Whitewater Gorge Guess What!
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Welcome 
Paeon trotted off away from the Hoshor Plains, an excited prep to her step. She had spoken with the Moonwoman Kukutux and offered her assistance, enough to be granted an opportunity that put music in her head.

Once she got some free time she stepped away from the healer's camp and lifted her head to the sky. She called out for @Cassidy. He'd gone off to do his own thing while she was at the healer camp, but she eagerly waited like a young child ready to tell a secret. A happy flowing wag was already in her tail.

She made her way West of the plains, the sound of running water in the nearby gorge serving as background noise.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
He’d enjoyed his time roaming around the plains, meet new folks, seeing new sights, but when he heard Paeon’s call, he didn’t waste any time.

With a happy expression on is face, and his tail swaying happily, he quickly made his way to Paeon. He slowed to a trot as he neared, her figure and the rushing water. “Howdy Paeon!” He stood there in front of her, “How’s the healin’ goin?”
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
'Howdy' She heard his greeting and flicked her head in his direction. A smile stretched to the corners of her cheeks as she galloped up to him to close the gap between them, eager to share her news. 

"It's going good. Really good. So good in fact... I've been given an opportunity..." she said smug, lingering on the thought, building up her imagined suspense.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
She closed the gap between them and he listened intently on what she had to say…. She said it’s really good, so good that an opportunity arose. “Really?!” He asked curiously, “What is it?”

Oh he hoped it was something real good, because Paeon deserved to live out her dream as a combat medic. Only the best could do a trade as high as that!
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon's excitement took over and she began rambling quickly, words falling out of her mouth like a bag of marbles. "Okay Okay Okay. So I met this guy Alaric, who's this really cool dark hero guy that sets break, pops shoulders, and other cool stuff, and he told me about this Moonwoman who sounded like a witchy spell caster but is really just a nice spiritualist healer, and how she was managing the healing camp I was in, and how she might be able to find some work for me to do, I went around looking for a small cloud of wolf and found her, I let her know who I was and how I wanted to help, I helped her with some stuff, and then she invited me to join up with her in a midwife camp!"

She looked to Cassidy, eyes wide, eager to see his reaction, unphased by the fact that half of what she said was likely inaudible.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
Cassidy had never seen someone so excited about something, ever. She was aglow with happiness, her eyes bright, talking at perhaps the speed of a river.

He stood in awe, eyes wide mouth agape. He listened as hard as he could, and by the time she finished her telling of what all happened in his absence, he just stood there. He was very excited for her, getting to practice her dream.

“Wow!” He began with a gasp, “That’s amazing, Paeon!” “Okay, so let me get this straight….”

“You met a man named Alaric, who happened to be a healer and hero, then he told you about a white wolf named Moonwoman, who isn’t a witch but another healer.” He took a breath in before reciting again, “You went looking for this Moonwoman because she’d likely have work for you, and when you found her, she invited you into her healing camps?”

He looked to Paeon, hoping he’d gotten the picture right.
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon's tail continued to sway as Cassidy recited her words back to her. Part of her wondered what there was to get straight. After all, she had so elegantly portrayed her series of events. But hearing it again still made her a bit giddy.

"You got it!" she confirmed. "I'll be over in Moontide for a few weeks"

"What about you?" she asked wanting to know what great adventures he may have come across during their short time apart.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
“Awe, that’s awesome!” He replied, “Is that far from here?”

She looked very excited, and he was happy for her, but he had to think when she’d asked what he’d been up to.

“Well, I was watching some bison one night, when this big giant of a wolf showed up claiming the bison and land as his. He offer me to join, but I refused.” What he didn’t say was that he was offered a rank as omega. “But other than that, not much.”

“So, does that mean we’ll start another adventure together?” He asked, a glimmer of hope and excitement in his eyes.
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
When Cassidy asked his question Paeon paused a moment. A blank look on her face. It had slipped her mind. She hadn't thought to ask Kukutux where Moontide was. All she knew was that she would be accompanying the Moonwoman there. "Well... I'm not too sure..." Paeon said trying to sound casual but trying not to sound stupid for forgetting to ask a rather common sense question. "I'm sure it's not too far"

As Paeon listened to Cassidy speak of his time away her eyes grew as he described a giant male wolf. "He owned a whole herd of bison?! Was he as big as one of them? Did the bison think he was one of their kind?" Paeon asked as her mind created a fantasy tail in her mind, a part of her wishing she had been there herself to witness it. She also thought it was pretty cool that this giant wolf invited Cassidy to join his ranks, he must have seen some great potential in Cassidy.

When Cassidy asked about another adventure between the two Paeon responded quickly. "Of course! After I go to Moontide I'll be itching to venture off and put my new skills to work... And that's a lot more fun when you're not on your own" she said. She'd come to like hanging around Cassidy, things were more fun with him around.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
“Well, I’ll tag along almost anywhere.” He replied, then listened intently on her questions. When it came to the bison man, that event left a funny taste in his mouth, so to speak. “Can’t be sure. Maybe he wanted to protect them, keep them to himself. I didn’t stick around long to find out. But, he was gonna claim the land.

Recalling this tale made him wonder: Did he fully call claim to the land yet?

On another note, “Well, with your medic skills and my, uh, wanderlust, who knows what we can accomplish! And if we happen to come across anyone in need, I have a cave in Great Bear Wilderness, right near Brecheliant. It was given to me by one of the first friends I made here.” “I wonder how she’s doing.”

A thought had the come to mind, but he hoped he wouldn’t hurt Paeon’s feelings: “While you’re off training and honing your medic skills, would you mind if I went to visit her? Ceridwin.”
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon listened intently her tail wagging excitedly behind her, reflecting Cassidy's enthusiasm for their next adventure back at him. She didn't comment on it but she stored away the thought of his cave in the Great Bear Wilderness for another time.

When asked if she could mind him going to meet up with an old friend her response was quick, perhaps too quick. "Naahh...! You do you. Might be boring for you to stick around while I train. We can meet up after." The idea that she might miss him or miss his company, not having a chance to cross her mind with the excitement of her medical opportunity coming up.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mad
She gave him a quick answer, she wouldn’t mind, he could go for it. 

“Thanks. Aw, I don’ think it’d be boring.” He replied, “Not if it’s what you enjoy. You go an’ have a great time, and when we meet back up, you can show an’ tell all you’ve learned!”

In the back of his mind, he knows he’ll miss her company, but this was her dream, and she should grab it. He was just a wanderer, that was his nature. 

He reached forward to touch his nose to her cheek as a goodbye gesture, before he’d watch her run off to wherever she was going.