouse.
devil you know
111 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
neither of the wolves were trespassing, and so long as they left plenty of distance between themselves and yellowstone's borders, the wrangler had no reason to be prickly about it; but that didn't mean that logic always won out. that didn't mean he wasn't going to be prickly about it.

he watches the exchange from afar, missing context; slightly distracted by the memories he secrets from this place.

two women, their scents tell him.

steps slow and a low chuff escapes his lips to garner one or both of their attention.

[Image: 69468913_Hf98GqUAMTX6DLb.png]
adopt my babies
Nothing else could make me feel this good
99 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Fully engrossed in the task at hand, she hadn't noticed the scuffle of paws which had made their way ever-closer to the little patch she occupied until words had filled the empty air. 

As if on instinct, she'd quickly rise, grabbing the mouse between her teeth and scarfing it down in one swift move, claiming it as her own before the other could pose a challenge for it; she'd had enough of her hard-earned food being taken, and this time she wouldn't even wait for the proposition. 

As meager a meal as it was, it was hers. 

Envy stared at the woman who had approached, taking note of the laugh, and remaining entirely oblivious to the derisive flicker which danced across a visage of cream and fawn. It did nothin'. Does it have to do something to be worth eating? She remarks with an idle shrug and the tear of a smile at the corners of her maw. She'd rise to her feet and step closer to the other girl, a spring to her step and caution cast to the wind, she circled the area before her, not often remaining still for long, and on more than one occasion, drifting closer to the flank of the stranger as she seemed to survey and examine her; red, hawkish gaze affixed. 


Why? Did you want a piece of it? She mused with a teasing grin, leaning forward; though her attention would snap sharply as she became aware of the presence of another, announced with a deep chuff. She'd trade glances with the other woman, narrowing her gaze, she wondered if the two of them had come here together. Her fur bristled slightly, though she'd hold her ground. Woefully confident.

Or perhaps just naive.
Swiftcurrent Creek
69 Posts
Ooc — Laur
In an instant, the mouse was put out of its misery with a decisive snap of the other's jaws and it disappeared – tail and all. Pukei watched, mouth parting as she went to apologise. She hadn't meant to intrude on the woman's moment of fun, and certainly hadn't meant to rush her meal. Though the stranger was quick to respond as she rose to all fours and danced closer, capturing Pukei in a calculating gaze that had her shuffle her own paws nervously, cheery demeanour faltering for a moment. "Well no, I guess not."

She herself suddenly felt like prey as the pale woman began to circle her. Unnerved, she turned on the spot to keep her in sight. What was she doing? The question had Pukei's ears flick back sheepishly, not admitting that she was a little hungry, but she felt like they both knew a field mouse was not enough for two grown wolves.

Before she could answer however, another made himself known with a low note. The red gaze of the other flicked to her, and she met it with a look of confusion. She had no idea who this was, but was not opposed to his presence. The uneasy hammering of her heart begins to settle as she observes the large man as he approaches.

"If you were looking for a snack too, unfortunately we're both a bit too late," she says, releasing a shaky laugh and stiff wave of her tail in an effort to ease the tension.
devil you know
111 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
he draws a bit nearer, but keeps his distance all the same. the warbear is outnumbered and without the context he still lacked, wasn't sure what the two were doing out here.

the one speaks up, mentioning something about a snack. left ear twitches, nostrils flaring as he takes in their scents. he doesn't want this place to fill him with suspicions but perhaps it was bound to because of the infidelity he indulged in here.

i'm not interested in a snack, no, drawls the wrangler, gaze taking in each woman in turn. yellowstone claims the plains nearby. if your business here is concluded, i'd advise you not to linger long.

[Image: 69468913_Hf98GqUAMTX6DLb.png]
adopt my babies
Nothing else could make me feel this good
99 Posts
Ooc — Bone
Ah, there it was. 

Albeit, less than gnashing teeth and angered jeers, but it was all the same.

You don't belong here, nor here, nor anywhere.

Yet the man cloaked in hues of mountain and meadow stood before her, muscled and well-fed. She'd hone in on that last detail. Far from satisfied with the meager scraps she could manage on her own, perhaps it was food motivation that would drive her to shuffle a little closer, ears perked attentively. 

Yellowstone claims the plains nearby, said the behemoth. She couldn't help but allow a flicker of hopefulness to dance across a visage of silver and pearl.

Maybe perhaps, it was the prospect of loneliness upended. Her mind didn't distinguish. She was raised to rest amongst the pelts of others, not to suffer the cold embrace of shrubs clad in thorn, of cragged rocks and every other miserable area she could find to rest her head.

But this one hadn't come to meet her under the threat of violence like the others she'd tried to worm her way into... Yet, at least— and so she saw an opportunity rearing its head. 

