Dragoncrest Cliffs for all the sacred selfless days
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Ooc — twin
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clueless to the stench of death which rattled around sapphique, cheri spent her afternoon as most girls her age did — pestering her siblings.
but, perhaps unusually, this was not her intention. a ways beyond the den she had found a rather annoyingly large branch, which she, naturally, decided to cart back to her family in the hopes of showing off her catch. it made abhorrent scraping sounds against the dirt and was only muffled by the grass for short intervals before it picked back up again. worse, however, was the thudding which banged against the outer fortress as she tried — and failed — to get it inside.
stubborn as cheri was, she simply refused to ask for help; only backed up on her stubby little legs and tried again, again, again. as many times as it would take!
42 Posts
Ooc — mercury
he didn't know about the old woman's death, yet. that was probably for the best. still rattled by finding cayetano, he stayed closer to the dens—and there he encountered the gilded cousin cheri, struggling with a long stick. 

lemme help, lafayette offered, rushing to her aid, despite not meeting her formally before. he'd watched her bounce off the entrance to the den one too many times; he couldn't not help.

the ruddy boy took one end in his mouth and told her, turn wi' me. we go in.

thus beginning the shifting of branch and wolf, and journey into the den with her. . .treasure.
5 Posts
Ooc — twin
cheri pauses abruptly, warm baby blues shifting toward the boy who now approached her. in the glint of her gemstone eyes is a speck of shifting tint, guard hairs flared; the branch makes a loud thunk as it hits the ground.
i dun' need your 'elp, she states matter-of-factly, thin puppy tail sticking straight up. 't's my s'dick.
because obviously, he was trying to steal it, right? she flops down on top of the branch as if to guard it, but yelps in surprise when she gets poked by a shard of loose bark right in her armpit.
she pauses, staring wide-eyed at lafayette, pale cheeks dusting with an embarrassed shade of rouge. she must not let down her guard, lest his kind gesture be a ruse — she was not to be bullied, not to be a target! she ignores the crocodile tears that begin to well in her eyes, lips tersely knit into a stiff frown.
42 Posts
Ooc — mercury
a'right, a'right, he agreed, backing away. only to see the gilded-pelted girl stumble and hurt herself, lying open-mouthed upon the ground.

instead of seizing the stick, though, he stayed where he was, coolly appraising the situation.

it too big fa' you on your own, lafayette remarked, bluntly but not unkindly. i was tryin' to help. not tryin' to steal.

his face contorts, slightly, into sympathy. i can help hide it, he offered, shrugging. so it can be your treasure.
5 Posts
Ooc — twin
lafayette was convincing enough. you bedder not be lyin', cheri scoffs, hiding her sniveling behind a brush of her wrist over her face. finders keebers. she hesitantly shuffles away, hissing under her breath over the soreness under her foreleg. where we put it? she asks, gaze softening somewhat beneath his cool, assured countenance. i'on' wan' nobubby findin' it.