She'd caught glimpses of bison amidst the plains; brutish, yet magnificent beasts, far from anything she'd ever attempt—For even reckless abandon could know its own limits, on occasion.—Yet still they'd caught her ravenous eye. In contrast, this man surely looked like he could hunt the lumbering things and most of anything in between; and there was more of them? That was a prospect she liked. 

What must she do to secure a meal? To secure a home? Must she grovel? Degrade oneself? Offer herself up?

How can I be worth keeping? 

Well then, she'd grovel! Do exactly that! 

-Follow others, and they will feed you, little devil. Just don't forget you too must offer something, for nothing is free.
- - not even for me?
-Of course not.

The last of the wisdom imparted on her played like a symphony in her head, and she would dance to its song. A ballerina with all the grace broken ankles could provide. 

She'd ignore his mention of business, ignore his request to not linger, and instead assail him with a statement so blunt and utterly non-sensical, it fell from her jaws without her own say. Desperation spoke for her. Can't I stay?

Owl-eyed. She'd stare, searing a hole into the gaze she matched with fiery intensity. Reckless confidence even in the face of the drastic difference of stature.

Nothing else could make me feel this good
99 Posts
Ooc — Bone
i didn't mean to do this, disregard :,)
Swiftcurrent Creek
69 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Her ears flicked up as the man responded, eyes watching as he moved forward, before they fell flat indignantly at his words. I'd advise you not to linger long. She couldn't tell if that was a threat or a warning. Was this Yellowstone pack dangerous? She could not discern so from his calm, watchful demeanour – a stark contrast to the erratic movements of the girl beside her, who then suddenly shot him a direct request to stay with the same intense stare she had fixed Pukei in moments ago.

She gave the other a sidelong glance, unnerved by her fervency, and subtly moved a few pawsteps away from her as she looked back to the mountainous man, more cautious than the other stranger. "Why? Are you from there?"
devil you know
111 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
tags for reference! <3

the one woman, strange and almost fervent, pleas with him to stay. the warbear is visibly taken aback by this strange behavior, wary and unsure what to do with it. in a small way, she reminds him of @Bard; mirroring a similar sort of mannerism that arktos considers a bit unhinged.

a low snort pushes from his nostrils, wondering if she was rabid.

he didn't smell anything wrong with her — and would nephele have been pregnant or yellowstone had cubs on the way, he would've instantly declined.

calm your buck there, miss, arktos drawls slowly. lets start with some basics: what's your name? what skills can you offer yellowstone? don't you want to hear about us, first?

typically, the exchange of information tended to be important.

his gaze moves to the more sound appearing woman. i lead yellowstone, alongside my wife. he tells her simply.

[Image: 69468913_Hf98GqUAMTX6DLb.png]
adopt my babies
Nothing else could make me feel this good
99 Posts
Ooc — Bone

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: naughty bad word 
That's right! How silly! She had forgotten all the pleasantries in her haste, all the necessary questions which needed answers; though in her own defense, she hadn't exactly been displaced before, and hadn't often been the one asking questions on the few patrols she had attended back home. 

No no, she was spoiled, offered every little toy she could desire to entertain depraved whims and curiosities; once the passion was ignited, she'd found little joy in any act which deviated from medicine and experimentation; and while whinging and getting her brother to fill in for her had worked back home, it certainly wouldn't do her many favours here; her reluctance to truly pay attention to that which hadn't served her at the time was beginning to bite her in the ass.

Right! Yes! I am Envy! This is.... I don't know who you are. She addressed the pretty peachy woman next to her with a giddy grin, missing her inquiry in her haste, they'd only spoken but a few words before the man had joined them. ...I am a healer. Pretty good at it too, I like ta' think. Trained since I was young. Envy would muse with a soft air of ego, black-tipped ears pressing back against her head as she'd rise to pace once more. She'd forgo telling him about her little cache in the cliffs, such information would be earned with acceptance. 

The fiend struggled to sit still, movement spurred thought, and so she'd continue on, a slight wag to her tail and a skip to her step, she'd go on casually, with a confident, fearless cadence as if she knew the other two far longer than the mere moments they'd spent together...I can do most other things too, with varying success. I'm an intimidatin' foe for any nasty intruders. She grinned, offering a half-joke and turned to look at the other girl. What about you?

Though her scrawny, hungered frame seemed a testament to her lackluster hunting skills. No skill, nor grace, nor tactic, simply ravenous inclination cast toward each quarry she'd managed to snatch up within the last few months. 

Honestly, she hadn't exactly sought to investigate the intricacies of the pack's she'd tried her luck with, as much as she'd simply thrust herself toward them, a delicious snack served on a platter, primmed and prime for the taking; this time however, she'd make certain that her flavour was sweet and enticing, no room for error, no room for the rot to seep through and sabotage. 

..Is yellowstone the sorta place that's lookin' for additions? ...I at least, am sick of it out here. How's a healer supposed to keep their sanity with nothing to heal? I've been bored enough to claw my own hide just for a taste of a task. She huffed shamelessly and fell back onto stormy haunches, looking to the other girl, wondering if she too had come to linger in lands close to pack wolves intentionally. ....With that said.. I'd be... honoured for any consideration, on your part, mister boss of yellowstone. Envy addressed the man with a sheepish smile, unmatching the devouring gaze she kept on him, as if trying to study the thoughts within his head before they'd come out as words.
Swiftcurrent Creek
69 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Pukei's questions were answered immediately as the man responded, and she offered a quiet, understanding ah at his words. Well, at least it wasn't a dangerous, bloodthirsty pack she had to look out for this side of the mountains; if the phlegmatic disposition of this alpha was anything to judge the rest of his pack by. Despite this, the girl wasn't as eager as her company – who introduced herself as Envy – to join Yellowstone. A mild flicker of annoyance had sparked in her chest as his introduction. Who was he to move them along when they were simply minding their own business outside his borders?

Envy, however, was all too eager to align herself with the man, making a case for joining with a spirited energy that did not falter. So she was a healer? Well, that might have explained the situation with the mouse just before – maybe she had been studying its broken hind legs? Pukei shot back a nervous half smile at Envy's mention of being a intimidating foe and subsequent grin; she couldn't tell if she was being sincere. Her question was answered with a swift shake of her head.

Despite Pukei's reservations towards the man and his pack, she did empathise with the girl and understood why she was so eager to join. The life of a loner was harsh – loneliness and slim pickings food-wise was the price to pay for the freedom to roam where one pleased. Well, almost anywhere, apparently. She turned to look back to the alpha. "She makes a good case for herself," Pukei tacked on to the end of Envy's request. Even if she herself wasn't looking to join, she didn't mind backing the other girl up.
devil you know
111 Posts
Ooc — Delaney
the one woman — envy — makes her case, and arktos is the first to admit that having a second healer would be good for their ranks. even the bison calfs were large and capable of bulldozing their thick skulls into a wolf. and that wasn't even to mention the hooves or small wicked sharp horns.

the other woman did not appear as eager as her companion to join yellowstone's ranks.

name's arktos, he offers to both women, though envy, admittedly holds most of his attention. yellowstone could use another healer. we're a pack of hunters, primarily. i suspect when it comes time to cull the bison herds of their sick or lame those healin' skills will come in handy. no hunt was without it's risk, after all.

when you're ready, he looks between the two women before his gaze settles on envy. acquaint yourself with the land and be sure to introduce yourself to my wife @Nephele. he takes his leave of the two women then with a small dip of his head, shrugging back inside his borders.

[Image: 69468913_Hf98GqUAMTX6DLb.png]
adopt my babies
Nothing else could make me feel this good
99 Posts
Ooc — Bone
She'd blink once, twice, thrice over. A blank expression now painted across her face. Her tail fell flat to the earth and her head could not help but tilt beyond her own control. Was that a yes? That was a yes. Certainly it was. That easily? How lucky! 

Hell, she was about to roll over like a whelp begging its parents for an extra morsel. Good to know such losses of dignity could be saved for another time. 

She'd flash a grin at the girl next to her, offering a grateful flick of her ear for all the backup she'd provided. A stranger, and yet she'd vouched for her all the same. Envy hadn't even shared her mouse with her. She'd make a mental note to rectify that, someday, if their paths crossed again. 

Hm. You didn't seem too eager, ya not comin'? She'd ask her, traipsing another circle around her and thrusting her face right up at the other Well good luck to you then! Whereever you go. Envy chided, pulling back and making sure to leave her with a gentle flick of her tail on the way by. 

For the first time in a long while, she followed after another. Skittered after, really. She'd suppress her desire to fill the air with a barrage of questions on the way through the borders.
Swiftcurrent Creek
69 Posts
Ooc — Laur
It seemed Pukei's praise of Envy's skills was unneeded. Just like that, the man had welcomed the other woman – in a roundabout way – into Yellowstone's fold, telling her to see his wife when she was ready. She was equally as puzzled for a moment and, should Arktos cast a glance behind him, he would see the two girls staring after him with their heads tilted in tandem.

Her attention was stolen as Envy flashed her a toothy smile before tracing a small circle around her once more. Pukei gave a quick shake of her head in response; she wasn't a hunter in any sense of the word. And did Arktos say they hunted bison? How terrifying. She suspected Envy would have her healing work cut out for her in such a pack.

"Thank you, and to you!" Pukei called out as the other spun on her heel with a flick of her tail and followed after the large leader. She watched them go, before she too turned and headed off, being sure to walk away from the direction of the fields Arktos seemed so possessive over. Nevertheless, she wished the best for both he and Envy.